Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 18. Part I (short)

Note: Patrick Watson's song Je te laisserai des mots is real and it’s beautiful. The translation is in brackets (). Take the time to listen to it, while you reading this even. 😉

Chapter 18 Part I

Though both aware of what this meant, our eyes refused to break contact. Those beautiful mysterious eyes, that shout what his lips don’t say.

I will know him by his eyes. I said to myself.

The music began to change to a slower song by Patrick Watson. My eyes are still on Zion as he comes down to the dance floor.

Je te laisserai des mots

(I leave you notes)

En-dessous de ta porte

(Under your door)

En-dessous de murs qui chatent

(Under the singing moon)

Tout pres de la place ou tes pieds passent

(Near the place where your feet passes)

Caches dans les trous de ton divan

(Hidden in the holes of wintertime)

Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant

(And when you’re alone for a moment )


(Pick me up)

Quan tu voudras

(Wherever you want

Embrasse-moi ……

(Kiss me) …..

He walks towards me leaving no space between us. This is the first time that we’ve publicly displayed physical contact. His eyes glow for a moment, before kissing my collarbones sensually. Biting my lips as I hold in my moan. My body wanting oh so much desire, hungry for his touch. He reaches to my lips and begins to kiss me slowly, as our tongue slowly dances to the passion flowing between us. This kiss is different from any other we had.

Our kiss communicating It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter that I’m not your mate, It doesn’t matter. With this kiss, I show you, my love. Giving you my heart, my mind and my soul in full. This kiss is a testament in its power to all the truth that I hold.

Time had stopped. A bittersweet moment that releases electrified tingles throughout our bodies. Pressed tight from each other as our hot breath mingles, giving space for our tongue to slow dance. Both surrendering. We part our lips away from each other, his hands still on my waist pulling me closer and my hands on his face. I love how it feels to be held by him.

We sway across the dance floor, tightly pressing me against his body, pushing heat against my face as he whispers in French the words to the song in my ear. That fluttery, nervous stomach feeling as I remember the first time I heard his voice. Everything about him in this moment is too familiar. Almost like a deja vu. I look at him again, his eyes reflecting my emotions. Right now we are both in a constant war of want and denial.

Without warning, my body began to panic. I let go of his hold and started running away.

“AZAH!” I hear Zion screaming painfully. Why am I running, and why do I feel like I’ve gone through this before?

I ran as fast I could, lifting my dress.

“Azah!” Sophia rushed to me smiling but started to frown when she saw my face.

“What happened?”

“Nothing” my voice cracked. I didn’t realize that I was crying until I tasted my salty tears.

“No. Your crying Azah, something happened. Is it Zion?”

"I gotta go."

As I ran, there was a strange pull to run to the woods. I start to hear someone cry, remembering the same cry that heard on my first day of school. Things started to blur, still hearing the girl’s cry. Was it my goddess spirit crying along with me or was it truly someone else? I couldn't tell.

Looking around in a panic as my vision becomes disfigured. Where am I? My heart is thudding loudly in my chest, and my hands are shaking.

Where am I?

Tripping over from an unknown object on the ground. I'm on the ground, my dressed is ripped and my hands are covered in dirt. I hear footsteps, this had me look up. I see a figure coming to me. “Zion?”

“No. I’m your mate.” He says as he laughs maniacally.

He smacked me on the face fiercely.

I felt a strong tingling sensation creep up. Someone placed a spell on me. My body landed on the ground frozen. Before I could get a glimpse of the man I was drifting into the unconsciousness.

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