Ganersam Volume 2

Chapter 18

We ended up walking around town, enjoying the views and visiting various places. There weren’t many tourist attractions around here, but the sights had been breathtaking. If the demons didn’t exist, this place would be way crowdier.

“Did Riko say anything?”

It was already 5 pm. I shook my head at Emma’s question.

“Nia and Amber?”

“Nothing either.”

“This might take a while... say, want to take a quest?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, we haven’t visited this town’s guild yet. Isn’t it too late for a quest, though?”

Emma looked and the red-yellowish glow of the afternoon sky. The sun setting down behind the mountains to the west.

“Let’s just check it out. If we could get any easy quest, it would be great for your training.”

“I guess you’re right.”

I have never used the lethal version of LIAR in battle, and it felt really different from the original, which I didn’t have that much experience with either. I agreed to Emma’s request and followed her to the guild.

Kalagai was a small town, and so was its guild. Located near the western railing, it stood near a stairway that connected the town to the forests below. The guild had been built into a small house, not far different from the size of a modern mini market.

The building didn’t look unique at all. The interior looked like your average wooden cottage, and inside were two circle tables with four seats each, with a smaller box-like room at the rear.

“Oh, an adventurer... no, two...”

The guild receptionist looked at us before lazily returning to the small marble she was playing with.

“Umm... we would like to check out the quest?”

She stared at us for a moment.

“...It’s there.”

She lazily pointed towards a small board. There are only two quests. The first asked us to collect several stones far down the river. This one seemed dangerous, especially considering how strong the current was.

The second asked for the gathering of purple toad skin, which based on Emma’s knowledge, didn’t even live around here. It didn’t state the means of obtaining it, though, so getting a shipment in would probably be fine.

Neither quest fits our requirements, though.

“Come again...”

We left the guild. The sun had already gone into slumber, the stars started to paint the skies.

“Say, did this world rotate the sun, or did the sun rotate this world?”

“Here, it’s the sun that rotates the world.”

Well, there you have it, a conspiracy theory.

“So, you want to get dinner?”

“Let’s get something for the other three.”

We ended up buying five portions of curry. We brought the food to the hangar, which was now well-lit. The building was once again opened. Inside, the three cademon were awaked.


I waved my hands toward them.

“We brought food.”

We had a feisty dinner while discussing our plans. Amber would be taking the ship for a test flight tomorrow. A wide, open lake sat further down south, perfect for test flights. We also had a strategy meeting, although not much helpful info came up since we hadn’t even scouted yet.

Compared to before, we do have a lot more firepower and protection now. Amber started work on portable shields after finishing the meal. I and Emma helped for a bit, although by help we meant picking up tools and returning them to their place.

Emma learned a bit regarding the ways of the engineer, and could now do basic manufacturing tasks. I, as usual, just watched from a distance. If I could commission others to do my stuff, why would I do it myself?

Although for some reason, I felt as if my thoughts would backfire.

“I don’t know if you could build this kind of stuff, though.”

Emma said as she picked up the small watch-like accessory and strapped it onto her hand. Pressing a button, a very faint but still visible blue outline engulfed her.

“Alright, here I go.”

Nia, borrowing Qorsen’s paralyze gun, fired a bolt at Emma. The outline, or known by its cooler name, force field, dispenses the laser. Emma escaped unscathed.

“It worked!”

Amber said excitedly.

“Is this your first try, Senpai?”


“Di... did you just use me as a guinea pig?”

“Well, it worked.”

Amber approached Emma’s wrist and took a look at the watch strapped onto her left.

“Shield strength at 90%. Paralyze are pretty weak, but it is still better compared to normal human-built ones. Me say it’s a good product.”

Amber nodded proudly at her creation. I remembered using a shield back in the mansion raid.

“Did Amber and Riko have it?”

Amber nodded once again.

“Yes, what makes ye think they did not? They probably didn’t wear it on their wrists though.”

“I see...”

Considering the device’s importance, it does make sense if you wanted to hide it. It’s not something you would want to show around. But if what Amber said was true, then it didn’t have a strong protection barrier.

If a single non-lethal bolt of paralyze could take it down by 10%, then how much will magic or laser bolts deal?

How much will a direct sweep from a sword and a metal bullet take? Maybe enough to instantly took it out?

We would still need to dodge attacks at all costs. I hope the demon didn’t have any firearms. From the Alexander incident, if my memory serves me right, most of the demons used magic, other than Alexander himself, who was the leader.


“Say... what happened to the stone slates?”

Everyone else in the room looked at me. Silence filled the hangar. Nia then rushed into the ship, before walking back out with a relieved face.

“It’s fine.”

So she brought it all the way here.

“I think we should turn for the capital and submit these slates for safekeeping.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. I and Emma returned to the inn to check out and pick up our stuff. After making sure nothing was left behind, we returned to the hangar. Amber’s ship now sat out on the pad, ready to go.

We loaded our stuff into the cargo hold. We didn’t need to worry about sitting on the metal floor anymore. New turrets were installed on top and below the ship. Those turrets were remotely controlled, and the controls were placed behind the cockpit, with comfortable chairs to sit on.

After making sure all the preparations had been completed, we said goodbye to Qorsen. Waving as we departed, the ship pulled off the pad, gained altitude, and headed south.

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