Frostbite & bruises

Chapter 22.

After her conversation with Steve, Morgan had gone upstairs to the living quarters to re-bandage Mads’ injuries.

As she did so, she felt the eyes of Reah and Shane piercing into her back, but the conversation with Nox and Steve had left her emotionally drained and she couldn’t bear to have to explain again.So she ignored the interrogating looks as best she could. After she had finished with the injuries, she had taken the old woman downstairs with Reah’s help. They had wrapped the frail body in thick blankets so that the woman could enjoy the snow and sun from her sheltered spot.

“So, milady, are you comfortable?” Shane had followed the three women a few moments later with Mads’ treasure bag to discuss with the old woman how they could start the must garden together with the seeds Mads had managed to smuggle out.

Mads gave the white-haired man a broad smile, one she knew he couldn’t see but believed he could feel, and patted the spot next to him on the bench.

“Will you come and sit beside me, handsome? Then we can get started... Did you bring your things to write down what seeds are where?”

Shane patted a second leather bag he had brought from upstairs, which contained a portable Braille machine with scraps of paper. “Absolutely beautiful!” And carefully slid next to the older woman.

Suddenly, Ace stood up and began to bark at the top of his lungs. Startled, the small group looked in the direction the big dog was staring and to their horror saw Nox’s sled coming towards them at high speed.

Morgan’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of the two children, but when she looked closer there was no sign of Nox and she knew instinctively that something was wrong.

Snow flew up as the dogs, panting from the effort, stopped in front of the small group of humans.

“What’s going on? Where’s Nox?” Morgan’s eyes slid from Viggo to Elise, lingering on the girl’s pale face as an icy hand gripped her heart.

“WE HAVE TO GO BACK! WE HAVE TO GO BACK MUM!!!” Viggo began to stammer violently with emotion.

“A BEER! NOX WAS ATTACKED BY A BEAR!!! I DON’T KNOW IF HE’S STILL ALIVE!!!” Elise shouted hysterically through Viggo’s words.

With eyes as big as saucers, Morgan turned with a jerk to Shane, who’d already jumped to his feet.

“A bear...?!”

Elise’s words had sent a cold shiver down Shane’s spine. Indeed, Nox had told him a few weeks ago that he suspected there was a large predator in the area, and his brother had searched for it, but had been unable to find it.

“Where did you come across the animal?”

Meanwhile, Steve had also heard the noise outside and, startled, he looked from one child to the other. Nox was an idiot, but he wouldn’t have left the kids alone, let alone sent them out on the sled alone, unless something was seriously wrong.

“What is it...” But Mads immediately gagged him.

“Shut up, Steve!”

Elise was still crying hysterically and everyone was looking to Viggo for answers.

Shaking violently with adrenaline and fear, the boy’s eyes swept over the group until they rested on his mother.

“We found some locked suitcases and Nox sent me back to the dogs to put the suitcases on the sled. He wanted to walk a bit further with Elise and see if they could find some more stuff... and suddenly... I heard screams at the entrance and Elise came crawling out crying hysterically... screaming about a bear! And this bear had grabbed Nox and... and... I don’t know what else. I wanted to go back inside, I really did! But I can’t fight a bear! And... and... I just thought we should go and get help! Did I do the right thing?” Viggo tried to be strong all the way home, trying not to think about Nox too much, but now that everyone’s attention was on him, tears began to flow, and the guilt that had started earlier, when they had driven away from the garage, took over.

Stumbling, Morgan ploughed through the snow as fast as she could to get to her son. She wrapped her arms around the boy and rocked him gently. “You did good!” she soothed his sobbing and looked over at Elise.

“You both did well.”

Then her eyes found Steve’s and she looked at the old man with a desperate expression.

“Shane!” Determined, Steve turned to the blind, white-haired man.

“Do you think these dogs can make the drive again?”

The tall blind man nodded. “Yes, I don’t think they’ll have much trouble. But I don’t have a gun to give you...”

Steve began to smirk. “Don’t worry about that! Kid...” the old man turned to Viggo.

“...I know you’re scared, but I need your help! Do you think you can find your way back?”

Morgan opened her mouth to object, but was abruptly interrupted by the old man. “Morgan! Do you want your frog to come back or not? If you do, I’ll need your son’s help!”

Carefully, Viggo pushed his mother away from him. “I can manage, Mum! And I’d like to go back to help Nox, and together with Steve at least I have a chance!”

The young woman nodded and straightened her shoulders. “You’re right! Elise... You stay here with Shane, Mads and Reah, then we’ll go...”

“Oh no Morgan!” Steve interrupted her immediately. “You’re not going anywhere. If something happens to us, the four of you have to be rescued, and since Shane is blind as a bat... No offence Shane...”

A small grin appeared on the tall man’s face. “No problem...”

“You’re the one who has to guard the fort while we’re gone.” Steve said. He looked at her sharply. “I trust you to keep my Maddie safe, Morgan...”

Morgan swallowed. As much as she would have liked to go with him, Steve was right, someone had to stay here to protect the rest.

After Morgan and Reah had given Viggo and the dogs something to eat and drink, Steve had put on his thermal clothes and given Mads a big kiss, it was finally time for the two men to leave.

To the surprise of everyone, Steve suddenly pulled out two handguns that he’d been hiding under his mattress.

One he handed to a stunned Morgan, the other he tucked behind a leather belt he had slung across his chest after making sure the room was full and the safety catch was on. Seven more bullets he slipped into his breast pocket, on which he held the still half-full box in front of Morgan.

“Here! Put the box under your mattress, make sure the room is full, and put a few more in your pocket. If anything unexpected happens, you’ll always have something to protect you!”

Without waiting, he planted a kiss on her forehead and walked to the sled where Viggo was waiting for him.

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