Ganersam Volume 2

Chapter 4

“Could you give me Amber’s contact? I would like to arrange an investigation on that door. It would be just me and Riko, though.”

“Sure. Are you sure that is where the slate is, though?”

“An abandoned place, built of mostly metal, located so deep underground, that place is just begging to be investigated.”

We were having dinner after arriving back home. We bought fried chicken on the way back. Amel was planning on returning back there tomorrow, but when it comes to investigating stuff, I’ll just leave it to those two.

“Has Riko recovered, though?”

Emma suddenly asked.

“Don’t think about usingthat.”

“That...? Ah, of course not.”

I meant Emma’s heal. Amel didn’t seem to catch on to what we were talking about and just ignored it.

“Yeah, he’s recovered. It’s just a cold. Riko rarely gets sick, he’s a strong boy.”

Why does the way Amel talked about it make it look like she’s her mom? Nia, who had just picked up a glass of water, approached us.

“Senpai probably won’t mind you going there. She likes the sound of machines, so it may be a bit loud. Also, try not to bother her work too much.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll be nice kids.”

Amel said with a smile. Emma looked at Nia,

“Did she really build that ship herself?”

“If you knew her, you wouldn’t be surprised. Back in the demon’s army, she’s one of the best engineers around.”

Emma let out a small envious expression. To be fair, now that I see her skills myself, Emma isn’t bad herself. Not ‘build an entire freaking ship solo’ level, but still, her skills are something. Not just her, though. All of the girls in this party had pretty impressive skills.

Now that I think about it, I’m the most useless one out of this group.

“Maybe you should ask her to teach you how.”

I jokingly said. Nia didn’t catch the joke and nodded.

“I’ll try to find time for that. Senpai’s schedule is packed as well.”

Nia’s a fast learner, but could she really learn to build a ship?

“Anyway, I’m done with dinner. I’ll check on Riko to see how he’s doing. See you.”

Amel brought her dishes to the sink and waved as she left.

“I really don’t understand why she wouldn’t just live with Riko instead.”

Emma asked after she left.

“Me neither.”

Technically we’re both boys, so there’s supposed to be no difference whether she slept here or at Riko’s place.

“Didn’t Riko rent a room?”

“Wait, really? I thought he had a house here.”

Emma then shook her head.

“I’m pretty sure not. I forgot when, but I think he mentioned that he only had a house in Misana, at least I remembered he mentioned that to me. Besides, didn’t we have an extra room, why not let him use it?”

Well... About that...

Seeing my expression, Emma stood up and made her way to the lower floor’s bedroom. She opened the door, only to be greeted with a very messy scenario.

“Since when did you stuff all these things in here?”

Hearing her, Nia also stood up and went to the room. The two girls peeked their heads into the room.

“Is this all Senpai’s stuff?”


They’re all prototypes of the various modern cafe equipment that I asked her to build.

This is another weird thing in this world. Starships exist, but not ice cream machines or coffee machines... Well, technically they do exist, just not at the same level as the more modern ones. I didn’t have the expertise to build them myself, but I have a general idea of how they work.

How I obtain that knowledge, though, let’s just ignore it.

Amber would then build them based on my descriptions. Of course, due to the limited info, there are several failed prototypes. But thanks to Amber’s skills, she could adapt and fix them fairly quickly.

As to why I was the one storing those failed attempts...

“Her underground workplace is too small to keep all that stuff, so she dumped it all here.”

Amber said that once she cleared her workshop, she would take them all back. It could be used either as her experiment objects for her next machines or for spare parts.

“Did Senpai say anything about why she didn’t move to a different warehouse?”

“If I’m not mistaken, she didn’t have enough money to buy a warehouse that could fit her needs.”

Hearing that, Nia grabbed her adventurer card. She took a close look at it, before looking back at me.

“Could you give me Senpai’s number?”

It had been two days. We were now standing in front of a huge warehouse. The warehouse is around 40 meters long, 10 meters in height, and has a width of 25 meters. Even without Amber’s original workshop dimensions, I could tell that this warehouse is a lot larger than that workshop. At the rear of the warehouse, there’s a large grass patch at around 30 meters in length and with a width of 25 meters.

Coming to land on that patch was Amber’s cargo ship. The warehouse building we bought includes that free grass patch, and luckily for us, there’s no residence near the warehouse other than a small wooden cottage that would be Amber’s new home. Nia was standing on the grass assisting with the landing.

While Amber is skillful enough to land herself, it’s nice to have an extra person watching around. Amber spent the entire day going back and forth from this warehouse to her old workshop to move her things, and this would be her last flight.

“Did she really build that herself?”

“I found it hard to believe...”

I and Emma watched as the ship slowly hovered above the grass, before touching down smoothly. The ship’s engines soon went silent, and Amber exited the ship. We approached the two girls.

“Once again, thank ye for ye help. Me appreciate the new place.”

Amber said with a slight bow. This place, of course, was also found by Lisya. I swear, that girl felt more like a real estate agent compared to a guild staff. Nia ended up using all of her money to pay for the warehouse and the cottage. Amber offered to pay some of it back, but Nia rejected it.

“By the way, where did your eyepatch go?”

Emma asked.

“Lights in me place brokes down often, so me uses that in case the lights went out. Me don’t need to worry about that in this new place, right?”

“O... of course not...”

I’m not concerned about the lights in this warehouse breaking down. Instead, I’m concerned about my machines.

Looking at my face, Nia lightly elbowed her senpai.

“Senpai, you’ll scare your business partner if you continue being like that.”

“Ah, me bad. The reason the lights brokes down is because me never bother to care for them. Me have a guarantee for your machines, though. Didn’t Riko say anything about me skills?”

It’s true that Riko speaks highly about her, but I just couldn’t help it. Talking about Riko, Riko and Amel are currently going through the underground workplace that we just cleared, looking for clues. Since that space is now empty, the investigation would be a lot easier.

“Anyway... let me show you around.”

I said as I tried to fan away the awkwardness.

“This is the warehouse. You could use this entire space as your workspace.”

The warehouse is similar to the old workspace in terms of interior. Silver metallic walls, lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, the only difference is that the new one is far larger. There isn’t much to be talked about here, so we made our way to the cottage.

The cottage is also far larger compared to Amber’s old room. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Considering Amber’s old workplace, it’s a lengthy upgrade.

Amber went to one of the bedrooms and hopped onto the bed.

“This is so comfy. Probably the best bed me had so far.”

She said as she sunk herself onto the bed.

“I’m glad you liked it, Senpai.”

“Liked it? Me love this! Thank you!”

Amber grabbed Nia and pulled her into a deep hug.

“Anyway, Amber, we’ve already moved the stuff you and Willy are working with into the warehouse.”

Emma meant the stuff back home. That room was also empty now.

“Ah, me stuff? Thanks, me gonna need them.”

“No problem. We’ll leave you to rest, just contact us if you need something. See ya.”

“See ye.”

Emma pulled me out of the cottage. While waving, the three of us left the cottage.

“Why did you pull me like that?”

Emma pulled me closer to her mouth and whispered.

“Remember the last time you forced a cademon to work despite being asked to rest?”

I took a glance at Nia, who was standing a short distance away from us.

“Ah, I understand.”

While I and Emma had just arrived recently, the truth is Nia and Amber are already working on moving the huge pile of stuff since this morning. They must be tired. In Amber’s case, considering the machine she’s working with, something bad might happen if she was forced to work.

And I admittedly was about to ask about how my boba machine is going along. Following Emma’s suggestion, I decided to just go back home.

“Nia, are you coming with us?”

“Of course.”

We boarded the carriage and drove back home.

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