Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 16. Part II (short)

Zion POV

Waking up to a darken gravel-grey sky, the sound of a wall of rain falling. The sound blurred into one long, whirring noise. To my side, Azah slept peacefully in my embrace.

So much rain was falling, I wonder if we’ll have to cancel the Blue Moon Ball.

NO. Micah will kill us if we do.

True. Very true. Unlike me, I did my best to put little thoughts into the ball. The idea of waiting for Azah’s mate switch to turn on at the strike of midnight is just nerve-wracking. Michael has been patient and waiting for Sophia, it wouldn’t be fair to cancel this day. Rolling my eyes, I hear the sound of a car driving in my driveway. This better be good. I got up slowly, making sure not to wake Azah up. Tucking her in with my duvet, hoping she doesn’t notice my absence from the bed. From their scent, I knew it was my brothers. Why the fuck are they here? Zeus and I never got along with my brothers.

I’m the youngest, so to be an Alpha is a very rare thing. Almost unheard of and it didn’t sit well with my oldest brother Zariah, who was training his entire life to be the next Alpha before I was born. Zachary the second eldest is the only one out of the four that I get along with. Couldn’t stand the rest, reasons why I live so far up overseeing the entire town. I open the door, they entered in. I didn’t face them as I head to the kitchen to make some warm hot chocolate and something for her to eat in case she woke up.

“What do you want?” I ask, not interested to know the answer but whatever they’re already here.

There are six of us, sadly all brothers and one sister. Three came to visit, though Zachary left for business. It's only Zariah, Zander, and Zane.

“So it's true? You are seeing the Azah chic.'' Zane said playfully.

Of course, they can smell the scent of Our previous arousal's. It's still strong.

“You came to see if I’m seeing anyone. Or what?”

“Dad wants us to talk to you.” Zariah asserted his dominance as the eldest. I’m laughing inside, typical Zariah is always trying to challenge me in some way.

He better be careful. I have no patience. Make this quick Zion. Zeus demanded

“Then talk.”

Zariah isn’t happy with my boldness.

Tone it down big boy, I’m not too happy to have you here either.

“He thinks you should wait till you are sure she doesn’t have a mate. Wait till her mate switch is on.” Zander, who spoke over Zariah, decides to take over the conversation as he senses the tension between Zariah and I.

“And If I didn’t?” I asked.

“Fuck Zion you didn’t mark her did you?” Zander asks.

Ignoring his question. “Question why did dad send all three of you?”

Silence fell in the room.

Zane hesitated. “Dad didn’t think your wolf Zeus would be up to discussing things with him ever since that day you told him to back off.”

“You’ve been acting up lately….”

“More like acting irresponsible and less of an Alpha. You should think about your action before telling dad off like that in front of everyone.” Zariah finished talking.

Hmmm.. Interesting.

“Zariah, do you dislike your Alpha?”

“What?” Zariah asked, confused.

“Who is your Alpha, Zariah?”

“That’s not the point.”

WHO IS YOUR ALPHA, ZARIAH?” Zeus wants an answer. At this point, I think our patients with Zariah have run off. Brother or not, I know the moment I lose control Zeus wouldn’t hesitate to fight Zariah and make him submit.

My brothers were silent. Zariah was trying very hard not to submit.

He quietly spoke “You… are… Alpha Zion.”

“Good. Now that we made that clear, you can all leave. Tell dad, Zeus has nothing against him. But balance is needed, there’s a way to talk to me as your brother and still respect me as your Alpha.”

“Zion, please. This is Zane here.. Like come on bro. At least tell us that you didn’t mark her, cause we’ll have to answer to the Moons coven if you did.”

Giving a wicked smile “You guys don’t know what kind of wolf I am, do you?”

All of them are confused. They never really cared. If they were there to see my first painful shift they would’ve understood why I was chosen to be the Alpha instead of Zariah. I now understand Zariah doesn’t even know who Zeus is to the Moons coven. This also means they’ve never seen Yeshua shift either.

I didn’t wait for them to answer. Their faces confirm it all.

“You guys should leave. Azah will be awake soon.”

They all got up, opened the door and left. Leaving Zariah at the door.

“You act all high mighty, for once just let us in.”

“You resent me. For once just look at it from my perspective”

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