Ganersam Volume 1

Chapter 2

When I first arrived here, I screamed the mandatory ‘it’s another world!’.

Obviously, I have high hopes for the future.

Coming into a completely different world, giving myself a chance to fix my past mistakes, painting a brighter future, all those wonderful stuff.

However, after a few steps in this ‘awesome’ new world, the mood was quickly ruined.

As it turns out, the level designer was drunk when they were creating this part.

“Are we there yet?”

“If you’re going to complain, you shouldn’t have come.”

“I’m not complaining... well I am, a bit... But you can’t expect me to not complain. We’ve been walking in this heat for quite a while.”

She said while fanning her head. I couldn’t help but feel I accidentally unlocked the other side of her. The less holy, more human side.

Well, sheisa human now.

And that side of her disliked hot weather.

“I thought you were more princess or angel-like back there.”

“Well, to be fair, with my Masters watching, I can’t just act however I want. Also, it’s not as hot”

“I guess you’re right.”

Regarding the heat, I couldn’t deny her. When we woke up, we were in the middle of a big open plain, with mountains in the distance, a small stream not far from us, and a conveniently placed road right beside us. The weather was clear today, and the sun shone brightly in the big blue sky.

I was honestly expecting a better kind of opening mission or tutorial, but whoever was in charge thought a long boring walk was a good idea. There isn’t much to see on the route, as no matter where we look it’s just big open fields, with the occasional patch of trees in the distance.

Even the ‘you die when you got killed’ loading tip is better than this.

“So, what are you going to do now?”

I asked as we continued our walk. We’ve been walking in silence, so things are getting a bit awkward.

“You mean what arewegoing to do now?”

“Didn’t you say you want to explore the world?”

Technically that isn’t her words. But, since she didn’t deny it when the other angel stated that, I assume that’s her real reasoning.

“Yes, but I’ll need to stay with you. The magic items that are granted to the people that came here will deactivate if they’re too far from their user. In my case, I’ll just get sent back to heaven if I get too far from you.”

“What will happen if that occurs?”

“I’ll be sent back to your side, assuming you still want me. If I’m not mistaken, I need to be in the same city as you. As long as we’re not in different cities, we should be fine.”

“Isn’t that a bit close? I mean, what if we’re in a small town?”

“Well, to be fair, it’s not like you expected a magic sword to grow legs and ran across town.”

“Fair... By the way, how much do you know about this world?”

I asked. She looked around for a while.

“Not much. Although I do know a bit about some random things. My Masters and the other angels rarely visit this world, unless they’re on guard duty, but when they return to heaven, they often tell how things are going to the rest of us, so I often hear stories from them.”

I see. So, despite not having much presence here, they still come by sometimes.

As we continued our walk, a massive city appeared on the horizon. Surrounded by high cream-colored walls and dense green forests, the city looks like a city from a fantasy game.

As we got closer, we could see that there were two guards on standby.

Seeing us approach, one of the guards made his way towards us, his shining silver armor clanking as he moved.

“Good morning, Sir. May I ask where you are from?”

I realized I could immediately understand what the knight was saying, although I don’t know a proper answer. I glanced at Emma, didn’t know what to say. Looking at me, Emma shook her head.

“Umm... about that...”

As I was about to reply, he nodded.


He said. I haven’t even said anything yet. The guard then turned around.

“Please follow this road. At the end of it is the adventurer’s guild. Please go there.”

The guard said while pointing toward the city.

“Thank you...”

I said as we left the gates.

Well, that’s definitely a proper RPG-style introduction.

Looking around, this city is bustling with people. The houses are made from colorful bricks, and there are horses and carriages everywhere. Children running around, and women wearing colorful dresses.

“So this is what an RPG setting feels like.”

I murmured. It felt like a city in a medieval setting. The city is pretty large, so it took us around 30 minutes to reach the adventurer’s guild. We were walking leisurely, though, so it could probably be faster if we rushed.

“Ah, here we are.”

Emma pointed towards a large building in the middle of the city. The building is taller compared to its surroundings. The building’s base is made out of stone bricks, while the upper floors were constructed from what seemed to be planks.

Two large wooden doors guard the entrance. Above the doors there’s a large emblem, I assume that’s the emblem of the guild. Below it is the writing ‘Adventurer’s Guild’.

I pushed the large wooden doors. Inside, a bunch of adventurers was relaxing and lazing around. The atmosphere here is really lively.

The building consists of three main parts. There’s a tavern that occupies most of the guild, a guild receptionist at the end of the building, and some shops on its side. Most of them sell weapons and equipment.

There’s also a large staircase beside the receptionist.

We walked up to the receptionist. Seeing us, a pretty guild lady guarding the counter smiled at us.

“Why hello there, are you two new here?”

“Yes, we are interested in becoming adventurers.”

“I see. Did you come from around here?”

Hearing that question, I once again glanced at Emma, and Emma replied with another head shake.

“Ah, let me guess. You two are those mysteriously powerful people that lost their memories. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you everything you’ll need to know.”

Emma approached me and whispered to my ears,

“I think that’s the excuse people before you used to describe their unawareness of the things in this world.”

“I see...”

I nodded and looked back at the guild lady.

“Yes, unfortunately, I think I’m one of those people. I only remember my name. I’m William, and this girl here is Emma. We accidentally ran into each other on the road.”

I said while pointing back at Emma. Emma nodded to my words. Technically that isn’t a lie, as if we didn’t count the things that happened in the afterlife, then we really did meet on the road.

“I see, very well. Please put your hands here.”

The receptionist directed my attention toward a small white box-shaped machine. It looked like a printer, but this is a medieval-era RPG, so it’s probably some kind of magical device.

“What is that?”

I asked.

“You mean this machine? It is called a scanner. It also functions as a printer to print documents. It’s called an Automatic Stat Scanner, we don’t know what that means though.”

... ASS.

Whoever named this is a total weirdo. Thanks to the difference in language, the people here don’t know what ass means, but it better stay that way.

Besides, isn’t this the medieval era? I mean such huge walls, the architecture of buildings, the clothes. This world is definitely set in the medieval era, so why is there a scanner here?

I put my hand on the ASS... that sounds so wrong. It hasn’t even been a day and I already want to slap someone.

The machine lit up, and noises could be heard from it. A small card came from the side.

“May I have your name?”

The receptionist asked while picking up the card. That seems to be the adventurer card. It’s a small white card with black text written on it.

She put the card into a different machine, it looked like an old typewriter.

“William Foster.”

I decided to use my previous name for this world. I don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to naming things, and no, I don’t want my gamer name ‘PeeMaster69’ to be my real name. Besides, maybe by keeping my real name, I could find the meaning to it here.

“W-I-L-L-I-A-M F-O-S-T-E-R”

The lady typed down my name. The typewriter lit up and spit the card out from the other side. The lady picked up the card once more and read its contents.

“Let’s see... wow... This is outstanding! You got above average on all of your stats. This is... you really are an Amnesia Clansmen!”

The receptionist said excitedly. Some other adventurers gathered around to take a peep at my adventurer card and immediately stared at me.

“It’s my turn now!”

Emma said loudly. She must have gotten excited seeing my stats.

“Yes, please put your hand here.”

The machine starts scanning Emma. A small card once again came out.


“E-M-M-A. No surname?”


So Emma doesn’t have a surname.


The receptionist repeats the process. The card came out, and she picked it up. Her face immediately changed. Her previous bright expression was replaced with a confused look.

She took glances at Emma while looking at the card. Emma’s previous excited face had also been swapped with a face of worry.

The adventurers around the receptionist also took glances at Emma, their faces bearing mixed expressions.

“Something’s wrong?”

Emma nervously asked.


The guild lady kept taking glances between Emma and the card. She nervously continued.

“Umm... you have below-average numbers on all of your stats, with the exception of your luck being a bit high.”

The lady said with a wry smile. The guild fell into complete silence. That statement seemed to really have a powerful effect, as some of the adventurers who previously weren’t interested were now also looking at us.

To put it into perspective, only the adventurers sitting near us were interested in looking at my stats, yet everyone else in the guild immediately turned the second they heard about Emma’s.

Wait... how did they even record luck? Actually, that doesn’t matter.

“What exactly are the average numbers?”

I nervously asked. Seeing the reaction of the lady and the other adventurers definitely raised my concerns. I hope below-average means just slightly below the average.

The receptionist went back to the counter and slowly took out a large piece of paper and showed it to us. She seemed very hesitant to show the numbers.

On the paper are several charts, each showing the average numbers for each stat.

I take a look at the average stats. Compared to Emma, her stats aren’t below average. It’s utter garbage.

I, on the other hand, have great stats. It’s far higher compared to the usual adventurer, although in the middle of the ‘Amnesia Clansmen’ section.

“Well, don’t cry Miss Emma. I mean, Mister William could cover for you.”

The receptionist tried to calm down Emma who had started tearing up. Is she really an angel?

Well, to be fair shewasan angel. She did mention her holy powers being disabled. Is this a result of it?

“Anyway, please follow me.”

The receptionist awkwardly said while still trying to calm Emma down.

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