Ganersam Volume 1

Chapter 7

Today is the fourth day of my adventure in this world. In the first three days, we managed to nearly get ourselves killed twice, so I’m not really keen on looking for a supposedly VIP in the demon’s army.

But for some reason, Emma is the one interested in meeting this cademon again. It’s really weird remembering her reaction to that cademon in the first place.

Maybe she’s happier after a long night’s sleep? Who knows?

As we stepped down to the guild, we could see a lot of adventurers filling the guild.

“I don’t remember the guild being this crowded so early in the morning.”

Emma shook her head.

“I don’t think it’s usually this crowded regardless of the time.”

She said as she made her way to an empty table. If my memory serves me correctly, even in the three days we’re here, the guild had never been this crowded, regardless of time.

There are probably more than 15 different groups each consisting of 4-5 people hanging around. Usually, there are no more than 7 at the same time.

I approached one of the parties of adventurers who was standing near the stairs.

“Excuse me, what’s going on? Why is the guild so crowded? Is there an event today?”

I gave them a barrage of questions. They gave me a look of surprise, but after examining me for a while, they seemed to understand something and nodded.

“There’s a very dangerous enemy spotted around this city. It’s called a cademon, and it is very dangerous. The higher-leveled adventurers are currently planning to hunt it down. I know you are an Amnesia Clansmen, but I recommend you stay out of this. Cademons aren’t something low-level Amnesia Clansmen could handle.”

I wonder how they could have known that I’m an Amnesia Clansmen? I don’t remember them being present when I arrived. Do rumors spread that fast here?

“I see, thank you for the suggestion.”

I gave the party a slight bow, before moving towards Emma who already sat at one of the tables.

“Isn’t this bad?”

I whispered the situation to Emma, who was having breakfast. She took the last bite of her sandwich.

“Cademons aren’t stupid. She’s hiding in a safe spot now. I’m sure of it.”

She said as she picked her cup up.


“I’m in the mood for coffee.”

“I see.”

She drank her coffee before putting her cup down. She stood up and turned toward the exit.

“You’ve finished breakfast?”

“Yes, a small sandwich is enough. Let’s go.”


Hearing that, Emma sat back in her seat.

“What is it?”

“I haven’t had my breakfast yet.”

We were now on our way to where we met the cademon yesterday. We met Raben when I was ordering my sandwich. Since he’s still interested in the cademon as well, he decided to join us. He’s currently driving our carriage toward the spot out in the plains.

Also, I thought horseless carriages used magic, but turns out carriages have engines here.

Yeah... I probably shouldn’t bother with realism in a completely different world.

Having a guild staff with us sure is handy though, since we won’t need to walk to the place.

“Don’t you have classes though?”

“The appearance of the wyverns and that cademon had become a priority, so for now all classes are postponed.”

“I see.”

Sitting beside me was Emma, looking at her map that she received from the guild.

“Are you sure she’s there?”

“Well, there aren’t any other caves closer to that one right? I have a feeling that she couldn’t have gone far.”

“But what would we say once we met her?”

I asked while chewing on the sandwich I ordered back at the guild. Seemingly disturbed by my munching sounds, Emma shot me a sharp glare.

“Why didn’t you eat that sandwich back in the guild?”

“You’re the one rushing me, remember?”

I’m not a child. I won’t make a mess by eating in the car... or carriage.

“We should tell her that the townsfolk are after her, so she could leave.”

Raben said, his eyes on the road. We then arrived in front of a cave. The cave is pretty small, barely enough to fit three people walking side by side.

We got off. The cave isn’t located far from our encounter point, so it makes sense if this is where she stays for the night, assuming she hasn’t moved yet.

Just as we approached the mouth of the cave, we could hear the sound of howling from inside.

We rushed in. Inside the cave, we could see a blue tarp, with a small brown bag and a shining polearm beside it. It had a silver handle with a blue accent. Its tip is a sharp arrow-like metal point, with a crystal shape under it. I recognize that polearm, it’s the same as the one the cademon used.

We ran to the end of the cave, and in front of us is,

“Get off me!”

A girl punching wolves. She’s the same cademon from yesterday.


A ball of fire appeared from her palm and headed straight towards a wolf. The gray wolf jumped out of the way and the fireball hit the cave’s wall.

“Lighting Cut!”

I joined the battle, my spell hitting an unfortunate wolf, roasting it completely. Realizing my arrival, the wolves faced us.

“Holy Shield!”

Emma blocked a wolf who jumped at me. Realizing it’s now her chance, the cademon stepped forward. She grabbed the unsuspecting wolf’s tail and spun it around, before slamming it into the wall.

Realizing just how powerful we are, the remaining wolves gave up and ran towards the entrance.

“Are you alright?”

The cademon, now slumped on the floor, nodded.

“Yes, thanks.”

She said weakly, before letting out a sigh of relief. I grabbed a bottle of water from my bag and offered it to her. She chugged down the water. In an instant, the bottle is empty. She wiped off the remaining water on her lips, before putting the bottle back on the ground.

“What happened?”

“I’ve been ambushed by wolves. I didn’t manage to grab my staff, so my powers were greatly reduced.”

So her staff is where her powers came from. Still, taking on seven wolves at once is no small task. Based on the bodies lying around, she had taken out two herself. She then took a close look at us. Raben, who was previously parking the carriage, made our way towards us.

“You people are the ones I rescued yesterday, huh? What are you three doing here?”

“We came to warn you. The people of Alpha are aware of you, and they’re now coming after you.”

“Well... that was faster than expected.”

“What would you do now?”

“I’ll head off. I’m used to moving around.”

I took a close look at her. Brushes and wounds are all over her.

“Are you sure? You don’t look very well.”

“It’s better than dying in a town.”

Emma, who was silent the whole time, gave her a piece of white cloth.

“Here, use this. As long as they don’t see your ears, you’ll be fine.”

The cademon looked at her dumbfounded.


She asked as she received the cloth. Emma shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know.”

The cademon looked at us with a bit of suspicion. She then shook her head and put on the cloth anyway. She tied the cloth over her head, hiding her ears and her hair. With her current appearance, she looks like a normal village girl. She tidied up her robe, and put on a spare over it, completely covering her wounds.

“Come, I knew a doctor that could help you. He has a cademon wife, so don’t worry.”

Raben said as he walked out of the cave. I and Emma picked up the cademon’s luggage and stored them at the rear of the carriage. We hopped onto the carriage and headed back.

“Why aren’t you wearing your hood, though?”

Emma asked as we drove back.

“You mean during what happened yesterday?”


“It’s broken from a previous battle.”

The cademon, sitting beside Emma, pulled down the two covering robes a bit, revealing the main clothes she was wearing. The stitch was ripped off, and the hood dangles from her clothes.

“I thought there was no need for my hood since I’m in the wild.”

“That’s true...”

Emma and the cademon continue having a conversation, a very contradicting sight to what I saw yesterday.

As we drove back, we passed through several adventurers who were out on a hunt. We drove past them. Emma put another cloth on the left side of the carriage, where the cademon was sitting, covering her. After not long, we entered the city. We drove past the busy streets.

We then arrived at a small white house. Inside there’s a small reception room, with a counter at the end and some seats near the entrance lined up on the wall. A girl was waiting at the counter.

Like it’s outside, the interior is painted white. It had a minimalist design to it, with not many decorations other than some plants and some health posters.

“Welcome... ah... you’re a cademon?”

The girl asked with a smile. She’s not wearing a hood, so her cat ears are visible from the outside.

“She needs treatment after being attacked by wolves.”

Emma explained to the girl. Hearing that, the girl nodded.

“I’ll call my husband right away.”

She said as she turned around and headed toward a corridor located at the end of the room. A doctor then came out and invited our cademon into a room located at the end of the small corridor... yeah I’ll just call her that for now. Our cademon.

I and Emma sat on the chairs, and the girl went back to her position. Raben isn’t with us. After dropping us off, he headed back to the guild.

“I thought cademons need to wear hoods to hide their identity?”

“I’ve been here for more than 15 years, so most of the townspeople already knew me, so there’s no need for me to keep hiding it.”

I had a small talk with not-our cademon as we waited for our cademon. The doctor later came out with our cademon with him.

“No serious injuries, most of them could be healed with simple medicine and low-level healing. I recommend her to rest first though.”

The doctor said, our cademon standing behind him. Her hands are covered with bandages, but most of them are covered thanks to the robe she’s wearing.

“Alright then...”

Emma stood up.

“I know what we’re going to do today.”

We found ourselves in Alpha’s fashion street. The two girls are having a chat in front of me, with me following them close from behind. Clothes stores decorate the street left and right. We are here to find something for Nia, our cademon, to wear.

Like Emma, Nia did not have a surname.

The white cloth she is currently wearing is very vulnerable to falling off or being blown away, thus we are now buying new clothes for her. Nia needs to stay at Alpha for a short while in order to fully recover. While she is already fine now, the doctor recommended that she get some more rest.

She’s been traveling for a while and is lacking sleep as a result. Don’t ask me how sleep relates to her wounds though, well, other than getting caught off-guard by some random wolves. It must be terrifying sleeping in the wild like that, knowing any night could be your last because of random mobs looking for a midnight snack.

She stopped at one of the storefronts. She approached the glass window. Behind it is a mannequin wearing a dark purple dress covered with a red robe and hood. She stared intensely at that mannequin.

“Could I really buy anything?”

“Yes, we got money for the wyverns you defeated, so it’s only fair if you get to spend it.”

“Could I get this, then?”

She pointed at the clothes.


Hearing that, she entered the store, us following behind her. The guild confirmed the death of the wyverns, but since the one that killed them is a cademon, the guild couldn’t pay her. The money was shared between me, Raben, and Emma.

Seeing how broken her clothes are, we offered to buy her some new ones. Originally, we offered her armor, which she rejected. She had a magic charm on her that acted as a shield, neglecting some of the damages done.

‘Armor reduces my movements.’

That’s what she said previously. Seeing her fast battle style, that does make sense. If this were a game, it could be said she has an agility-focused build.

As she continued looking around the store, I and Emma stood from a distance.

“I’m surprised she trusted us. I thought she’s going to act all tsundere-like and kept rejecting everything we offered.”

“I assume it’s because we rescued her. But yeah, now that you mention it, it’s a bit weird.”

She, a half-demon, rescued us, a human and a half-angel.

Later, we, a half-angel and human, rescued her, a half-demon.

Maybe she decided it’s a mutually beneficial relationship?

Or maybe she’s lonely from being alone in the wild for so long?

We continued watching as Nia talked to the store clerk. The clerk went to the back and brought her a new pair of clothes.

Nia then purchased the same clothes on display.

“What do you think?”

She asked us after she finished changing.

“Looks good.”

“You look nice.”

“Thank you.”

She gave us a smile. For a ‘demon’ she displays a lot of emotion. We then left the store.

“Do you mind me asking something?”

Emma opened conversation as we walked down the streets.


“Why are you here? I thought most cademons are with the demon’s army? Do you also know anything about those wyverns?”

“I used to be with the demon’s army, until... it’s not something I could talk about in the open.”

“Want to continue in our room?”

Nia nodded. She followed us back to the guild. After arriving, her appearance caught the attention of a lot of people. Probably because they have never seen her before. Lisya asked us about her, to which we replied with a solid ‘our friend’. To dodge the attention of the nearby adventurers, we quickly made our way toward our room.

“I was rescued by a human before.”

She said as she took a sip from the tea we bought.

“The demon’s army was attacking a human town. We were engaged in a fierce battle. My charm could only do so much. After a long while, it failed, and I was hit by a fire arrow.”

She puts down her tea and continued,

“I was bleeding heavily. I rested on one of the town’s half-destroyed houses. Only the living room was somewhat intact, every other room was reduced to rubble. A human knight found me...”

She looked up at the ceiling, recalling that past.

“He sheathed his sword and treated my wounds. We had a lot of conversations that night. In order to guard me, he slept beside me that night. He trusted me. The next morning, the demon’s army found out about my location and came into the house. The second they saw him, they murdered him without a second thought. That’s the turning point for me.”

She said calmly. Her previous smile is gone, replaced by a slight frowning face, she stopped for a while. She then took a look at us.

“That’s why I’m here, the city furthest away from the demons. Although it seems that they sent wyverns after me.”

“Where would you be going now?”

She shook her head.

“It doesn’t matter where I go next. If the demon’s army is willing to chase me here, they probably won’t stop until I’m dead. There’s also the issue with this city’s residents.”

“You could join our party. They probably won’t hurt you if they knew you’re a part of us.”

That is purely assumption-based, but seeing how the other adventurers respected me just for my Amnesia Clansmen status, it wouldn’t be too farfetched to think they’ll let Nia go because of me.

Makes me wonder just how powerful and rare Amnesia Clansmen are. I’m basically treated like a VIP despite not doing anything of note.

“How do you know?”

“I don’t. I just thought it’s better than living alone in the wild.”

Hearing that, she let out a sigh.

“It’s not like I have an option. Guess I’ll be with you for the next few days.”

And with that, we got the third member of our team.

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