Ganersam Volume 2

Chapter 2

After getting changed, we made our way to the guild. While Nia was parking, the three of us headed inside.

“What should we choose...”

It’s 1 PM, so most of the normal easy quests have been taken by other adventurers, but we’re no normal adventurers.

No normal adventurers carry around rifles like they’re toys. This isn’t Misana, so the sight of us carrying guns would surely bring attention, that’s why we left them back at the carriage.

Raben, who had just arrived after a class, approached us.

“You’re looking for a quest?”

He asked, to which we replied with a nod.

“If you don’t mind, would you take this one out? I’m sure it would be nothing for a party of your class.”

He said as he gave us a piece of paper. The paper carries the details of the quest. A large group of goblins had set up camp near the southern road and needed to be removed. The requirements recommended a party of twelve, however.

“Nah, I’m not sure-”

“We’ll take it.”

Emma casually grabs the paper off Raben’s hand.

“Wait, doesn’t the recommendation say a party of twelve?”

“Nah, we’re going to be fine.”

Emma said as she walked away.

“Quite the handful you got there.”

Raben let out a chuckle.

"Sigh... yeah.”

“Is this the correct spot?”

Nia stopped the carriage on the side of the road.

“Yes, we should climb up this hill.”

Emma pointed toward a hill not far from us. Covered by large trees, the hill overlooked the goblin camp, so it would be a great vantage point. This allowed us to put ourselves at a far distance from the camp, and with Emma’s sniping skills, we’ll hopefully be done in no time.

There’s no road from this point onwards, which means we’re going hiking.

Hiking itself won’t be a challenge if we’re not carrying these massive guns... by we I meant me and Nia. The other two went on to find a spot.

“Why are we the ones in charge of luggage?”

I complained as I climbed up the hill. I have great strength, so the sniper rifle isn’t really that heavy, but the idea that I’m the one carrying it does bother me a bit.

Also, the hard part is getting past the various obstacles nature possesses...

Like that random rock in the middle of the path.

“I don’t know. This does bring me back, though.”

“You’re a courier girl back in the army?”

“No, but I’m often asked to carry stuff around. They tend to be a bit heavier than this.”

Nia had Emma’s assault rifle in her hands. It isn’t as heavy as the sniper, but I still feel a bit bad letting her carry it. I doubt I could carry both while climbing at the same time, though, so I just kept quiet.

We managed to reach the top of the hill, and I could see Emma waving toward us from a distance.

“You’re carrying it yourself once we’re going down.”

I said as I put the sniper onto the ground.


Ignoring what I just said, Emma started with the preparations. As she continued adjusting her gun, I took the Assault Rifle from Nia.

“Why is this called the Kritz, anyway?”

It has a far cooler name compared to what mine is called.

“I don’t know... I only knew it started production not long ago.”

“So it’s new?”

“Yeah. Just around 15 years old.”

I could only blankly stare at Amel as she said that. 15 years? That’s not new. Amel saw my puzzled expression and continued.

“Why are you surprised? New types come out maybe every 6-7 years. It’s not that surprising.”

I guess this is a different world. If these guns also came from that dude who could create anything, it would make sense if advancements in weapons stopped after he died.

“Never mind.”

I answered. I don’t know how often new guns came out back on Earth, and I’m under no intention to know. Amel looked at me, confused. She opened her mouth, but Emma’s words shut her.

“I’m ready.”

Hearing that, Nia grabbed the binoculars on her right waist and lay on the ground beside Emma. I don’t know since when Nia became Emma’s spotter, but I guess that’s just how it is.

This is the first time I saw the two working together, though. To be fair, the last time I saw Emma use a sniper in battle is back against the snake. Besides, the spotter is a lot more useful in this scenario, since there were a lot of goblins and the view of some of them was blocked by the trees.

Seeing the two, my mind wonders if the demon’s army had weapons like this too? It would be a real problem if they do. I would hate getting sniped by campers during a battle. Imagine dying then having a random demon teabag you.

“15 Goblins inside and near the main tent, 7 near the left tent, and 9 near the right tent. Be aware of possible targets inside the secondary tents. Prioritize the largest one with red lines on its head, it’s in the main tent.”


And with that, the first shot was fired. The bolt made a screeching sound as it traveled toward the unfortunate goblin. The shot hit, and from a distance, we could see the giant figure disappear under the tent’s wall.

The goblin camp immediately fell into disarray. Goblins started running around, and distant screams could be heard. The voices soon died down, as Emma put them to eternal rest. Her skills had definitely increased since the last time I saw her sniping, which was around a week ago back at Misana.

I really hope we won’t get into trouble for this. After around 5 minutes of sniping, the goblin camp fell silent. Most of the goblins were now lying lifeless on the ground. Several manage to escape, but they are of no concern to us.

After making sure all the goblins are dead, Emma took her eye off the scope, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

“That was awesome.”

She said. She was supposed to be an angel, yet she’s acting far from one.

“Good work. Should we explore the camp?”

Amel asked us, but she had already made her way down the hill. We followed her, this time Emma carrying her sniper by herself.

After reaching the carriage, Emma stored her sniper at the rear, and I gave the Kritz back to her. She handed me her handgun, as if telling me not to use magic.

“Use this. We’re in the forest, you using magic is just asking for trouble.”

Even if she didn’t tell me that, I still wouldn’t use magic. The goblin camp is inside a thick forest, even thicker compared to the one western to Alpha, where I trained back then. It’s a lot riskier to use uncontrollable magic in such an environment.

We drove toward the camp. The camp isn’t far from the hill, only around 300 meters. Getting out of the carriage, we slowly approached the camp. The site is much more horrendous from up close. Dead goblins stacked on top of each other, green blood spilled all around, it’s a really eerie sight.

Inside the tents themselves, not much could be seen. The goblins had just moved recently, so it would make sense if there was nothing in them. The other two tents are completely empty, and the main tent has a small red carpet in it, which was littered with the blood from the goblin leader.

“Oh well, guess there’s nothing here.”

Amel let out a sigh of disappointment. She turned around to leave, but I held her back.


With my words, all of the girls stopped and fell silent.


“I’m only telling Amel to wait. You two continue searching.”

Without questions, Nia immediately went back to searching. Emma looked at me confused, before letting out a small ‘ahh...’ and went back to searching.

Amel looked at me awkwardly, to which I responded by hastily letting go of her hand that I had been holding on to. Amel continued to awkwardly stare at me, but eventually, she let it go and went back to searching.

Usually, things would happen the second the main character gives up and leaves the location. Since Amel had technically given up and left, by holding her back I should have triggered an event of some sort.

And my actions had been rewarded. True to her character, Emma slipped on the carpet and fell onto the ground. She had hit the body of the dead goblin, accidentally moving it. And under it, a silver key reflects the bright light of the sun.

“What’s this?”

I asked as I picked up the key. It looked like a normal key, nothing special about it.

“That’s a key.”

Emma said as she tried to stand up, her hand stroking her butt.

“Stating the obvious does not reduce the embarrassment from your fall.”

“You really are the worst.”

“Could I see that key?”

I gave the key to Amel, who examined it closely.

“Maybe this key is related to the dungeon? There’s a locked door that we can’t open.”


Emma asked. She hadn’t heard about Amel’s founding yet, so she doesn’t know.

“Ah, actually we found a dungeon deep within a cave that we expected to contain the third and final slate of Asparagus. Several rooms are inaccessible, I suspect this key to be related to that, considering how we’re not far from the dungeon.”

I swear, the name Asparagus puts me off.

“I’ll tell Riko about this. We’ll visit the dungeon again tomorrow. You’re coming?”

Without asking for my permission, Emma nodded to Amel’s question. Nia would probably just follow us wherever we go, so I guess I’m forced to go. We checked the tent one last time, to which we found five golden coins.

As we returned to our carriage, Emma was awarded a perfect opportunity to test her Kritz. The assault rifle roared as it fired against the ambushing goblins. The group of goblins soon retreated in fear, after experiencing the wrath of Emma’s weapon. Emma’s shooting skills really are incredible, which is weird considering that she practically had no training in that field.

The return trip was uneventful. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery as we returned home, something that I couldn’t experience back on Earth. We dropped Amel with the key at the guild, where she would be meeting up with Riko again, and drove home.

It was already 4:30 PM when we arrived. We spent 3 and half an hour on that trip, which felt really quick.

“Ah, home sweet home.”

I dropped onto the couch.

“You should take a bath first.”

Emma casually said as she put her equipment down.

“Maybe I would if you two joined me.”

I jokingly said. Hearing that, the two girls looked at me, yet something was weird.

Their faces don’t show any expression of disgust. Nia’s face does show a hint of awkwardness, but Emma nods instead...

“I’m fine with that.”

Emma teasingly said, her lips crept into a small smile.

“Well... if you really want to.”

Nia awkwardly nodded.

Wait, this is not how it was supposed to go.

“Wait, wait, I’m just joking! There’s no way I could join you!”

I hurriedly tried to straighten things up. Emma replied with a chuckle.

“I knew you wouldn’t dare to actually be in the same bath with a girl, you lonely piece of shit.”

“You don’t have to go that far!”

Emma gave me a tongue before going upstairs. Nia stood there, waiting.

“You’re not joining her?”

I asked her. She looked at me, her cheeks a bit red.

“So you’re not serious about the bath?”

“Of course not!”

“Al... Alright then.”

And with that, Nia went upstairs as well. For some reason, I feel terrible making that joke. I really need to be careful with my words, since Nia might actually do what I jokingly ask her to.

Seriously though, just how terrible is her training?

I had finished changing and was about to dip myself into the bath when I heard footsteps.

“So, joining me anyway, Willy boy?”

I teasingly asked, but the reply I received wasn’t the one I had expected.

“Emma, would you like me to call William?”

“Ah, it’s you, no need. I thought it was Willy himself coming up here.”


That Willy. I wonder if she sent Nia all the way up here to spy on me?

He really is a shy-


“Haa... haa...”

I pulled myself to the side of the bath.

“Emma, are you alright!?”

“I’m... fine...”

Damnit, I slipped, again.

Let my concentration go for a fraction of a second and I slipped on the wet bathroom floor, tumbling into the bath.

“You need help!?”

“No, don’t worry about me, I’m fine...”


The house went silent.

Nia must have gone back down.

That Willy, if you’re a man, then you should’ve come up here yourself, not send Nia here.

I wonder what Nia’s orders are, though.

She’s just like the old me, following orders from her masters. Things changed, though.

My Master currently lets me live a free life, while her’s changed.

Actually, does she treat us as her new master?

“Nia, are you still there?”

“Yes, I am.”

She’s waiting at the door? Is that what she does when her master takes a bath?

Do demons even take a bath?

“Nia, you’re not joining? That’s not an order, by the way.”

I made sure to put that line in there, so that she doesn’t get in and just guard the door.

“Ah... umm... could I?”

“Of course.”

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