Galactic: The Superhuman Robot

Chapter 11: Galactic Captures Bank Robbers

Galactic has a day off from teaching. She plans to visit her children later in the day. At 10:00 AM her phone rings.

Galactic: “Hello, who is this?”

NYPD Officer: “I’m calling you because we have a situation at Morgan Stanley. Several bank robbers are in the building and have taken hostages. We don’t know if anyone has been hurt. We need your help immediately. Are you available?

Galactic: “Yes, of course. What’s the location of the bank?”

Officer: “It’s near the Stock Exchange.”

Galactic: “I know where it is. I’ll be there in four minutes.”

Officer: “I’ll be standing by the door of the building.”

Galactic: “I’ll find you.” Galactic runs down to Wall Street and arrives in five minutes. She’s only one minute late. She finds the officer and they discuss the situation with other officers. “I’m going in now. Please move away from the door. Your safety is of utmost importance.”

The officers run down the stairs away from the building. Galactic tries to open the door, but it’s locked. She pushes the door in with her leg.

She goes in and sees ten hostages tied up and sitting on the floor. No one is wounded. At first, she doesn’t see the robbers, but in less than a couple of minutes, two robbers rush at her firing multiple rounds of ammunition. She thinks, “They must have bump stocks.”

The bullets strike Galactic, splinter and fall to the ground. The robbers are stunned to see her standing and unharmed. She rushes towards them and picks them up. She jumps up to the ceiling and back down to the floor several times to frighten the robbers.

One bank robber: “What are you doing you bitch. Let me go.”

Galactic: “What are you going to do about it, dummy?”

Galactic defiantly continues jumping. Then she throws the robbers on the floor and handcuffs them. She asks the hostages if they’re okay and if there are any other robbers.

They answer, “They’re the only two.” Galactic’s relieved as she looks for the stash and sees two bags next to the hostages. She opens them and finds the money. She tells the hostages to get up and contacts the police.

Galactic: “Galactic here. The hostages are safe. They’ll be coming out now. I’ve got the two bank robbers secured and I’ve located the stash.”

Galactic accompanies the hostages to the door and waits for the police to enter the building.

One hostage: “Are you a superhuman robot? I’ve never seen anything like that before?”

Galactic: “Yes, I’m a superhuman; part human and part robot.”

Another hostage: “That’s unbelievable “You saved our lives. How can we repay you?”

Galactic: “Saving your life is my remuneration. I’m not at liberty to tell you who I am. Just know that I’m glad you’re all safe.”

Another hostage: “Can we call you sometime to thank you?”

Galactic: “Call the NYPD and thank them for all the assistance you received today.”

The officers enter the bank. Two take the robbers to the station. The hostages are told that they are going to be interviewed. The officer in charge thanks Galactic for her awesome help and says, “I want you to be a member of the NYPD. You’ll receive a badge and will be updated on this case.”

Galactic: “That’s great but I’m not always available to assist you. I’ll tell you how to contact the other superhumans. I’m sure they’ll be glad to be of service.

Officer: “I’d appreciate that.”

Galactic: “Great!”

Officer: “By the way, the media have been here all day and they took pictures of you, is that okay?”

Galactic: “Yes, but please don’t provide them with my identity.”

Officer: “You’ve got it. Welcome to the NYPD.”

Galactic: “Thanks. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

Galactic calls her son and plans to meet him that evening. She can’t wait to tell him about capturing bank robbers.


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