
Chapter Chapter VIII: Fantastic Voyage, Part II

“In all of the world’s encountered by the Empire, only three have been comprised purely of synthetic beings: Replanoids, who have developed a custom of upgrading their outer bodies every few decades or so, Metallitrons, who are renowned weapon builders, if slightly hostile, and Cyrians, who can best be described as….erratic. The vast majority of robots and androids that the average Imperial citizens’ encounters are not independent A.I.’s like the other civilizations, and are therefore only considered commodities.”

-Excerpt from The Newcomer’s Guide to the Empire

“Officer Diamond? Officer Diamond, sir, are you all right?”

The question jolted Diamond out of his introspective thoughts, and he was surprised to see a ship’s guard blocking the door out of the lift.

“Forgive me, is this my floor?”

“I’m not sure, sir. All I know is that this is the third time you’ve been in this lift when it’s stopped on this floor.”

The news surprised Diamond. He hadn’t noticed he’d been riding the lift back and forth, nor had he noticed anyone else when they had been in the lift with him. The thoughts at the back of his mind were too distracting.

“I…forgot to get off on my floor. I’ve had much on my mind.”

“If you’ll forgive me sir, but if you haven’t noticed you’ve been on a fifteen minute lift ride throughout the ship, then perhaps you should speak with someone about how much you’ve got on your mind.”

The thought hadn’t occurred to Diamond, but perhaps the trooper was right. Maybe someone could help him figure out whatever it was that was buzzing in his head.

“Perhaps you are right, soldier. Thank you for the advice. I shall proceed to my correct floor.”

The trooper nodded and stepped out of the lift entrance, the doors closing as soon as he moved. Diamond selected the correct floor and watched and watched the numbers fall as he climbed to his deck. The lift stopped and he proceeded to his cabin. Diamond decided that he would wait until the next day to visit the ships consultant. He hoped that a good nights rest would help him with trying to solve the problem.

However, as Diamond hovered into his alcove that would recharge his shell while checking and backing up his systems, the nagging thought persisted. And no matter how much Diamond tried to ignore it and sleep, his mind kept turning back to it.

Sleep had finally come to Diamond, but the buzz was the last thing that occupied his mind, and it was the first thing he focused on as he awoke. He checked the time and found he had awakened on schedule, a few hours before his shift. He exited his cabin and entered the lift for another journey through the ship.

Diamond arrived in the medical section of the Throneship, the nagging thought in his head persisting, but he was determined to stay focused on his task. He checked the directory and located the Prizmid counselor.

Diamond made his way down the hall, and when he reached the office of one Dr. Plateau he buzzed and the door slid open to admit him.

The counselor was about the same age, as Prizmid recon it. His outer shell was also a simple geometric shape, this one a trapezoid colored a dark blue. The office was sparse, equipped only with a recharging station and a small device that contained nutrient gels. The doctor himself floated on one side of the room and patiently waited for Diamond to join him.

“Greetings, Officer Diamond; walk-ins are always welcome. What brings you here today?”

Diamond almost began talking, before stopping himself. What was he supposed to say, exactly? That he had a thought that was bugging him that he couldn’t quite figure out? Or that his dreams had started to become repetitive: a voice giving him instructions that he could never remember when he awoke?

“I have noticed some…changes in myself, lately. I have become increasingly distracted by unusual thoughts that take up all of my attention, to the point where I am unaware of where I am going on the ship.”

“I see, and what is it that is consuming your thoughts and attention?”

“That is the problem; I have been unable to decipher what exactly is troubling me. This thought exists in the back of my mind, incomprehensible, but ever present.”

“You are not sure what the problem is, only that you have one?”

Diamond considered this.

“I suppose that is the truth of it.”

“How long has this been going on for?”

Diamond carefully thought about his distractions and inattentiveness.

“Since we left Angolis and departed for the front.”

“I see. Most likely, Comm. Officer Diamond, you are dealing with nerves about the impending battles with the Imperium. It is understandable to be anxious on the eve of battle.”

Diamond mulled this over for a moment before speaking.

“Would that…would such nerves also cause bad dreams?”

“Absolutely. Your mind is consumed with the thought of coming conflict both awake and asleep.”

The doctor activated his onboard TIG and Diamonds own device pinged.

“I am prescribing a mild sedative, and also requesting that that you are given your next shift off. I advise you to get as much rest as you can, Diamond, and see if that does not help your mindset.”

Diamond sensed the session was at an end and began moving towards the exit.

“Thank you, Doctor Plateau. I hope your treatment helps.”

“You are welcome, Officer Diamond. My door is always open if you need to speak with me again.”

With that, Diamond exited the office and began making his way to the left so that he could pick up his prescription.

While all the while, the inescapable thought continued to prickle the back of his mind.

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