Ganersam Volume 1

Chapter 19

Riko turned the ship on. The ship’s engines sprang back to life, and we felt a little push as the ship took off. Turning around, Riko flew the ship toward the oncoming cargo ship.

“I’m entering stealth mode.”

Flicking through the switches in the cockpit, Riko turned off the lights. The ship’s interior went dark. Other than the blue lines glowing on the floor, with the pale moonlight shining through the windows, there were no other lights inside.

The ship was silent, with only the sounds of the engines coming in, giving me some time to think stuff over.

I still can’t believe I’m fighting nobles after a few days of arriving in this world.

I was expecting to spend my first few days doing normal missions, collecting normal items, and battling normal enemies.

Now I’m facing a noble, collecting ancient-looking rocks, and fighting large boss-like monsters.

After seeing Amel’s enthusiasm, I have a feeling it won’t be peace and quiet once we arrived back in Alpha.

She’ll probably drag me to some ancient ruins or deep forests or something.

Maybe she’ll bring me to that ancient ruins of Asparagus?

I wonder just how old is this world, and how old do you need to be to be called ancient? Considering this world’s naming sense, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just 10 days old.

Actually, I would probably still be surprised.

This is a really weird world, I wonder how long will I last?

“Cargo ship spotted.”

Riko made the call. I looked out the window.

Shining among the night stars, an array of lights shines through the night. At its edge is a red and green color, with many smaller white lights in between. The lines formed the silhouette of the ship.

“So that’s it...”

The ship had a gray color on it. The ship is pretty big. It’s the size of a large airliner.

There seem to be no defenses on board, no turrets or the like.

It’s flying at a pretty low altitude, which is a bit weird considering the cargo they are carrying.

I mean, if you’re carrying illegal cargo, aren’t you supposed to be flying as far from people as possible?

We flew under the ship, crossing its path, before turning around and slowly sneaking up.

We were now flying above them.

“The deck is... clear?”

Amel said as she looked out from the window. She was preparing to open the door but is now hesitant.

“Is it just me, or is this guy’s security a bit lackluster?”

I wondered. We had no serious issue penetrating the mansion back then. It’s as if he’s exposing himself on purpose.

“I know this isn’t a good time to ask, but how did your assault in the capital went?”

Hearing my question, Amel looked at me, and the ship went silent once more.

“Well... umm... it was not hard... to say the least.”

Amel said, her voice wavering. She must have noticed my concerns.

Hearing that, I turned to Emma.

“Did you do background checks on everyone?”

“Umm... background checks aren’t exactly an obligation. As long as they’re heading up, then they’re allowed to go back down. There are some occasions when I skipped the step. The others probably did it too.”

The way Emma rephrased it is a bit weird. She accidentally caught the attention of the other two, despite trying to do the opposite.

“So Emma really is an angel...”

Nia muttered, her voice mixed with the sound of the engines, but it was still audible enough to be understood.

Well, It made sense if she noticed, she could feel Emma’s energy, after all.

But Amel is now also looking at us with suspicion. After all this is over, I swear Amel would force us to explain everything.

“I’m now above the ship.”

Riko called from the cockpit. Amel shook her head and redirected her attention back to the door before opening it.

Riko’s ship door looked similar to the one used on private jets, so it was now acting as some kind of bridge between our ship and Alexander’s.

Amel jumped off and we followed her. Aclangcould be heard as our feet stepped onto the metal walkway above the ship.

The path is lit up, so we could see where we were going.

I could feel the cold breeze of air passing through my skin. Amel took a peek through the door at the front end of the path.

She then pulled a small device and started cutting through the door.

The process took quite a while, around 30 seconds, so the rest of us enjoyed the view as we waited.

I now understand why this ship flies low, and why there’s a viewing deck.

If I have a ship, despite it being a cargo ship, I would also like to have a place to view the beautiful scenery as I flew by.

I mean, yeah, it’s dark, but it’s still beautiful.

“Fuhh, finally done. It’s time to have some fun.”

Amel said with a smile, she stepped back...

And kicked the door open.

A loud bang could be heard as the door fell onto the deck below. The sound caught all three of us by surprise.

“Do you need to do that!?”

“There’s no fun in going stealthy.”

She said as she rushed in.

This girl...

Holding onto the railings, we all followed Amel down, weapons at the ready

At the end of the stairs, Amel halted her steps. She then looked around, baffled.

“It’s... empty...?”

We slowly followed her down. There were no demons at all. Confused, We silently walked to the rear. The four of us stand in a row above the bridge.

From the bridge, we could see several figures standing guard. They wear gray and green-colored clothes similar to the camouflage real military used. On their hands were a bunch of swords and staffs.

Based on what I’ve seen back in Alpha, the knights here still used silver-colored metal armor, like medieval knights.

So to see so many demons wielding fantasy weapons while wearing what looked like modern armor is a bit weird.

But it won’t be as weird if my hypothesis is correct.

Now that I thought about it, I had never seen an actual demon before.

“Are those the demons?”

I asked, to make sure. My LIAR is aimed at them, ready to shoot.

Nia examined the supposed demons, and nodded.

“I’m sure they are.”

“Nia’s right, I could feel strong dark energy from them.”

It seems that all the demons are guarding the cargo compartment.

They’re using black masks, hiding their faces. They are covered from top to bottom with clothing.

For whatever reason, they didn’t hear us.

We made a loud noise when we entered, so how did they not hear us?

“Should we fire at them?”

“Probably. Fire at the one near the stairs first.”

Hearing that, I turned and pointed LIAR toward the stairs and opened fire. Surprised by the sudden attack, the demons all scrambled for cover.

Many of them fell victim to our paralyze bolts.

Nia jumped off the bridge and headed straight toward them, cutting through the paralyzed demons with her polearm. Following her, Amel jumped as well, putting them straight into the battle.

Keen on joining the action, I and Emma ran to the stairs.

We’ll probably break our legs if we jump like them. From the stairs, we gave them supporting fire.

Yellow blitz of paralyze bolts filled the large cargo hold.

The unfortunate demons who were unlucky enough to be paralyzed screamed in terror as they looked at our two physical wielders, who swiftly turned them into ash, their clothes fell empty to the ground.

The more fortunate ones were able to hide behind cover and started firing magic back at us. I grabbed Emma’s hand and ran down, dodging the incoming magic. I pulled her behind a crate, the other two already behind cover.

The cargo containers were made from a special type of metal, making them invisible to both paralyze bolts and most medium-level magic.

Alexander probably thought of a raid, so he made them like this.

This is probably the only point that dude came in prepared.

On the other side, a demon’s proficiency in magic is based on a lot of things, but I don’t think this Alexander guy picked the best he could find.

Basically, he had good crates that were immune to magic, yet bad guards that could barely do anything.


The sound of some kind of magic spell deflecting off the crates could be heard from the box covering me. I don’t really understand how this material works, but as long as we hide behind them, we’ll be safe.

The firefight... or magic fight, continued for a solid 5 minutes. We managed to take down several demons, but there were still a lot of them left.

“What should we do about Alexander?”

We were so engrossed in our firefight, that we forgot about our target.

If Alexander were to escape now, we won’t be able to catch him.

Amel looked at me, and with a firm gaze, she said,

“Don’t worry, I slipped a paralyze bomb near the entrance. If anyone tries to exit through that door, they’ll be paralyzed. There’s a warning system in that, so we’ll be notified. Don’t worry about it.”

The way you said it while smiling only made me more concerned.

“Isn’t there an escape hatch above the bridge?”

Nia asked. Amel looked at her before answering,

“Umm... yeah?”




I could hear gibberish coming from the demons. Is that demon language?

Hearing that, Nia looked back at us and said,

“Notify the bridge, Tell the boss we got invaders!”

“Yes, I already did that!”





The demon sounds became louder. Did they just start fighting among themselves?

Nia looked at them, confused. The magic spells also stopped, and the sounds got louder and angrier.



Hearing that, Nia’s face changed. Her expression darkened. She gripped her polearm-staff hybrid.

She stood up and exposed herself.

“Nia, watch o...”

I yelled, but looking at Nia spreading her hands, I knew something was going to happen.

“Cosmic Charge!”

A black ball suddenly appeared in her left hand. She then pulled her left hand to her front, her right hand holding the polearm. The polearm’s tip started to glow.

The demons attempt to counter it by firing their own spells, but the black ball absorbs all of the spells.

It grew larger as it ate the demon’s spell.

We all held our breath as we waited for something to happen.

A creepy smile appeared on her face, and she yelled,

“Cosmic Release!”

The black ball turned into a black beam, firing forward, absolutely destroying every demon in its path.

It was so powerful it blew the entire front part of the ship off.

The nose of the ship, which could be opened for loading cargo, is now gone. In what used to be its frame, you could see small sparks of fire. Many of the weapon crates were also blown off.

Well... that goes our evidence.

Several parts of the floor are also on fire. Flames could be seen appearing from what used to be stashes of cargo, burning off the ash remains of the demons.

I know It’s too late now, but I really hope we’re not on the wrong ship.

As we were taking in the sights, we heard a smallbumpsound.


I rushed to her, pulling her back.

She had collapsed and was barely conscious.

“Nia, you’re alright?”


She said weakly. No, she’s definitely not alright.

“I... just used too much energy on that...”

“What did they say?”

“It’s one of those traitors...”

She looked up at me, her gaze met mine.

I didn’t understand why getting called a traitor ticked her off. If she’s really pissed about that, should she even join us? As I was wondering about that, her lips moved once more.

“... It’s that bastard N4′s accomplice. It’s all N1′s fault.”

I think I remember who N1 is, but who is the other one?

Looking at my puzzled expression, Nia chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it...”

She said as she closed her eyes.

“Nia! Nia!”

I shook her, trying to wake her up, but it was no use. I slowly pulled her behind. Emma approached her. She put her hands on Nia’s chest, a faint glow emanating from her body.


I took a step back, letting Emma do what she needed to do. But with the demons out of the way, we could now capture Alexander... or so I thought.

The ship was shaking hard when Nia blew the front off, but it had stabilized now.

I thought I could let Emma take care of Nia, and went upstairs with Amel to confront Alexander, assuming he’s still here, but once I stood up, I got a good look at the front of the ship.

And I could see the desert sand getting closer and closer.

“Brace for impact!”

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