Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 1.

The forest I entered is oak-brown and primitive. The grasses were crackly beneath my feet because of the recent dry spell. Looking above admiring the majesty of the trees, every sprawling tree I pass under reminds me of a watchful guardian. Seeing patches of the sky changing, from charcoal to soft dove grey, visible through the trees. I came to a tree that is mighty in height from all the others. Here I sat down, my back against the tree trunk and my head resting on the trunk while I close my eyes breathing in the forest air. In tune with the sound of the forest, the birds sing and the breeze rustle in the leaves of the trees. Tasting freshness of the air as I take in another deep breath, gradually opening my eyes and drinking in the flavour of the forest while it releases a sense of joy and calmness throughout my body. Only to appear, the most captivating creature. Was my mind playing tricks? But what creature is this? A wolf? The wolf holding its blank stare, with its heterochromia eyes. One topaz brown and the other light hazel just staring, daring me to come closer and to touch its large body covered in its brilliant white fur with a glowing blue aura, just like the Moon. Walking forward-



“Azah Safa come downstairs breakfast is ready, you’re going to be late”

My eyes snap open. Groaning, shuffling side to side, attempting to go back to sleep.

“Azah!” My mom yelled once again.

Usually waking up is a simple task for me, I’m a morning person at least for the most part. Generally, my dad and I would wake up before dawn to have a run as our first-morning activity. Today not so much.

Adjusting my eyes as the first beam of sunlight hit my face causing me to stir. Leave it to my wonderful mom to find a way to wake me up irritated by the opening blinds. Purposely leaving my room door open.

She knows I hate that.

Picking up my phone, a bit vexed, it was 6:45 am. I still have time to get ready.

Just like every other morning, I get throbbing pains from my head.

“Ugh, stupid headaches.”

I’m used to having these re-occurring headaches, sometimes it feels like someone took a finger and began to press it onto my skull. The Doctors found nothing unusual, yet the throbbing migraines episodes continue. I find that running gives me minor relief from the morning migraines.

Crawling out of my warm bed, I put on my shower cap and quickly jump into the warm shower. The shower water is hot and ample. Taking warm showers is far my favourite part of the day. After rinsing off, smelling of fresh coconut scent, I turned off the water and step out of the shower.

I wasn’t too excited about starting this day, only because I’ll be that new student in my senior year which is honestly the worst. Who decides to move during their senior year?

We used to live in the Windy City aka Chicago. The city is a magnet for excitement! Pretty with a capital P. Everywhere you turn there are stunning lakefront views, a breathtaking skyline and beautiful historic homes. I was soo mad to hear that my parents had a revelation to move to a small town called Columbia Deacon Heights. Still mad actually. My friends and I had planned what we would do for our senior year prank. All that means nothing to me since I’m here now.

So here we are, except for my brother Joshua who graduated three years ahead of me. He had his share of fun, and now he’s in college.

“Ugh” thinking about it.

Looking at the mirror, I took off my shower cap and let out my locs, I began to oil and massage my scalp. Took one last look in the mirror after I put my locs in a high ponytail and laid my edges.

It took me nearly six years to grow out my natural auburn locs at a waist-length. Noticing the new growth, I contemplated the possibility of combing out my dreadlocks. I’m not sure if my dad will be a big fan of that decision but still. He’s always shown appreciation and love to my locs. He said that it reminded him of my mother’s locs.

Before battling cancer my mom use to have locs as long as mine. But during her treatments, she had to cut them off, and now that she’s cancer-free she rocks a buzzed bald cut fade with pride like a badass. Her bald fade cut emphasizes more of her Afrocentric features, heart shape golden glow face, and light blue eyes.

Joshua looks a lot like my mother. I resemblance my dad more than my mom. My father is Indian, and I took his hazel eyes with elements of both brown and green with green flecks that radiate outwards from around the pupil. Much like my eyes, I inherited his brown-yellow ochre colour skin tone.

Today I decided to wear my paper bag high waist boyfriend jeans with a vintage belt, white short sleeve top, an oversize jean jacket that I stole from Joshua. Closing my bedroom door, Joshua appears out of nowhere and slightly pushes me to the wall, while he slides down the stair handrail.

“What the fuck, when did you come back?”

“Language Azah” Dad disapproved.

“Came back last night, dumbass. You were snoring with your mouth open, drolling.” Joshua smiled teasingly.

“Do you think I was going to forget about my baby little sister’s first day as a senior? pinching my right cheeks. I hate it when he does that.

A weird tradition that I cherish more now than before. When mom was sick, every first day of school Joshua will take me to school, after school we would always walk at the lakefront trail.

Those first days he wouldn’t use the car, we would just use public transport and walk to school together. Other days he would come and watch me during my basketball practise if he didn’t have swimming or football practice. He stepped up when Dad was taking care of mom. Annoying as he can be, I’m happy that he is here.

“Joshua language”

“Azah you’re going to be late. Eat something before you go, Joshua will drop you off at school. I have a Zoom call in the next hour.” Mom instructed while looking at her watch and rushing to her study room.

I sat down next to him at the kitchen counter tool. “ I thought you were busy with uni life and all.”

“Starting next week Az. What? I thought you would be excited to see me?”

The dude had a full plate of scrambled eggs, six slices of toast, and four beef sausages.

“Christ, Joshua! Eat the whole counter why don’t you?”

Joshua is your typical star quarterback and swimming athlete. Swimming improved his endurance and stamina on the field. Both coaches worship him like he is a god on earth. On the downside to this, it’s a pain in the ass to keep up with his constant need to eat since he loses who knows how many calories in a day. Standing 6′4 in height, he has a “prototypical” body. I remember my mom losing it after doing groceries.

“So, no more football and swimming uh?” I asked.

“Nope, focusing more on my studies and getting into Law school.”

Rolling my eyes. To think this buff idiot of a jock got into Yale University.

Let’s not forget the smirk my dad had on, a proud immigrant father as he boasted to his family and whoever that would listen, “my son, own flesh and blood.” He would say purposely thickening his Indian accent even though he barely has one. Neither did my mom miss her opportunity to mention Joshua’s excellent academic achievements as anything below average. I feel no pressure whatsoever while suffering from a last-born syndrome.

I’m more impetuous, worrying about the repercussions later. Don’t get me wrong my grades and GPA is at their very best. Living with overachieving parents; mom holds a Ph.D. in Quantum Science and Engineering while my dad is a Physician-Scientist (MD-PhD).

So you see there’s no space for “low grade” and “low GPA” it is like a death sentence in this household. To how they had time to enjoy life, I will never know.

“Az, you got about 10 minutes left till we leave!” Joshua screamed out while heading outside.

I gobbled up the rest of the food that was left. Snatched my leather tote bag and said my goodbyes to mom, and kissed my dad on both sides of the cheek. Opening our oversize atrium-height front door to step outside into the driveway.

“Who’s driving this?” I know that smirk all too well.

Joshua is dangling the keys to our dad’s cherry red classic 1967 3000 MK III Austin-Healey. Dad barely, no scratch that, he NEVER lets anyone drive his classic car.

“Joshua, naw com-on man! Can’t we just drive a normal car for today? You know I’m not that excited about today and I don’t like the idea of driving in the school’s parking lot with eyes all on me.”

“Correction the eyes will be on the car, don’t kid yourself. Also Please Az, this is a once in a lifetime chance here.”

I turned back to the garage to get mom’s car keys.


“Fine, you owe me!”

“Anything! Just don’t slam the door.”

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