Ganersam Volume 2

Chapter 11

She looks so cute.

I mentally exclaimed. In front of me was Amber, lying on the floor, in her pajamas, looking a bit irritated. She rubbed her eyes, before looking at us with more attention.

She examined us thoroughly, before widening her eyes. She pulled herself up, sitting up straight.

“Where did Nia go?”

She immediately asked, her voice in a bit of panic.

“That’s what I wanted to know.”

I replied. She tried standing up, still slightly wobbly. I was ready to stretch out my hand in case she fell, but she was fine and stretched her limbs.

“Sorry, me skipped sleeping last night. But from ye faces, ye didn’t find Nia?”


I can’t tell her I was suspecting her. Now that I think about it, at some point, I have doubts about Nia too. Maybe I have a thing for not trusting cats.

I mean, one did scratch me back on Earth.

Amber pulled a deep breath in, before exhaling it out. She then walked toward her table.

She grabbed the box from yesterday and showed it to us.

“Me finished the investigation of the box. It is indeed a listening device and a signal transmitter. It had a small antenna under it, used for receiving signals.”

She pointed toward the underside of the device. If that was the case, the demon was probably in one of the inn rooms.

“In regards to Nia, have ye called her?”

Amber’s sudden comment stopped my lines of thought. I looked at Emma, then at Amber, before looking down toward my phone.

How did I forget about that?

I feel this world had some kind of personal grudge against me. How couldn’t I? The girl in question was sleeping back in our own home this whole time.

Apparently, after I forcefully picked up Emma to go searching for her, Nia returned from the merchant district and went directly to bed. She was shopping for food after going out with Lisya and went back to rest.

I received an earful from Emma after that. After all of that was settled, we sat on the couch at the corner of the warehouse.

“I mean it’s not my fault for going out for such a long time...”

I grumbled silently, but to my surprise, Nia heard me. She slumped her shoulders and looked down at the floor.

“I’m very sorry for that, I promise it won’t happen again.”

Nia said in a very apologetic tone. I looked at her, at a loss on how to respond, as I wasn’t expecting her to apologize to me at my random grumbling...

And I received another death stare from Emma.

“An... anyway...”

I cleared my throat. Emma wouldn’t stop looking at me with that disgusted look on her face, though, but I forced myself to continue for now.

“What were you discussing with Lisya?”

I awkwardly asked Nia, trying to steer the mood back.

“Lisya took me to the guild. We waited there for a while. After the attacks, Rahel came and I was asked to share my findings.”

“So in the end the security bureau got involved?”

“Rahel said she’ll try to keep us sneaking around a secret.”

“Good to know.”

I leaned back on the couch. This time, it was Emma’s turn to ask,

“Did you discover anything?”

“Not much... but Lisya did say that a mysterious figure rented a room four days before. The figure covered his body from top to bottom with thick clothes and covered part of his face with a scarf and black glasses. She said he rented the room for a whole week.”

“That is surely suspicious.”

“But the man talked in normal human language. Not something your average low-level demon could do.”

“Then he’s a high-level demon, then.”

Nia and Amber shook their heads at my hypothesis, although calling it a hypothesis was an overstatement. It was merely a random guess, that’s all. I couldn’t even tell the difference between demon levels.

“Some humans sided with the demon’s army. The person hid their head under a hat, so a cademon was probable, too. The fact that we didn’t know whether they were actual demons or not complicates things, as it makes it harder to track the extent of their ability.”

“Nia is right. If it is possible, ye should try to ask for access for the room. Ye could check if anything is suspicious from there.”

“The question is whether it is possible or not...”

Not forgetting about my phone for the second time, I dialed Lisya. After a failed attempt, she picked up on the second.

The response I received was disappointing.

“The man checked out during the attack. Since everyone was busy during the raid, no one paid attention to him. The room had also been cleaned.”

I relayed what Lisya said on the phone to the other three.

“Didn’t they think a man, covered in full clothes, booking a room for a whole week, only using half of it suspicious?”

“So, you’re a detective now, miss Emma?”

“Oh shut up, Willy...”

Nia used her hands to cover her mouth, although it was clear that she was grinning.

“And Nia, why are you grinning.”

“You were sleepwalking the other day, before falling down the stairs. The idea of a detective sleepwalking sounds funny.”

Emma’s face went bright red with that declaration.

“Hey, are you really lucky?”

“No, I am not...”

Emma replied, looking gloomy.

“So, what are ye plans now?”

I thought for a while. I couldn’t really see any concrete steps we could take after this.

“Let’s start by calling Amel.”

I said as I grabbed my phone. Out of us four, she was the only one not here. Besides, she may bring Riko around. If that were the case, then we would have even more brains to help with this case.

Unlike Lisya, she immediately answered. I was about to say hi when she immediately shouted,

“Riko, couldn’t you fly a bit more straight!?”

To which I hear a faintI can’tin the background.

“Oh, Will, hello... Help us! We’re in the northern part of the city! Just fly straight north, you’ll eventually find us!”

She said before cutting the call off. I looked at the girls.

“Ah shit, here we go again.”

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