Ganersam Volume 2

Chapter 6

After that, we find ourselves in a certain house not far from the guild.

“I’m bored...”

Amel complained as she slouched on the couch. We received our payment and went home as we couldn’t find any good quest to do.

“What’s Riko doing?”

“He had business in Misana.”

No wonder Amel was now with us.


Amel let out a tiny cry of boredom. I feel a little guilty seeing her like that. I couldn’t think of anything to do, either. It would be nice if we could get some kind of filler event.


Some kind of simple quest would be nice.

“... Willy?”

Maybe some kind of character development?

“... Willy...?”

Or maybe some romance plot of some kind?

“Are you ignoring me on purpose?”

I took a glance at the girl standing beside me.



Emma pouted before returning to her seat.

“You know I’m just joking, right?”

“You know I’m just reacting to that terrible joke, right?”

“Fine, I’m sorry. What is it?”

“I want to go shopping. Will you accompany me?”

“Aww... they’re going on a date.”

Amel said, her face still on the sofa. I ignored her teasing words and stood up.

“Alright, let’s go.”

“You think it’s fine leaving those two back home?”

“Why not? I’m pretty sure Nia won’t eat Amel.”

“I have a feeling it would be the other way around.”

Nah... as bored as Amel is, she won’t resort to something so terrible... right?

“It’s too late to return now.”

Emma looked concerned at my response, but she decided not to reply.

“You haven’t answered me on where we’re going.”

She took a glance at me, before returning her sights to the streets.

“Just follow me.”

“So... you’re taking me on a date?”



The sound of a shot filled the silent air. A blue bolt flew through the air at twice the speed of sound. A purple half-fish half-cow monster collapsed into the lake.

“Target down...Sigh, and you told me we’re going on a date.”

“We are.”

She casually said as she readjusts her sniper, locking onto her next target.

“It’s not a date if you’re the only one enjoying it. Besides, you specifically said we’re going shopping.”


A second monster collapsed.

“Didn’t you play shooters before? You’re supposed to be more interested in this.”

“Nah. It’s hard to be interested when the girl you’re going out with cares more about the gun than you. Amel would be so angry when she knew about this.”

“She’ll probably drag you into another quest.”


“Are you even supposed to be talking while you’re shooting?”

“If I could still keep my concentration on firing, what’s stopping me from doing both at the same time?”

“I guess... I do find it surprising that you could both fire and speak at the same time.”


Emma’s skills are really impressive, there’s no denying that. Although I wish she would put more attention on me compared to her targets.

“How many more?”

“Just one more. We’ll make good money this way, so you can’t complain too much.”

“The money goes into your pocket, though.”

“Don’t act as if I didn’t share any.”


The field was now devoid of any monsters.

“Alright. Let’s head back.”

Emma returned her sniper into her briefcase. Unlike Misana, firearms aren’t common in Alpha. In order to not attract too much attention, Emma bought a briefcase for her favorite guns.

“How is the Asparagus investigation going?”

She asked as we walked back toward the city.

“I don’t know. You should ask Amel. Why are you even asking it now?”

“Small talk.”

“You’re not interested, are you?”

“Nope. The rumor stated that it was a sword. Not something I’m particularly interested in. You should try it, though.”

“... Because I’m useless?”


This girl really runs her mouth. I couldn’t believe she used to be an angel. We entered Alpha and headed toward the guild, wanting to claim our reward. There were no quests related to our recent endeavor. We do get some form of reward for killing monsters, although it was very low compared to rewards from quests.

It was better compared to nothing, though. After confirming the kills, a guild receptionist gave us the rewards. Seeing us, Lisya approached us.

“Are you two interested in a quest?”

She spontaneously said. I would like to complain at her instant offer, considering how we just returned, but I decided to keep my lips sealed.

“What is it?”

Seeing Emma’s interest, Lisya reached for a piece of paper in her back pocket.

“There’s another mysterious band of goblins setting camp near the northern road. We need immediate removal.”

She said as she showed us the piece of paper.

“25 goblins?”

“25 confirmed goblins. There might be more, though.”

I looked at Emma, who replied with a nod.

“This isn’t the first time we faced goblins. We’ll try it.”

“I’m surprised you decided to take the quest. That guild lady must ask it as a personal request.”

We returned home to pick up the other two before heading to the site. Luckily, both Amel and Nia were still alive.

“You were the one wanting a quest, and now you’re complaining? Besides, just what do you mean by personal request?”

“I’m not complaining, I’m simply surprised. You really suck at dealing with girls, Will.”

“Oh shut up.”

“Shut up you two.”

Emma’s annoyed voice silences us both.

“You should learn from Nia.”

I mumbled. Amel pretended to not hear me and approached the two girls.

“That camp looked like a lot more than 25 goblins. And it looked eerily similar to the one we faced before. Do you think they’re related?”

“Senpai told me that different goblin factions often have different color clothing and tents, and this one has the same colors as the one we faced before, so it’s definitely related.”

“Which one should I target first?”

Nia paused, and with her binoculars, scanned the camp. Unlike before, we are now on the same level as the camp, making it hard to see past the ones directly in front of us.

“One on the right, 20°.”


Emma looked at the compass and put her hand on the trigger, but this time she was a bit more hesitant to fire.

There were a lot more goblins compared to before, but the main factor is the fact that we were on the same level. Not only is being at the same elevation as the goblins made them harder to see, as the view was blocked by grass and trees, but it also meant that we’ll have a harder time escaping.

The previous camp was easy as the goblins had no idea where the shots were coming from. Even if they had, the hill was quite the distance away from them. In an open field like this, masking the fire would be a lot harder.

Seeing Emma hesitate, Amel pulled out her weapon.

“Just take the leader. We’ll handle them from there.”


Nia stood up as well and pulled out her polearm.

“Alright, here I go...”


The bolt ripped through the air. The goblin leader fell. There was a moment of silence following the shot, followed by a loud war cry.

Amel and Nia rushed into battle. Side by side, the two skillfully took out the rushing goblins. Emma continued firing for support, careful to not accidentally hit them.

“Aren’t you going to help?”

She asks in the midst of her shots. Her shots are accurate as usual. I’m still surprised she could keep talking while shooting like that.

“You yourself know what’s going to happen.”

I can’t control my magic. It won’t be as much of a problem if I’m the one standing in front, but with me being in the rear, the risk of friendly fire is extraordinarily high. Besides, I believe my friends could take on a camp like this on their own.

“You really should learn a physical weapon.”

“Maybe later.”

The shots continued, and in quick succession, the goblins collapsed one by one.

It only took us around 5 minutes to clear the whole camp.

“Phew, that was great.”

Amel said as she wiped her sweat off her forehead. Nia sat on the dirt, panting heavily.

“You’re alright?”

I asked as I gave her a bottle of water. She took the bottle and nodded.

“I’m fine, thanks.”

As the two girls rested, I took a glance at the camp. The design was similar to the one we faced before. This seems to be more than just a coincidence. I pulled out my phone and checked the map. Sure enough, the positions of the camps were suspicious.

I don’t know if this is just me overthinking stuff, but both camps are located exactly 5 km away from Alpha’s walls.

The first camp was hidden in the forest. While the second camp is far more exposed, it is still covered by some trees, although not much.

Since the first camp is located southwest of Alpha, and the second camp is in the north, there may be a third camp located southeast, forming some kind of triangle.

“Let’s check the camp and then head out.”

“To where?”

“You’ll see.”

I made my way toward the camp. Like the first camp, nothing of interest could be found, other than another piece of paper filled with gibberish.

“I don’t remember goblins carrying around documents...”

Amel slowly said as she gave Nia the paper.

“Yes, it’s the same gibberish...”

Nia paused. She looked at the paper, puzzled.

“In both cases, the paper falls near the goblin leader. Do you think it’s a coincidence?”

We fell silent at her question. There were a couple of explanations possible. It could just be a coincidence, but there’s also a chance that the paper has great importance, thus the leader is the one carrying it around.

She stored the piece of paper into her pouch. Since there was nothing more of interest, we made our way back.

Hopping onto our carriage, we drove back home. I’ve decided to visit the third camp, assuming it actually exists, tomorrow. I’ve sent a message to Amber, requesting to borrow her ship.

After explaining what we found, she agreed to help us again tomorrow. We head back, stopping at the guild to explain the situation. The guild staff was surprised and contacted Alpha’s security branch.

The security branch will be sending in a ship tonight, to scout the location. We’ll meet first thing tomorrow morning for the mission. I just hope things won’t get too bad.

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