Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 11

Josiah walks back and forth analyzing us, giving a death glare while speaking

“This afternoon we consist of both classes here. We will be conducting a trial on how much you’ve learnt from your lessons. They’ll also be witches and warlocks in this trial. Listen carefully.”

A gorgeous woman came forward with white hair blunt cut. She has distinctive southeastern Asian features, a beige smooth skin with a touch of a warm pink undertone. She’s petite in size, but something advises me not to underestimate her based on that.

Sophia leans closer to me and whispers “That’s Josiah’s mate. She’s a witch.” Ohhh interesting pair, but very well matched.

Her voice boomed, “Hello everyone, My name is Hyun-Jae. I’ll be the head witch guardian for this trial. There are many other witches and warlock guardians behind me that are instructed to practise their magic with all force. Every spell and trick they know of will be used against you. In the present circumstances, there is a restriction of course for the safety of the pack and coven. Though it is a trial, this could and can become our reality. We must learn to adapt to any circumstances thrown at us. You are the Moons coven. We are more resilient together.”

All the witches and warlocks said simultaneously “WE GUIDE, WE PROTECT OUR OWN.”

My necklace began to glow bright, and heard her voice repeat “WE GUIDE, WE PROTECT OUR OWN.”

Sophia flung her hands to her mouth in shock “Azah your eyes are glowing blue.”

I knew it, but the reason why it’s glowing I’m not sure. Oh no. Note to self ask Aïssatou the meaning behind my eyes glowing. I see Yehu walking near the field, hidden from others. I ponder why he has to be invincible. My eyes search for Zion, but he wasn’t near sight. Where is he?

Josiah comes forward and shouts “WARRIORS.”

“YES GAMMA JOSIAH,” The warriors said simultaneously.

“PACKS,” Josiah said louder almost into a howl.


“As Hyun-Jae said, We must learn to adapt to any circumstances thrown at us. As for werewolves. Behind me, are the highest rank commanders and behind them are the elite warriors that serve to protect this pack and coven. I have instructed them to allow their wolf to acquire absolute control during this trial. There’s never time to think properly only to react with instincts. Your spirit becomes the mind of your body.

Because of this, you must trust your wolf instincts to protect you, and most importantly you must trust their instinct to protect your pack. This will be a challenge for most as they will transform into a different level of animalistic being. For those who have never let their wolf take full control, it is time. Only then will you be whole with your wolf. Remember your wolf knows best, do not hold them back.”

In the midst of all this. What am I to do if attacked? I’m soo confused. “Run” true I can do that, I’m good at that.

The open space fell silent, Zion’s Alpha aura dominating the atmosphere. His eyes glowing, his left gold and his right cobalt blue. They met mine for a moment, and my eyes glowed in response. Touching my necklace in wonder if this is the rush of emotions he meant.

“No.” If not, then what is this feeling? He didn’t speak but rather observed, his eyes still glowing and his aura becoming powerful and powerful by the moment. Finally, he breaks his silence

“Alpha Zeus.” He roared.

“Some will be met with the unfortunate challenge of facing me. This is a trial so I will not shift. If you are to come into a situation where an Alpha is in your presence, you must adapt on bringing forth your full endurance and instantly run. I will be testing your wolf’s endurance, though your wolf will want to submit. Tame it to do the opposite for today and only today. Do think for a second that I will allow you any other day to disrespect me. I am not patient like Alpha Zion. I will rip your throats out. Do not challenge me, even if this is a trial I am still your Alpha. You may run away from me. But dare challenge me and I’ll have you greet death before death greets you.”


I couldn’t hear properly what he even said, the whole time I was completely turned on. Imma needs to focus, but who really can with that sexy voice of his. All serious and shit.

Beta Michael leads the run forward, while Zion ran the far left side.

Wishing he would just stay longer. The other high ranks follow Michael. We heard a great howl as a signal for us to start running, midway through many began to shift. Witches and warlocks’ hands glowing from magic being summoned. And I have no idea what I’m doing but I kept on running. Gamma Josiah said to rely on your instincts, I don’t have a wolf but the hell with it. My human instincts haven’t shifted me in the wrong direction before. For now, it just told me to pick up speed and run far away from this madness. I’ll deal with what’s to come when it’s time. I lost sight of Sophia, assuming her wolf directed her elsewhere. As I entered the forest, I see some wolves encircling each other, glaring into each other’s eyes and growling ferociously before attacking. You can hear some wolves howling and pawing the ground fiercely.

Rushing through the forest, my legs took their course of action and took me to a different side of the forest. Almost tripping over an exposed tree root. Making the mistake to look forward a little too late; a large wolf is thrown in my direction. Oh shit. I hear the sound of rattled broken bones. The wolf body is on top of me, and I’m pushed against the tree trunk. I think I might’ve screamed as I beheld the enormous weight crushing my source of oxygen slowly. But it was impossible to hear anything over the haunting call of the wolves.

Yeah, fuck this. I’m not going to just lay here waiting for help while the poor wolf requires help. I pushed the wolf away from me. My adrenaline must be kicking in for me to have this much strength to push a full-grown werewolf. The werewolf began to whine. Noticing she is a she-wolf. She’s definitely hurt. Looking around, it is impossible to decipher what is happening. All I know is that I am smack in the middle of the trial battle, but it feels like an actual battle. Where is Yehu? I need him?

“No, you don’t.” I suddenly hear her voice.

“She’s hurt.”

“Use my powers to soothe her.”

“There is no fucking time! Fuck just come forward and you do it, and I’ll just watch.”

With that command, she came forward placing my hands throughout the she-wolves’ body. She rises and bows her head in gratitude. Disappearing into the forest. I could see two of the wolves’ eyes darting around, wide and terrified at what was happening. This went on for hours, as I continued to run. If the weight of the wolf on top of me didn’t kill me then this for sure may have done the trick. A spell was cast in the direction hitting the midsection of my stomach. On the ground, my body groaned in pain, and my eyes darted around the scene before me.

Hyun-Jae voice immerses my thoughts “Though it is a trail, this could and can become our reality. We must learn to adapt to any circumstances that are thrown to us.”

What’s the point of being a vessel to a Goddess if you’re not going to use her powers. Get up Azah, fight the pain. This shit shouldn’t even faze you.

“Grant me your powers.”

“We are one. I shall do so.”

Without a moment to waste, feeling a mild electric shock as I feel the energy coursing through my veins. My heart is steady, no longer racing in shock from the pain. My shallow breathing has stopped, and I no longer feel the pain, the energy continues to shake throughout my entire body. My eyes and my whole body is glowing brighter than ever. The heat seems to rise off my body in waves, but I have not yet broken into a sweat from the increase of body heat.

Internal sense and sensory perception heighten rapidly. I could feel and smell everyone’s scent. The strongest one is Zion. “ZION”

Yes, she’s tired of this battle as much as I am. We want it over with, she wants to be with Zion as much I do. I channelled our powers and with a blink of an eye, I hid the sun making the whole place go dark. No stars to give light in the night. I am the only source of light.

Yehu came rushing to me. “Azah?”

“Where is Zion? I am tired, and I want this to end.”

“Where is Zion? I am tired, and I want this to end.”

“Zion is..” Before letting Yehu complete his sentence.

I flew with tremendous speed as the wind streamed by me as I passed through and over trees and branches. I just want Zion. I could sense Yehu following my lead picking up speed, running with force.

“Why did we stop? I asked her.

“He is here. We are home.”

I couldn’t see him, he must’ve been around somewhere if she said he was. Instead, I spot a massive white werewolf. Bigger than any other wolf around. The werewolf looks exactly like the one I’ve previously dreamed about. His white fur majestically glowing as bright as I. His eyes gold and cobalt blue flashes once and goes back to those familiar eyes. Who is he? The werewolf howls loudly, echoing throughout. I landed on the ground. Tired. Sensing Yehu near me.

“Azah” Yehu calls out.

Revealing the Sun once again brightening up the forest.

Where is Zion? I ask Yehu.

Azah, listen to me. We are one. He is here. Rest he’ll take you.

I didn’t have the energy to argue with her, As I slowly began to faint on the ground. Feeling the spark from his touch.



We whisper as we shut our eyes.

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