Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 72: Back Home

[Author's Note: I edited chapter 70 (Aerin's handjob), mostly dialogues and inner thoughts, because I thought I'd made a mistake depicting what Aerin's reaction should've been. Looking at it now, I made her a little too eager in that one when she really should've been a lot more reluctant.]

In the evening, later that day. I was already back home after visiting Aerin and we finished having dinner. Celine put away her plates and walked just a little past me. Stealthily, she soothingly palmed my crotch through the fabric of my clothes.

"Come to my room if you need any 'help'," she said suggestively. "If I'm already asleep, don't wake me up or ask for permission. Feel free to put it in," she whispered with a light giggle adding a reminder that I can finish wherever, as long as it's not inside her vagina, before walking back upstairs.

Celine only wore what seemed to be a thin shirt and pajama pants with nothing underneath. As such, some of her more intimate body parts are visible through her clothes, as the fabric clung tightly to her skin. It's a wonder how she doesn't feel cold due the chilly evening air with how little clothing she wore.

But just as she left, I heard my mother's voice from the side, complaining about Celine's wardrobe choices. "I keep telling her to wear some clothes underneath. Geez, she's a grown woman already. Why's she still dressing like she's a kid.." she grumbled, clearly not impressed by what she had seen.

I don't think she's in the position to lecture anyone about morals and proper behavior though.

Unlike my sister, I didn't immediately go upstairs and instead hung around the dining room some more with mom. "Do you need anything, dear? I'm busy right now," she said as she was cleaning the place.

"Mom, you said you once served under the emperor, right? Then, do you know any nobles, high-ranking, or even royalty?" I asked.

If possible, I wanted to know about some people beforehand. That way, I'll be able to better build a rapport with them or think of possible talking points beforehand.

I looked at her who had her silver hair done to a loose ponytail as my eyes wandered down her ample bosom and curves.

Mom was taken aback by my question, wondering why I was asking about such a thing. "Yes, I do know some but I'm not sure if they're still there. I'm not really up to date with the current politics. Why'd you ask?"

"My teacher got me to play in the royal banquet in the upcoming anniversary of the Empire's founding," I explained. I told Mom of how there would be people of high-rank in there and how I want to be able to socialize with them.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that that one's coming up.." Mom muttered, referring to the anniversary. "Still, I'm shocked your teacher has the connections to easily pull that off... Okay, let's see, who are the people that will probably be there..."

After clearing the table and sweeping the floors, Mom sat down the sofa with me and thought about it.

"Well, if it's the royal banquet then it's a given the royal family will be there." said Mom matter-of-factly. "So there should be the Empress, Palfina, and her children in attendance."

If I recall correctly, the current Empress is the former 2nd princess of the late royal family and is the wife of the late great Emperor who founded the current Empire more than a century ago.

I'm just so used to the sight of our pointed ears that I often forget elves have damn long lives. It's actually pretty mind boggling that the people, who I assume are being studied in this world's history books, to still be alive.

The best comparison I can think of back on Earth is if people like Napoleon and Washington somehow managed to make it into the twenty-first century. Not their descendants, late grandchildren, or etc. But them themselves—and not as relics on their deathbeds but as powerful figures who still wield authority and exercise control over their nations.

Before his death several decades ago during the war, Emperor Sylvar and Empress Palfina had three children together: their eldest child and Crown Princess, Sofys—who is first in line for the throne; their first son and second child, Prince Edmund; and their youngest child, Princess Cynthia.

Well at least this royal family's family tree is pretty simple. An emperor, an empress, and their three children. It would've been a bother if it was like those from Chinese Imperial Families, with their wives and a gajillion concubines, with even more princes and princesses.

"Sof– I mean, Princess Sofys might remember me if you mention my name," said Mom casually. After hearing that, I turned to look at her inquisitively and she explained, "I used to watch over and play with her when she was a little girl. Of course, that was so long ago that I won't blame her if she'd forgotten about it by now. She was still so young back then"

"You watched over the Crown Princess?" I asked in astonishment. contemporary romance

"Yeah I did," mom chuckled beaming with pride. It was one of the rare opportunities that she got to tell and brag to her children about her past, so she savored every moment of it. "She was a curious, energetic girl who loved stories of adventure. I remember she adored climbing trees and chasing after the palace cats." Mom smiled faintly.

"However, it's just the crown princess though. I can't say the same for the next two though. But I've heard that the prince is sickly and he also seems to be the Empress's favorite, though those are just rumors." she later added.

"Damn.." that was all that I could say. "Just what was your job back then? You said you were just a soldier, but you sound much more than that."

Mom paused. "Well, I really was just a soldier at the beginning. But after that, during the rebellion, I was moved to the Consular Guard, which was basically Sylvar's bodyguards. After he became king and emperor, however, it was renamed with the much larger Imperial Guard, where I was sometimes given the task of watching over the princess. That was really just it.. But I guess I've made some contributions that might've distinguished me from the others."

I nodded, processing the information I have received. "What about the others? Any other personnel I should take note of?"

"Hmm..." Mom leaned back on her chair and put a hand on her chin as she thought. "Who else…"

Mom then proceeded to name some of the powerful figures that she could remember back from her day. Considering elves' long lifespan, there was a great chance that these people are still alive and might've retained some of the influence they used to have.

She told me of their notable features like eye and hair colors, mustaches and beards, if they wore glasses or monocles. Even weird way of speaking. Basically anything that can identify and differentiate them from the crowd of people.

"Do you think I should introduce myself to them as your son?" I gave it some thought, and besides being Aerin's apprentice, maybe I could borrow some of Mom's clout.

But after hearing my words, Mom became embarrassed. "NO! They likely don't remember me. You'll just embarrass me!" she said, her face turning red.

Seeing my mother's embarrassed appearance, I could only let the matter go. Instead, I asked her about something else that I'm curious about. "Do you know about the duke Incaross?"

"Incaross? That's your teacher's family isn't it?" Mom then rest her hand to the side as she sunk deep in her thoughts. "I know that they're from the Old Nobility but they must not have been too influential at the time because I remember every other major house back then got destroyed."

"They're not from or close with the military so I don't know much about them," she tacked on at the end. I nodded in understanding. After all, there was only so much a soldier could know back then.

Mom asked me if I had any other questions to which I had none, so she said we should go to sleep now since it's already pretty late. As mom walked up the stairs, I had prime view of her ass swaying with each step she took.

Only once we were at the bedroom that I can finally show some proper appreciation towards my mother's ass. With her laying on her stomach, her plump butt was turned to the air. And with the bed being so unnecessarily large, there was plenty of space for me to snuggle in between her legs and lay my head down...right between her two ass cheeks.

I could feel the heat radiating off her skin as I buried my face in her soft, pillowy flesh, inhaling deeply the intoxicating scent of her womanhood. It was like being in heaven, and only a thin fabric of clothing separated me from her most holy place.

Suddenly, she locked her legs around my head as I could feel ankles touching the back of my head, trapping me in place. Turning back to look at me, her eyes were stern as she said, "My pussy is off limits for the next few days"

"Huh?" I asked, my voice muffled due to my mouth being on the delicious crevice of her ass. Is this some sort of punishment? What the hell did I do?

"It's that time of the month.." she declared ominously.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed as I sprang up from between her ass cheeks faster than Usain Bolt. Immediately, I tried to separate my mouth from the crux of her womanhood. Look, I'm all for kink but I draw the line at vampirism. When I was burying myself there, all I wanted was buns not ketchup.

"Wow, relax dear!" she said, slightly alarmed. "Why are you panicking? I'm just saying that it's a full moon right now."

I looked at Mom strangely. Full moon? What's that got to do with anything?

Seeing my perplexed face, she realized that I didn't know what she meant. "We have a full moon tonight so my fertility is at its peak. Basically, I might get pregnant if you finish inside..." she explained.

An awkward pause filled the air. "Ohhhh, that time of the month!" I said with forced laughter. "Sorry mom, I totally misread that one."

At first I was confused, until I realized that maybe they didn't have a good grasp of the ovulation and menstrual cycles of women. Again, they were elves so there's a chance their biology might be a little different. After all, I've never seen Mom and Celine go through their monthly pains like humans did back from Earth.

However, I am sure that the full moon had nothing to do with their fertility at all.

As to why they would believe such superstitions, I didn't find it that strange. Even back on Earth, some couples still believed that certain positions could affect the gender of the baby, and that is with the internet already existing.

How much more would it be for this world where magic and supernatural things actually existed? There's a chance that Celine believe it as well and that's why she told me not to finish inside her vagina earlier.

So with a smile, I lightly pat my mother's butt and resumed using it as a pillow. It's not like I'm particularly horny tonight. Aerin just jerked off my cock earlier. And as for Celine's proposition, I can accept it for another day.

* * * * *

The next morning, I was doing my daily physical training with Mom in the garden. Since I'm only visiting Aerin two to three times a week, there were days where I would spend the entire day on the house instead. During those days, I often experiment with magic or train physically with Mom.

Celine was also with us earlier, but she's already finished her sets and went back to the house. So now, it was just Mom and me on the garden.

"Okay, let's see if you've improved your skills.." my mom beamed, her eyes warm and inviting, ready to guide me through the learning process

However, hearing mom tell her story of how she was once a soldier last night, I couldn't help but look at her current appearance. I'm sure she must've been pretty strong and athletic back in the day, but now… all of that muscle has melted away into a soft, jiggly mass of flesh

She's still strong, no doubt, as skill and experience doesn't fade quiet as easily.

However, it's really sort of hard to believe that someone as gentle and soft looking as her once belonged to such an occupation. Her body has plumped up but still maintained a good figure and, as people back on Earth would love to call it, had become 'thicc'. It's just hard to reconcile the image of a battle-hardened soldier with such a voluptuous MILF.

Had it not been for my firsthand experience, I would have never guessed this gentle looking woman was such a fierce warrior.

"Since there's already twigs lying around, let's take advantage of it. Let's have a good old swordfight," she said as she picked up a lengthy branch from the grass.

Her teaching style was completely different to that of Aerin's. Unlike the noblewoman who had everything sorted out, planned the lessons beforehand, and had probably designed an entire curriculum for me. Mom, on the other hand, was entirely spontaneous, adapting as she went along.

"Sometimes, you things go awry and you don't have time for preparation. In such a situation, you'd have to adapt and make do what with what is available to you," she said, waving the branch. "The goal this time is to disarm the opponent without lethal damage. First to lose will... hmm.." she trailed off in thought.

I was still dead-tired from the physical training and exercise earlier, so seeing Mom already gearing up I immediately requested for a short break or a timeout. Mom, however, just laughed it off and said, "Say that to your enemies and see if they'll wait" before swinging her puny little branch in a flash.

"Ow.." I exclaimed, feeling the blunt impact of her attack on my forearm. However, without relenting, she prepared another blow and I was forced to dodge it once I realized that Mom wasn't allowing me any breaks.

"Much better!" Mom praised. "Reflexes save lives. You'd have to work on yours..."

Immediately, I leaped backwards, putting considerable distance between the two of us. As quickly as I could, I scanned the surroundings for any possible weapons and my eyes landed on the broom, especially it's long sturdy wooden handle. Running towards it, I picked it up and immediately assumed a stance as if I was using a spear or a staff, since it was of similar length.

Objectively speaking, I had the upper hand. I had a longer reach, sturdier weapon, and a shape better suited for combat. However, it didn't feel like that at all.

Mom was unfazed as she charged towards me. With nimble footsteps, she dodged the thrust I did and hit my wrists squarely with her branch. The pain almost made me drop the broom but I was able to rein it in and keep my grip over the makeshift weapon.

"There's the garden rake over there, as well as the shears. They're better weapons, don't you think?" Mom gestured with her eyes. Confidence brimmed within her eyes, to the point that she felt like she could give advice to her opponent mid battle. The idea of losing never even crossing her mind.

She was truly in her element.

"If they're so good, then why don't you take them?" I retorted, spinning the broom handle in my hand like they do in those martial arts movies..

"What would you learn then?" Mom laughed. "There's no lessons taken from such a one-sided beatdown, only lost confidence"

It wasn't until about an hour later that we finally tired ourselves out. Mom eventually made me drop my weapon 5 times but we continued afterwards anyways just for the sake of honing reflexes. After that however, Mom still continued with her training—a dozen rounds of hand-to-hand combat practice followed by countless round of armed combat using makeshift wooden swords.

Only when the sun was high up in the sky did things finally end.

"Can't believe I'm catching my breath after such light sparring... I've really let myself go." muttered Mom wistfully as we entered back the house, her breasts heaving with each deep breath. She was panting and there was a tinge of red on her usually pale face.

"Things like these always got my blood running," Mom said as she plopped down the sofa. She then opened her legs wide with no concern for decorum as she was eyeing me with a gaze I knew all too well, a hungry gaze as if looking at a treat. But she closed her eyes and sighed, "Can't this full moon just be done with already..."

Seeing her so clearly pent-up and horny, I thought to myself not to forget about her later this evening. It's not like her pussy's the only hole she's got. As for now, I'll work on my magic a little more and try to see if I could better understand the principles behind the Sound Magic that Aerin has been teaching me.


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