Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 184: King of Sand advance into C-rank! (a)

King of Sand was a savage beast that have eaten the flesh of many humans, magical beast, and other races. Unlike Wolfie, Its nature was bloodthirsty. Forming a normal contract with it was dangerous as it could turn on him at any time. However, he just had to use the beast contract method created for savage beast by beast tamers and everything will be fine.

In any case, making the life binding contract with it shouldn't pose any problems. Besides, having a peak D-rank savage magical beast as a companion also seemed impressive and will boost his combat ability by several times.

Doing as the Life Binding Contract method states, he stretched his hand to move it right above the Eighteen-legged centipede head and dripped a drop of blood mixed with ten units of soul force upon its mouth.

This was called soul blood.

The moment his soul blood touched the beast's forehead, a ritual seemed to have been triggered. Simultaneously, the beast trembled in resistance as a weird kind of spell matrix appeared on its forehead allowing the soul blood to penetrate its head.

"Drop all your mental resistance or the Life binding contract won't work on you," Whittaker said and the King of Sand stopped resisting.

Putting aside how it didn't even have the strength to crawl or stand up straight, how could it defy the order of the person that beat It into this state?

It was not like it would dare to attack its owner, it didn't have the strength to do so either!

‹Guardian have formed the Life Binding contact with the magical beast: Eighteen-legged centipede. Its life is bounded to your will. As its master, if you are to give it an order, the King of Sand would be willing to die for you›

‹Contracted Beast; Name: King of sand

Rank: Peak D-rank

Loyalty: 48›

Noah notified when the soul blood entirely seeped into the beast.

A connection seemed to be formed between his soul space with the other party. Through this connection, he could communicate with the beast no matter how far away it is from him. He could also give orders to it through the connection. Moreover, he could summon the beast into his soul space or recall it onto the world.

"Since you have submitted to me, you should serve as my battle companion and mount. Anyway, listen well, this is a "Life Binding contract". I can control your life and death with a single thought. If you ever betray me then I won't hesitate to kill you. From now on, if you ever eat an innocent person then the same punishment will ensure. Except for these rules, you can do as you wish. And, we can communicate by using the spiritual connection. Lastly, I hope we will get along!" Whittaker said to the mighty beast.

It was no wonder that beast tamer was one of the nine professions. Just the ability to communicate with magical beasts and fight alongside them were already considered as fearsome feats. But, one can also force the magical beast to obey certain rules and follow them for a lifetime. This was just broken and extremely useful to keep in check the bloodthirsty natures of savage magical beasts.


The King of Sand was stunned to have so many rules imposed on it but in the end, it still agreed to follow them. Its life depended on it, after all.

"I'll be depending on you for the journey to the RedCliff City! Let's go" he happily said and jumped on its back.

However, the beast crawled very slowly. Even walking on foot would be faster than using it to travel.

This was not the feared King of desert but a queen of slow-mo. The beast struggled to crawl faster by putting strength into its sixteen remaining feet, only for its legs to give up and body to sink somewhat into the sand. No matter how much effort was put, it was unable to move faster. Whittaker had gone all out with his attacks and the beast has sustained severe injuries. Thus, it was difficult for it to even stand up, much less serving as a desert horse.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Behind the dented armor was a body full of wounds. As such, Whittaker was unable to notice that its wounded pretty badly

"Master Life Taker, I have sustained severe injuries. I need at least some weeks to heal before I am able to move around freely in the desert" The beast communicated to Whittaker through the spiritual channel while looking at him pitifully.contemporary romance

'Seems like I had gone too far with my attacks previously,' he thought.

The beast will need weeks to heal but he wasn't gonna waste so much time. The reason why he tamed it was to reach the RedCliff City today. He was pressed for time. After all, only one month and two weeks were left before the two months time end. If he fails to impress Elder Zachary then he will have to wait for who knows how long to get the key to .e treasure.

The solution to this problem was to Heal it!

Except for natural recovery, humans can hasten their recovery through consuming healing elixirs or using pure-mana healing spells. There must be ways to hasten the reviver of magical beasts as well; however, he didn't know about it.

"Noah, do you have any ways to heal its injuries swiftly?" He asked. Since he was focused more on talisman and formation, he didn't invest much time in the time-consuming beast tamer profession.

Actually, all professions were time-consuming to learn. That's why many don't learn more than a single profession. Only some dabble in more than one. And Whittaker was only of those few ones that are mastering three+ professions at the same time.

"The physical constitution of a magical beast differs from that of a human's but the methods to hasten their recovery are vaguely similar. There are two ways to heal it. The first method is feeding it. The guardian will have to use the flesh of powerful magical beasts or humans to heal it. The second is using healing elixirs suitable for this particular magical beast consumption. If the right elixir is used, this beast will be able to make a complete recovery within a short amount of time! However, the guardian doesn't have." Noah explained the ways to heal the magical beast to him.

Beast tamers had two ways for treating their tamed beast but neither of the two methods could be currently utilized by Whittaker. He didn't have a healing elixir suitable for the beast nor did he have any flesh of magical beast in his bag. Don't think about humans, he wasn't fed humans to his magical beast.

Anyways he was lacking the materials and resources required to heal the tamed beast. 

"Do I leave it behind and travel on foot?" He thought. Traveling on foot will take two days or so but only if he doesn't get bothered by the enemies or else, it will take around three to seven days. However, the desert was full of Scorpion-kin and magical beast. So, he was bound to battle again and again.

But if he uses the King of Sand as his ride then no magical beast will attack him. Why? The reason's pretty simple... The aura emitting out of the King of Sand will keep all magical beast at bay. Magical beast get pressurized when they are in the presence of some stronger magical beast and their instinct is to not fight a stronger one and avoid death, that's why they won't attack.

‹There's one more method made especially for the Guardian.›

Just when he was about to give up and continue the journey on foot, Noah notified.

"Huh? What's it?" Whittaker was surprised.

‹Quest Activated: Great Beast Tamer!

Details: Advance the D-rank Eighteen-legged Centipede into a C-ranked›

‹Rewards: Noah will use life essence to restore the beast to peak condition!›

"How do I help it make a breakthrough when I don't have any poison or sand type beast elemental crystal!" Whittaker said. 

Mostly, magical beasts need to eat food meant especially for them to advance but this only works for F till D-rank. To advance to C-rank, a magical beast needs to absorb a suitable C-rank beast core so that they can open up the first Mana Channel and advance. However, Whittaker didn't have any.

Magical beasts have many closed mana Channels in their body. When a beast reached the D-rank peak then they have to open up mana channels to increase their power. Mana channels are used to store and absorb mana inside them.

‹The Guardian can help it reach Rank-C by increasing its loyalty to 100 points. At max loyalty, the spiritual connection you share with it will strengthen to its max limit, and then you can help open up one of its mana channels without a problem by using your mana. Noah will explain to you...›

This was a secret only a few were exposed to. Increasing a beast loyalty to 100 points wasn't an easy task but there was a mention of this even in one of the books he read in the library of Zachary's palace. However, it was not explained clearly but Noah explained to him clearly what happens when a beast's loyalty reaches 100.

When the loyalty of a beast reaches 100, the spiritual connection becomes so strong that the owner will be able to pour his mana into the beast's body through the connection. Normally, such an act was harmful and if done in excess will kill the beast but it's useful when the beast's loyalty is 100% and the spiritual connection is strengthened to the max. 

"And I just have the items to increase its loyalty!"

Whittaker had three loyalty increasing pills in his storage. He received them when he tamed Wolfie. He pulled them and said to the beast.

"I will be helping you to reach C-rank so that your injuries will recover in an instant but first you have to eat these!" he said to the beast and fed it the three pills.


The Eighteen-legged Centipede cooperated and absorbed the pill as it didn't dare defy the orders of its master.

‹King of Sand Loyalty increased by 30 points. 48»78. Spiritual connection boosted from mid-tier to high-tier.

‹King of Sand Loyalty increased by 20 points. 78»98. Spiritual connection boosted from high-tier to peak-tier›

‹King of Sand Loyalty increased by 10 points. 98»100. Loyalty increase to max. Spiritual connection boosted from high-tier to Perfect!›

Each time one pill was devoured by the beast, a notification of its loyalty increasing popped up in Whittaker's vision. By using the three pills, he increased its loyalty to the max amount.

And at the same time, he felt the spiritual connection with the least strengthening to its limit. Normally, the spiritual connection was used to command the beast. But once it's perfected, it can be used to guide mana into the beast's body without harming it.

The spiritual connection has been established. The beast loyalty has increased to a fanatic believer level.

Now the only thing left to do was help open a mana channel in its body!

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