Ganersam Volume 1

Chapter 4

“Ground Lock! Now’s your turn, William!”

“Yes! Wind Strike!”

Unable to move from being tied down to the ground, the bear stood helplessly as my spell cut through its body. The bear’s brown furry skin turned red as blood leaked out.

Wind strike is a spell that utilizes high-speed air currents as a weapon. It’s best against smaller agile enemies thanks to its high speed. My high stats allowed me to ignore most of the type matching, though.

A loud roar accompanied the beast as it went down. This day marks my first attempt at killing a giant bear.

“Very well done!”

Our teacher said while clapping behind me. I kept calling him our teacher, but in truth, he was only teaching me.

“Ah, that was nothing.”

I let out a chuckle. I brushed off the sweat from my head. We’ve been attacking enemies for a while. It’s getting hot.

Today’s original plan is to strike a group of low-level goblins in the forest, but on our way back we accidentally ran into a medium-level giant bear.

The giant bear isn’t a particularly strong enemy, although underestimating it could get you killed.

“The Amnesia Clan really is something.”

Our teacher let out a laugh.

The people in this world don’t know English, so when faced with words like ass and amnesia, they just thought of it as a cool foreign name.

But as someone who does understand, it’s hard to get used to.

Emma, on the other hand, isn’t as excited as us. As expected, she isn’t able to do anything today. That’s not just it, though. Back when we were against goblins, a group of them decided to chase after her for no reason.

She tripped on a rock and fell down. The goblins surrounded her and were ready to bonk her to death when we took them out. That probably scared the hell out of her.

“Come on, cheer up. I’ll grab you some drinks when we get back.”



That seemed to cheer her up, a bit.

“Let’s head back.”

My teacher said as he started walking back toward the city. We followed after him. This particular location isn’t far from the walls, it would probably take 5-10 minutes depending on how fast we walk.

Faint flapping sounds could be heard coming through the air. Teacher signaled us to stop and he started looking around.



“No, duck down!”

He whispered while looking back at us. For context, duck down in this world’s language is different to duck in English, but instead of using this world’s language, he blurted out duck instead, that’s why I was confused. He must have heard it from some of those Amnesia Clansmen.

We followed his orders and got down on our knees.

A loudwhooshsound could be heard from up above, followed by a strong gust of wind. Behind the leaves of the trees that cover the skies, a big purple thing could be seen passing by.

“A wyvern...”

Our teacher whispered silently.

“What’s a wyvern?”

On Earth, wyverns are legendary dragon-like beasts that fly. I wonder if it’s any different here.

“Wyverns are a highly dangerous beast that came from far up north. They have a close relationship with the demons. For it to come to Alpha, there must be a reason.”

Hearing my teacher’s explanation, I looked back at the kneeling Emma.

“You got anything to do with this?”

“Unless they’re in close proximity with their target, wyverns can’t detect holy blood.”

“Holy blood?”

“Those are the blood that my Masters and other angels have when they’re here. It gives special attributes like a passive shield that protects you and a more powerful active shield that you could use.”

I see, so this is why I can’t touch her without consent. She has that shield thing.

“We should avoid fighting it at all costs, so follow me.”

Our teacher cuts our conversation. We then follow him, closely kneeling to the ground. We moved slowly, in order to not make any unnecessary sounds. Using the leaves of the trees as cover, we slowly approached the wall.

“We’re closing in on the city. The wyvern wouldn’t dare enter the city, so don’t worry. If it does get close, our defenses would blast them away.”

Our teacher whispered to us while giving us a thumbs up. What kind of defenses a medieval town would have that would be effective against a wyvern though? Maybe magic arrows?

I put my thoughts to the back of my head and continue to follow my teacher through the forest.

As we continued moving slowly, the sound of a branch cracking could be heard, followed by a loudbump. I looked back.

“Emma, are you okay?”

I whispered. Emma somehow managed to trip on a branch.

“I’m fine.”

She said as she tried to get back up. This is the second time she tripped today.

A loud scream could be heard coming from above. Looking upward, I saw the wyvern turning around and heading straight for us. It looked like a small dragon, it had dark purple skin. It had three sharp horns on its head, and its tail was covered with thorns all over.

It had large wings, even larger than its body. It had some kind of dark aura around it, and that scary-looking beast is now zooming toward us.

“Emma, watch out!”

I yelled, but it was too late. The wyvern was far too close.

“Holy Shield!”

Emma brought both of her hands forwards and a white bubble-like shield appeared in front of Emma. The wyvern crashed headfirst into the shield.

It let out a very loud scream as it pulled back, shaking its head in pain.

It seemed like the wyvern was severely hurt.

“Now’s our chance, run!”

Our teacher yelled at us.

We immediately sprinted toward the city.

The wyvern let out a loud roar before returning to chase us. Its strong wings cut through the trees like a chainsaw cutting wood. Our teacher let out some magic trying to slow it down.

The wyvern dodged it successfully, flying side to side with great agility. It knocked down even more trees as it dodged the spells. For Emma’s shield to withstand such strength, she must really be something.

“Damn it!”

Our teacher grumbled. He’s having a hard time getting the wyvern off our backs.

As the wyvern approached us once again, I let out a spell.

“Ground Lock!”

Letting out my voice, the ground formed a spike-like shape that hit the wyvern from below.

The wyvern let out another scream, barely visible scratch marks could be seen on its stomach.

That attack managed to stun the wyvern, momentarily taking it out.

“Ground Lock isn’t supposed to reach that high! You’re amazing! Although I do think you need to quickly raise your level before it gets out of control.”

Yelled our teacher running in front of us.

Ground Lock is a medium-level spell used to hinder the enemies’ movement, it’s rarely used for attacks due to its low damage.

I need to thank my ridiculously high magic stat for that. It allowed me to learn that spell the second I step into this world

However, in my case, my low level made it quite tricky for me to fully control. Incantations aren’t a thing here, so I think magic is controlled by yelling?

I don’t know, our teacher said it’s unconsciously regulated by the brain, and it became harder to control the higher level the magic is. It’s not that much of an issue though, as I haven’t upgraded it.

The wyvern had recovered from the stun and is now flying back at us.

“Hey Emma, it’s still on us. Can’t you do something with your holy blood or something?”

“My holy blood gives me defensive abilities, it can’t do anything with attacking!”

Well, at least our team has a defender.

It hasn’t been a week and I’m already being chased by a boss-like monster.

I guess this is what being a speedrunner feels like.

After a short while, the city walls came into view. I wonder if I could glitch through it?

Wait, that’s not the point. As long as we could get past the walls, we should be fine.

Or at least that’s what our teacher said.

But before we even reached the walls, our teacher hit the brakes right in front of us.

“Why are you stopping?”

“We’re in a safe zone now. I invite you to watch this spectacle.”

He said as he turned back. His face sported a bright smile.

Both Emma and I stopped and looked at the wyvern.

Seemingly realizing something, the wyvern put on its brakes and stopped chasing us, attempting to fly away.

All of a sudden, blue light rays appeared from behind us, and lasers filled up the sky.

Laser cannons.

In the medieval era.

Just what is wrong with this world.

Lasers rain on the wyvern’s body, and the magnificent beast soon collapses. Smoke filled the air, coming from the remains of the dead beast.

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