Fury Freed

: Chapter 18

“I’ve been ready for a long time,” Oanen said, his eyes golden. “I think you can get us home faster.”

My stomach did a happy twist, and I reached for his hand. Traveling through the void was almost instantaneous now that I knew how to focus.

As soon as we appeared in the condo, I released him. Every nerve ending was tingling, and it had nothing to do with our trip through hell’s gate and everything to do with how Oanen was looking at me now.

“I love you, Oanen Quill,” I said.

His gaze heated further.

“I don’t know about you, but I could use a shower,” he said.

Images of the last time we took a shower together flitted through my head.

“Are you sure you’re not hungry first?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m hungry,” he said.

I knew what he meant, and a moment’s nervousness claimed me before I realized how pointless it was. All the time I’d hesitated and held myself back from him had almost cost us a life together.

I gave Oanen a soft smile and removed my jacket. He echoed the move and tossed his on the couch.

“Interested in a movie?” I asked, kicking off my shoes.

“Only if you are,” he said, doing the same thing.

My pulse started to pick up speed.

“Maybe. It’s hard to decide what I want to do now that we’re back and I’m not tired, or hurt, or distracted.”

I walked toward him and was thrilled at the sight of his pupils dilating.

“I heard there are some impressive views in New York. Maybe we should go sightseeing,” I said.

Setting my hands on his shoulders, I stood on my toes to brush my lips against his. He groaned and started encircling me in his arms. I quickly twisted out of his grasp.

He didn’t move to chase me but watched me hungrily as I backed toward the bedroom.

“Although, it is early. And not all the attractions might be ready for viewing. I think you were right the first time,” I turned so I could watch where I was walking.

“I’m going to go take a shower,” I said over my shoulder. “Know any best friends who might want to join me?”

I squealed when I was picked up and tossed over his shoulder.

“I love teasing-Megan,” he said, stroking a hand over my butt.

“Then you’re really going to love today.”

Wrapped in Oanen’s arms, I idly trailed my fingers over his pectorals and circled his nipple. Images of what we’d done repeatedly over the past few hours, flitted through my mind and rekindled the fire that burned inside of me only for Oanen.

“If you keep thinking like that, we’re never going to leave this place. And, you need to eat.”

I grinned and let the images keep playing in my mind until I found myself on my back, pinned under a very eager Oanen.

He kissed me hard then stared down at me.

“Thank you for finally saying yes,” he said.

“Thank you for breaking the world’s record for fastest trip to the store.”

He grinned at me. “I promised no babies, and I meant it. You’re all I want, Megan. Now and forever.”

His love for me filled my mind.

“And if I want babies later?” I asked, growing more comfortable with the plural form of the hypothetical.

“Then, I’ll want them, too.”

“And you’re okay practicing until then?” I wriggled under him enticingly. He groaned and playfully dropped down on me, his weight enough to smother a human but not me.

“Feed me.” His words were muffled by the mattress.

I laughed and poked him in the ribs.

“I know you’re only saying that because you heard my stomach growl.”

He lifted himself and grinned down at me. A real smile, full and true. Not only did I see his humor, I felt it all the way down to my toes.

“You’re right,” he said. “And, I can’t help it. This need to care for you is…”

“Awful? Stifling? Nauseating?”

“Too new and thrilling,” he said. “You’re mine, Megan. Finally. And I’m doing everything I can to make sure you never regret that.”

He kissed me again then rolled off me and stood beside the bed.

I couldn’t help but openly stare.

“Sightseeing?” he asked.

“Yep. New York sure has a lot to boast about.”

He held out a hand.

“Let’s shower and decide where we want to eat. We can go anywhere now, thanks to my amazing, slightly ornery, but completely adorable mate.”

“Honestly, I’m ready to get home,” I said. “I want to find out what’s going on with Fenris and Eliana.” I sat up quickly. “Crap. I forgot to call Eliana.”

Ignoring the naked golden god at my side, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and dialed Eliana.

“Hey, Megan,” she answered.

“Hey. Sorry I didn’t call sooner. It’s been crazy.”

Oanen trailed a finger down my arm, a reminder of how that “crazy” had ended.

“I heard,” Eliana said with a light laugh. “You ruffled some feathers with your Oanen-is-mine speech.”

I grinned. “Good. They need to stop toying with people.”


“Good news, though. Oanen and I are heading back to Uttira today.” I bit my lip as I remembered something. “As soon as we find his car,” I asked.

“Um, you might want to rethink that,” she said.

“What? Finding his car?”

“No. Coming back to Uttira.”

“Don’t you love me anymore?” I tried to say it jokingly but couldn’t ignore the insecurity I was feeling.

“Like crazy,” she said. “And that’s why I want you to go somewhere else for a while. Somewhere romantic and amazing where you and Oanen can do all the new couple things you’re probably already doing. When you get it out of your system, you can come back.”

I was quiet for a moment, feeling a little hurt.

“You’re afraid of being around us,” I said.

“Yes and no. I’d be fine with one of you at a time. But, wanting you to stay away has more to do with my mom. New couples are too tempting. You give off too much energy.”

“You mean sexual energy.” I loved finally being with Oanen, but I missed Eliana, too. It felt like I’d unintentionally picked between the two of them.

“Yes,” Eliana said. “That. And with Mom being pregnant, I just don’t want to worry about you.”

I looked at Oanen, who was watching me closely.

“How long do we need to stay away?” I asked.

“Mom’s due in five months, but I don’t think it’ll take that long for your new, um…lust to wear off.”

Five months? I had hated being trapped in Uttira. Yet, now that I was free to come and go, Eliana was telling me I shouldn’t. I couldn’t imagine staying away from her for that long.

Oanen motioned for the phone, and I handed it over.

“Eliana, Megan needs to see you as much as you need to see her. We’ll stay away for two weeks. Then we’re coming home.” His golden eyes pinned me, and he handed back the phone.

I quickly put it to my ear.

“Eliana?” I said.

“Yep, I’m still here. I’m glad the bossy griffin is officially in your hands,” she said. “It’ll be weird not having a male protectively hovering all the time, but I’m sure I’ll manage.”

I tried biting my lip again while fighting not to say something. But, my meddling, happily mated self couldn’t control herself.

“You never know. There might be someone lurking in the shadows, waiting to take up that mantle.”

She snorted.

“I hope not. I’ll see you in two weeks,” she said. “Hopefully, Mom will have lost interest in what Uttira has to offer by then and go back to New York.”

I smiled, already anticipating the Fenris and Eliana details I would get when I saw her next.

“I’ll see you in two weeks,” I said.

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