Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 21.

Note: Bold sentences mean their wolf is talking.

Reminder: Wolfs names

Zion’s = Zeus



Yeshua=Yehu (Yeshua is hybrid warlock and werewolf)

Azah when her spirit takes control it’s in italics

Italics = is also when they mindlink

Zion POV

It is one of those days, where the baby blue sky is dotted with puffy brilliant white clouds. Lazily drifting in the gentle wind. The town is thriving, everyone is happy and enjoying the new day. Except for me. I’m here at Luns Garden hiding from the towns councils and everyone else.

It’s been two full weeks now and she hasn’t woken up.

“Zion, man come on. You know the rules with the Moons coven. They’re not allowing anyone near her body, it’ll disturb the ritual.”

Of course the annoying Yeshua bypasses my mindlink shield and disrupt my peaceful daydream. Well, an attempt to be peaceful.

“Fuck off Yeshua.”

“Zion, you’ve only attended one meeting. We need our Alpha.”

“Yeshua, You have a Beta for a reason.

“You're not even gonna let Michael enjoy his matebond with Sophia? Man that’s low.”

“You have a Gamma.” Annoyed now that he’s still talking to me.

“Bro, you know Josiah hates these meetings as much you do. He’ll just make things worse.”

“Good idea, appoint Josiah. Till I’m back.”

Yeshua snickers and says “Right, like you're not lying down on the grass in Luns Garden.”

“Yeshua you can be a pain in the ass you know. Just let me be, alright. I appoint Gamma Josiah Deacon to take charge and let Michael enjoy his honeymoon. Disturb me again Yeshua, and I’ll punch you in the face.”

“Whatever, man.”

Finally. Alone.

It’s been a whole fucking two week and the Moons coven wouldn’t let me see her. Yeshua told me that Azah and her spirit connection were critically in danger. This could’ve possibly killed Azah. The magical lake helped temporarily but she had to go the spirit world to heal, train and better understand her powers. Her body is resting inside the Moon's holy coven building where no one is allowed in unless authorized. Away everyone including her family.

I won’t lie tho this is driving me crazy, the whole town is driving me crazy. I’ve been escaping from everyone just to keep sane, I know Zeus wouldn’t be able to tame himself and I don’t even have the strength to stop him. Mentally I’m exhausted, emotionally I’m broken, physically I’m just empty. I haven’t told anyone that she’s my mate. The council has been urging me to talk about what happened at the ball but honestly I just can't. I’m just tired. I want her, I NEED HER. Fuck everything else, I just need her. I really don’t know how long I could take this.



“Alpha Zion?”

Oh. Awkward. Yeshua and his uncle sound too much alike.

“Master Helios?” I asked in a calmer tone.

“We will need you . Ayra. She’s been looking for her guardian. She says that she can sense her guardian here. The Dawns' coven will be arriving soon with their Alpha and their Great Master, head of the coven.”

“Oh. Ok. Can’t my father… nevermind I’ll be there.”

My dad would have stood in replacement of me, heck even Michael. But learning and seeing how the Moons coven operates, it can’t be any different from the Dawns coven. They would rather speak to the recent Alpha.

Zeus has been extremely quiet ever since Azah said her goodbye. He is more broken than I am, so shifting has become painful. It’s almost like his refusing me to shift. Oh have the tables have turned. The tragic irony in this.

The secret I kept for over twenty-three years is out. I’m a dire white wolf. Shocking a lot of my own warriors when I had no other choice but to shift. It wasn’t just the Silver Moon packs we were fighting, it was three other packs that took the opportunity to attack in hopes they would take over our land and coven. Rumours had it that I was a weak Alpha who’s wolf was smaller in size, doubting capabilities in protecting my pack. Apparently I was embarrassed so that’s why I didn’t shift, to their surprise my wolf ended up towering over their own Alphas. Killing them instantly and leaving them without an Alpha.



“Finally the man of the hour has arrived.” Yeshua smirks with humour.

“Touch me and I’ll punch your face.”

“Whoa there. Let’s be cordial, we're gonna have guests soon.”

This guy. Hmmm. I decided it’s best to say nothing and just allow Josiah and Yeshua to continue on making their stupid jokes. Buying my time.

“Dude Zion, you really got to change your whole aura though. It’s not welcoming at all.” Yeshua said.

“Yeshua, just let him be. He’ll fix it.” Michael said as walks towards me.

I hate to say this but seeing Michael though he is my betta, just makes me dislike him. He's all happy and shit. I know it’s not fair for me to feel this way but like fuck him. And everyone too.

“Whatever. Where’s your unc.. I mean Master Helios.”

“Packs headquarter building.” Yeshua quickly answers.


Walking past them I overhear someone else calling my name. Annoyed, I turned around.

“Alpha Zion?” Sophia asked nervously.

She still hasn’t gotten used to me, I can always sense how nervous she is whenever I’m around her and Michael. Although she’s not officially appointed yet till Azah comes, she's Luna's second in command.

Feeling bad I didn't want her to feel more uncomfortable around me, I took a deep breath in and out.

Gentlying answering “Yes Sophia.”

For the first time she glanced up at me, looking straight to my eyes. Bold. I thought. Curious now about what she had to say, I gave her all my attention.

“Umm… right.. Azah.”

“What about?” I tried to control my tone, but it just came off as I being impatient. Talking about Azah to anyone is a sensitive topic. Everyone knew not to test me on this.

“It’s her birthday tomorrow. And well I know it’s not something I should bring up. Michael even warned me but I thought she wouldn’t want to hear that we left you out.”

“And?” I ask now calmly.

“The girls and I decided to have a small picnic outside the Moons Mansion. That one night at the party I noticed how she admired the great large tree behind the Mansion. Aissatou mentioned the history behind the tree and we figure it would be the perfect place to have a celebration. It’ll be nice to have you there?”

I stayed silent for a couple of minutes thinking it through. The silence must’ve been killing her.

“I’ll think about it.” An honest answer is all I could give her.

She smiles nervously “It's better than a no.”

True. “I guess it is.” I give her a weak smile, before walking away. That’s probably the most genuine smile I’ve shown in a while. Even smiling is painful.


Arriving at the headquarters I could tell my dad’s furious, and my mom had her motherly concern face on. No one has been able to contact me for the past two weeks. After finishing off my duties I bolted to my hidden place. My house was constantly being visited but I wasn’t there. Thankfully I built another home that no one knows about. This house is not too far from the Luns Garden.

“Master Helios, Great Madam Selene. Where is… Madam Eos?”

“She’s with Azah.” Master Helios answers.

Oh. So they allow her in but not…her mate.

“Alpha Zion, there's a few things we must go through before they’re arrival.” Great Madam Selene suggested.

“Things that would’ve been easier to communicate if you didn’t block us out.” My dad said with a stern tone.

Rolling my eyes. I really didn’t come all way here for this bullshit. Ignoring my dad I turned to Master Helios and Great Madam Selene my full attention.

Great Madam Selene spoke with authoritative tone.

“First thing first. Ayra has mentioned that the guardian is here. Now as we all know only one guardian has been born in this town and that’s Yeshua my son. The coven has confirmed that the ancient spirit wolf Yehu was reborn for only one purpose, which is to be the Moons spirit guardian.”

“Can one guardian be a guardian of two spirits?” I asked, curious to know.

“It’s possible but only if they come from the same family. Usually not many spirits get the chance to meet their guardian, because some haven’t been reborn yet and by the time they are it's almost impossible to locate them. My niece Azah and Eos are an exception. Yehu vowed to only be reborn in the Moon's family. Guarding two spirits in one family is easier than two different families.”

My mother asked, “So how do we locate the other guardian?”

Great Madam Selene looks at me with her piercing ocean blue green eyes. Shit. She reads people like an open book, it’s impossible to hide anything for her. It can be uncomfortable for the most part, especially when you know she can do more than just read you on the outside. Literally get inside your mind and just pick and choose from your memories, thoughts, and feelings. No one is safe around her.

She breaks her silence “Alpha Zion.”

I don't like the sound of that tone.

“Ayra Dawns, Great Master John, and Alpha Chan-Yeol request for all male wolves and warlocks to be called in while Ayra and Great Master John determine who is the guardian.”

A small chuckle turns into a braying laughing. I couldn’t stop laughing. Honestly it wasn’t funny at all but the audacity. It’s the audacity that made it funny. Or maybe I’m just going insane. Everyone was silent and waited till I was finished. I wasn’t.

“They want us. US! to bring forth all of our male residents for them to quote on a quote to determine who is the guardian?”

Laughing again this time more seriously

“Did you guys just forget what just happened two weeks ago? Ayra wasn’t in sight, she didn’t help fight off the Silver Moon or help Azah for that matter. Leaving Azah with Dorles.. FUCKING DORLES! WHO I FIND OUT IS A POWERFUL HEX WITCH! Almost killing Azah or whatever the fuck you wanna call it.. And now because she senses her guardian is here we are to HELP HER! HELP HER, HER!”

No. That’s an order.”

I have a lot of tension built up against Ayra. She knew Azah was still a young vessel, learning about her powers. Yet she left taking that bastard Alpha Chris with her, without coming till three days after. I allowed her to stay and take refugee until we had word from her coven but that’s how far my diplomatic relationship will go for her.

“Inform Gamma Josiah that Ayra will be taken to the border and her Alpha will take responsibility. They will not enter our land.”

“Alpha Zion. Please think carefully about this.”

Master Helios said.

I knew it. I just knew it. That is the last draw for Zeus. After two weeks in hiding he takes control.



I can feel Great Madam Selene serenity inducement power crawling between the walls I’ve built throughout the two weeks. As it tries to calm my wolf from shifting.

“Alpha Zion there’s no need to..”

closing my eyes, focusing on fighting off her powers.

Great Madam.” Saying her name firmly. The whole room became silent. I could sense their surprise in my tone when speaking to the Great Madam of the Moons coven.

By now my whole body is shaking furiously. “SHE. IS. MY. MATE.” Zeus isn’t the one to hold back, but we are trying are very best not to shift in this room.

Don’t make me repeat myself.” I said while clenching my teeth and my hands curled into fists.

With this knowledge, the whole room held their breaths. Not knowing what to do or say.

“We… ummmm..” Master Helios speechless.

“Surely, we can find another option instead of gathering all the men. Right Selene?”

“Yea.. I mean yes of course. We can have a talk with Ayra’s pack and find another solution. I ask Alpha Zion to at least allow them inside.”

Fine. Your coven will bare all responsibilities.”

“That won’t be a problem.” Master Helios assures me.

“One last thing Alpha Zion Zeus”

I quickly turned to Great Madam Selene. I haven’t heard anyone call me that name in ages. Not since…

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