
Chapter Chapter IV: You Ever Wonder Why We're Here?

Imperial membership consists of two types of worlds: Member worlds and Colony worlds. Member worlds are primarily comprised of worlds conquered by the Emperor, and are all permitted representation in the Imperial Senate. Colony worlds are worlds founded by Imperial citizens, and lack the numbers to be given Member world status. Colony worlds can still voice their opinions in the Senate, but have no power until their population reaches 100 Million Imperial citizens.

- Excerpt from The Newcomer’s Guide to the Empire

Ansaria walked down the hall of her squad’s base, fresh from the shower, and in a new change of clothes following her patrol. Her long, black hair was pulled back in a tight pony tail, a tight tank top showing her well toned abs and alabaster-white skin.

She passed by her first squad mate’s room. Despite Alvara just getting back from patrol herself, Ansaria was not surprised to see her best friend working out; her serpent tail lower half wrapped around a sturdy bar while her humanoid upper half performed crunches. She was also clothed in the same drab, green top that Ansaria was, and her long, yet golden hair was also pulled back in a ponytail.

“You’re no go to me dead, M., be sure you take at least five today.” Said Ansaria, using the shorthand for her nickname in basic, Medusa.

“Whatever…you say…Sarge.” Said Alvara, without missing a stride.

Ansaria rolled her eyes and continued down the hall stopping at her next squad mate’s room. While Alvara’s room was plain and utilitarian, with only a scattering of digi-zines to give sign of the occupant’s interests, this room was filled top to bottom, wall to wall with high tech equipment. The room’s android occupant was hard at work on repairing one of his multiple weapons.

“Good news, Tread, we got word from technicians: your network uplink relay should be fixed in a week and a half.”

“Good news, indeed, Sergeant. I do find actually having to read orders and updates to be quite tiresome. I honestly do not know how you biologicals due this on a daily bases.”

“Well, Tread, perhaps if reading the old fashion way is too taxing for you, then perhaps you should think keep a backup for when accident’s happen.”

“For the record, Sergeant, that was my backup relay. My previous relay was destroyed when Slog accidentally dropped the ATHV on me.”

“Then perhaps you should think twice before you do something that leads to your only remaining relay being busted after doing something stupid.”

“In my defense, Sergeant, I was unaware that that level of electricity was capable of causing damage to my relay. Besides, it was Slog’s and Critter’s idea.”

“Well, try not to let those two talk you into doing anything that could cost you another part when they get back, all right?”

Tread gave a tight salute.

“Will do, Sergeant.”

Ansaria left Treads room and walked down the rest of the hall. Aside from her own room, the remaining rooms were unoccupied, as they were currently on patrol.

When Ansaria reached the common area and slung herself over the back of the large sofa. She used her Imperial standard issue All-Purpose Technological Interface Gauntlet (A-TIG) to activate the large display screen.

The channel that the display was set to was the Imperial News Network, a 26-hour a day stream of information from all corners of the Empire. As the network was based on Xenlong, the newscasters visually resembled Ansaria, though the two on the screen kept their hair short, with the woman’s framing her face, and the man’s was slicked back. The two were just wrapping up a story.

“This brings the total number of worlds within the Imperial borders infested by Amalgabeasts to six.” Said the female anchor.

The camera cut to the male anchor.

“Returning to our top story: we have received news from direct from the Throneship that the Golden Emperor of the Empire of Infinite Starlite has finally been found. For those viewers new to the Empire, the Golden Emperor is the leader of a corrupt interstellar government that engages in unethical practices such as slavery across hundreds of worlds, while exploiting and exhausting every world within its borders. The Empire has been at war with the Golden Empire for the last thirty-eight years, and the false Emperor has not been seen since the Battle of Telos Nine, when the Empire delivered a devastating defeat to the pretender’s forces. The Emperor has announced that he is cutting his current campaign conquest short; in order to immediately join the frontlines.”

A jumble of thoughts swirled though Ansaria. She’d been stuck on this dusty rock in the middle of nowhere for the last sixteen months. She was desperate to get to join the fight on the front, and now that the war was picking up again, this was her best chance. However, she was also nervous at the idea of leading her squad into a real battle for the first time. Would she be able to lead her troops competently, and, more importantly, would she be able to keep everyone alive?

Ansaria shook her head, clearing her thoughts. She doubted she would be seeing real combat anytime soon. She might as well get comfortable. She was gonna be stuck on this planet for a long time to come.

A Nearby World

A Nearby System

Imperial Security Agent Jandor Rall was extremely anxious to depart. He’d been in this system far to long as it was; for an agent carrying sensitive information, staying in one place for to long was a bad idea.

Still, the layover couldn’t be helped. His ship needed fuel, and his Z-engine needed a minor patch up. What should’ve taken a couple days at most turned in to a week, after a huge freighter arrived in system, the recent victim of a pirate attack two systems away.

The space station that Rall was aboard wasn’t staffed to handle a ship the size of the one that had arrived, and Rall’s problems had been put on the back zapper while the majority of the crew focused on the keeping the mammoth ship in one peace. Finally, Rall’s ship had been moved up to the work floor. As soon it was fixed and fueled, he’d have the supplies he’d ordered delivered, and then he’d be on his way. Rall hoped that this delay had not cost him his chance to rendezvous with the Emperor before His Majesty reached the front.

After six days confined to his quarters on the station, Rall had to admit he was getting a tad cooped up. Despite deploying every sensor disrupter he carried, Rall still felt like his pursuer knew he was here. After the confrontation on the planetoid, Rall was dead certain that he had evaded his tracker. But with everyday stuck on this station, the certainty grew less and less. Now, he’d give his right arm to be on the move again.

Unfortunately, no amount of self-dismemberment was going to get his ship ready any faster, so Jandor Rall pulled out his A-TIG and checked the encryption on his drive for the hundredth time.

Another part of Space Station Kobol

From his hidden position somewhere aboard the space station, Reno monitored Jandor Rall. The agent had managed to elude him three days before, but Reno’s connections had led him to Kobol. By a fortunate streak of luck, Reno found that his prey was still on aboard, and would be delayed by several days. With his query now once more within range, Reno had no intention of squandering this chance.

Reno had arrived in the system and had been informed that a freighter was currently being attended to at the space station, and he’d have to wait in orbit nearby or find another port. Reno had parked his craft in the designated waiting area before accessing the computer system remotely. After first only checking to see if Rall had been to the station, and then discovering that he was still onboard, Reno abandoned his ship, and had floated over to the station, overriding the system to let himself aboard before finding an out of the way spot to remain hidden in. From there, he began to watch and plan.

Jandor Rall had covered his tracks well, but even an agent couldn’t wipe his image from a simple security recording. Reno had managed to hijack the system and had found his target. Additionally, he had also intercepted the supply list he had submitted to the system.

Reno would be alerted once the supplies were being prepared before the agent’s departure. Until then, he would remain hidden. The plan must not be jeopardized.

COMMAND: Eliminate target and destroy data.

COMMAND: Preserve the silence.

COMMAND: Ensure the arrival.

The relief that Jandor Rall felt at being back in the pilot’s seat was not enough to overcome the anxiousness of his impending departure. His ship was fueled, fixed and supplied, and he was awaiting his turn to depart. Rall doubted that his tension would be completely eased until he was finally standing before the Emperor.

At last, Rall had his clearance to leave. Rall fired up his ship and smoothly exited to the space stations hanger bay. Beneath him lay an immense, greenish gas giant, while to his right, and obscuring the systems sun was the massive freighter, still being attended to by countless machines and work-beings. Rall flew a safe distance away before powering up his Z-Engine. The low, but building hum helped put his mind at ease some.

After all the terror, death and uncertainty, his goal was before him.

Jandor Rall was going to save the Empire.

From within the crate that Reno was hidden inside, the hunter was alerted by his connection with the ship that they had entered Z-Space. Reactivating, Reno used one of his finger beams on low power to burn his way out of the crate. Silently exiting the crate, Reno used his thermal vision setting to locate his target.

COMMAND: Eliminate target and destroy data.

Jandor Rall checked his sensors, confirmed that everything was going smoothly, and then set the ship to out pilot. It would be a long trip through Z-Space before he would need to exit and adjust his course, and until then the view offered nothing but a black expanse of slightly shimmering nothingness. Rall Climbed out of his seat and opened his cabin door.

Only to be confronted by the very thing that had been haunting his mind every moment since his escape. The machine had a single, red, visor, with three metallic ridges crossing his cheeks and through the middle of his shiny head. His mouth was a small triangle with rounded edges, projecting a harsh, metallic voice. He was clad in a single piece suit, half green, half yellow.

Reno was momentarily stunned when his target suddenly appeared in front of him, but recovered swiftly and brought his right hand finger beam up to bear. Unfortunately, Agent Rall was also quick to recover, and he ducked to the side just before Reno fired.

The blast instead struck the ship’s console, blowing metal and plastic all over the cockpit, which quickly began to fill with smoke. The image in the viewscreen suddenly snapped from the blank expanse of Z-Space to starry regular space, with a fist sized brownish-yellow planet the size of a fist, but rapidly enlarging as they flew toward it. Alarms sounded all throughout the small ship.

Reno lunged forward and grabbed his target.

COMMAND: Preserve the silence.

Jandor Rall struggled against the crushing grip of his metallic opponent. Reno had grabbed Rall by the throat and was preparing to snap his targets neck. Rall’s hands flew over his belt, searching for his surge current. He finally found it and triggered it, jolting his opponent and causing him to release Rall.

Rall lashed out with a kick, driving Reno back and giving him space to draw his side arm. Searing bolts of blue energy struck the machine in the chest four times, driving him down the hall before falling to the floor. Rall rubbed his throat before suddenly comprehending the alarms and turning to face the viewscreen. The planet filled it completely, and the increasing turbulence indicated they were entering the atmosphere.

Rall leapt into his seat and rapidly tried to figure out was working. He grabbed the flight stick and began doing everything he could to even out their entry. A new alarm joined the others, indicating an unsafe reentry and prompting the computer to half-successfully begin suggesting course corrections.

Reno sat up in the corridor a short way behind Rall. His body had repaired itself and compensated for the damage. An extra layer of armor plating had been added to his torso and limbs. Despite the shaking and rocking of the ship, Reno got to his feet and approached Rall.

He reached out for the pilot.

The plan must not be jeopardized.

COMMAND: Ensure the arrival.

The hoverjeep sat atop a high dune with its two occupants. From their vantage point, they could see the colonial outpost of Silent Sands, population twelve hundred, and the only inhabited location, on the only inhabited world, in the system.

Slog sat atop the vehicle, his goggles allowing him to see far out over the outpost and into the empty desert beyond. The squat soldier had short limbs, heavy appendages, a hump that rose over his head, and a thick skull with two, large tusks.

“I don’t know why we have to keep coming all the way out here,” said Slog. “We’ve been doing the same thing, nearly everyday, for almost two local years on this dust ball. I tell ya, Critter, heat and boredom are an awful combination.”

Chattering sounds filled Slog’s earpiece. His tiny comrade was currently working on the jeeps stabilizer, which was acting up once again and causing the craft to tilt occasionally on rough terrain.

Critter, as he was known to the squad, his own name being unpronounceable to them, was a tiny fellow, big enough to hold in your hand. He was little more than a ball of purple fur with thin, green, scaly limbs. Critter was the team mechanic, and he utilized a simple remote controlled droid to affect the repairs. Critter liked to work close to his projects, rather than view them remotely from the droids POV, so he was down near the engine while Slog kept watch.

“All I want is for something to happen to give us something to do so we aren’t doing the same things constantly.” Replied Slog, making absolutely sure that his pal knew he was bored.

More chattering from the mechanic.

“First of all, a sandstorm is hardly exciting. At most, it’d get us off watch duty. Second, helping Troia dig out her bar from a mountain of sand is not the change of pace I’m looking for. All I know is, if something doesn’t happen soon, I’m gonna--”

Slog was cut off by a sonic boom over head. A ship had entered the atmosphere, and fast. The ship was a burning hot comet, streaking toward the ground and leaving smoke streaming behind it. The ship passed over the two’s location, continuing its downward trajectory until they saw it come to a thunderous stop several dunes over.

Slog’s stunned stupor came to an end when his headset filled with Critter’s chattering.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Get yourself packed, and we’ll head over.”

He slid into the driver’s seat, and waited till Critter finished buttoning up the hood before activating the craft. While Critter packed his droid, Slog pinged the sergeant.

“I hope this means you know what made that ludicrously loud sound, Slog?” asked Sergeant Ansaria.

“Yes ma’am, I do. We’ve got a downed ship, came roaring out of the sky and crashed not to far from here. Couldn’t make out design, but from the size, I’d say there’s probably no more than two or three on board. Me and Critter are heading right over.”

“Copy that, Slog. We’ll pile in the other jeep and meet you there. Contact me if there are any survivors so we can arrange med support.”

“Ma’am, yes ma’am. Slog out.”

Seeing that Critter was safely aboard, Slog turned the craft and headed for the crash. They zoomed swiftly over the dunes, the smoldering wreck coming closer and closer. As they reached it, the heat it had been subjected to as it entered the atmosphere even over the baking desert sun.

The ship had broken in two, its front half embedded in a sand dune, the back half bent at a forty-five-degree angle and only still connected by a few intact pieces of metal and wires. They raised the hoverjeep up towards the broken portion of the ship, and Slog stuck his head in. Towards the front of the ship he spotted a humanoid form.

“Hello!” he called. “Any survivors?”

The question hung unanswered in the air. Slog turned toward Critter.

“There’s someone in there, buddy. I’m gonna need you to keep her steady while I go inside and pull him out.”

Critter acknowledged the plan and redeployed his droid. The machine awkwardly moved to the driver’s seat, while Slog slid into the passenger’s. Once the craft was steady, Slog lowered himself inside. The interior of the ship was a wreck, and sand had poured in, the desert already attempting to bury the ship. Slog cautiously moved towards the unmoving form. Bending low, he grabbed the figure by the shoulder…

And was suddenly grabbed on the arm by the apparently still alive individual.


“Woah! Easy there, fella! Your ship’s wrecked, and you’re not looking much better. You need to lie still, while I call my CO.”

This remark prompted the individual to grab Slog’s arm even harder. He pulled Slog toward him and seemed to be composing his next thought.

“Imperial….military?” he asked, the words haggard and chocked.

“Yes, Private First Class Slog--”

The man pulled Slog even closer.

“Data drive…in…pocket. Must…get…Emperor. Can’t trust…any…goes to top.” The words were slurring out of his mouth, each one quieter than the rest.

“Must get…must save…empire.”

With his last words, the man finally succumbed to his injuries, his grip losing its hold Slog’s arm, and falling limp.

Slog sat unmoving for a few moments, unsure what to do. The man’s dying words echoed through his head. He checked the body and found the drive that he was so desperate to deliver in the chest pocket. He placed it securely in his belt, then reached over and removed the man’s A-TIG from his arm. It was smashed, a small piece of jagged plastic still embedded in it. Hopefully, Tread would be able to work his magic and get something from this piece of junk. Slog contacted Critter.

“All right, I’m coming out. Make sure you keep the jeep lev--”

Slog was interrupted by the sound of shifting and falling metal in the nearly disconnected half of the ship. Vibrations caused the wreck to shake and Slog was nearly knocked off his feet.

I’ve gotta get out of here before something happens to me in here!

Slog peered up and saw the passenger side of the jeep. Heaving himself up, Slog grabbed the bottom of the crafts door and pulled himself into the craft.

“Set her down nearby, Critter. The Sarge is gonna want to here about this.”

Slog and Critter had only a short wait before the whine of the hoverjeep announced the arrival of the rest of the squad. Slog waved them down as the craft came in for a landing. The three climbed out and approached their squad mates, Slog giving a small salute.

“Status report, Slog.”

“I only found one occupant, ma’am. He was alive when I got to him, but not for long. He was mumbling about something…something about ‘saving the empire.’” Said Slog, his face displaying his unhappiness with the situation.

Ansaria mulled this over.

“That’s it? He just said the Empire need saving?”

Slog fished in his belt and extracted the drive.

“He had this on him. Also got his TIG. Figured Tread could take a look and get us some better intel.”

The android was already peering at the pair of devices.

“If I may?” asked Tread, holding out his hand for the drive. Slog handed it over, and after a cursory glance, Tread inserted it into the back of his head. He was silent for a few moments, before extracting the drive and giving it to the sergeant.

“I am afraid the drive is encrypted, sergeant. I am reasonably sure that I can crack it, but it will need to be done back at base.”

Ansaria nodded her head and then began fiddling with her A-TIG.

“All right, I’ll call the outpost and let them know what we found. With any luck, we’ll have this sorted before--”

The sound of shifting metal emerged again, only this time much louder, and accompanied by a new sound: the sound of rending metal. The side of the back half of the ship exploded outward and a heavy, metal shape dropped into the sand beneath it. It was clad in the remnants of a green and yellow outfit, though how it could fit the heavily armored form was anyone’s guess.

The machine slowly lifted its head, its gaze rapidly taking in the assembled soldiers. An instant later, its optical sensors zeroed in on the drive Ansaria held. The machine raised its arm, its forefinger glowing with energy.

Ansaria reacted instantly.


The blast lanced through the squad, the beam narrowly missing them as they dived out of the way. Alvara, still manning the turret on the jeep, brought the weapon around to bear, unleashing countless bolts of energy on the mysterious metallic opponent.

Reno raised its arms in front of itself to as a shield. The bolts struck, but were unable to penetrate the machine’s armor. He dashed forward and struck the jeep, knocking the gunner off balance and forcing her to halt her firing. Before he could fry the interfering organic, he was lifted up and hurled away from the wreck into the sun-baked desert.

“Don’t even think about it, you son of a bitch! Slog, Tread, let him have it!”

The two troops took aim. Slog charged his plasma shotgun, while Tread calculated the trajectory of his handled rockets. At the same time, the two fired, and the spot were their opponent had been suddenly erupted in a series of explosions.

Before the sand even had time to settle, multiple thin, lethal beams came from within the dust, only barely missing their targets, forcing Slog and Tread rolled for cover. Reno stood in explosion’s crater, dented and singed, but still in the fight. Before he could move forward, Reno found himself once more being pelted by the rapid fire of one of the jeeps, though this time it was from the turret manned by Critter’s droid.

The blasts suddenly let up, though, as Ansaria rushed in, the sword that she favored for close combat drawn, and surging with electricity. She sliced at her opponent, cutting off one of Reno’s arms and creating a wide burrow across his torso. Reno sent Ansaria flying with a swipe from his remaining arm, and raised his hand to blast the interfering swordswoman.

Before he could fire, Reno’s arm exploded at the elbow. Behind him, Alvara took aim with her sniper rifle again, this time hitting the machine square in the back. The disarmed machine at first seemed to be confused as to what had happened. After inspecting its arms, the droid turned back toward Ansaria, who had un-slung her beam rifle.

“Shrug this off, you android banlock!” said Ansaria, as she squeezed the trigger of her weapon.

Countless beams struck Reno dead-center in the head. The machine’s face exploded in a shower of flames and metal and the force of the shots knocked him onto his back. There he lay; a smoking, headless heap.

Ansaria dropped her rifle, and just layed in the sand for a few moments. Before any of her squad could come to her aid, she slowly sat up.

“Si…sit rep!” she called.

“Looks like we’re all in one piece, Sarge.” Replied Alvara. “One of our jeeps is crumpled, but we should be able to get back to base.”

Ansaria had managed to get to her feet. Her chest hurt where Reno had struck her, but nothing felt broken. She started collecting her weapons.

“Good. M, contact the outpost, let them know about the crash and the victim. Slog, Tread, pick up that thing and get it loaded. I want Tread to look this bot over after he’s decrypted the drive.”

The two soldiers snapped off salutes before they started gathering up their deactivated opponent. Ansaria pulled the drive out of the pouch on her belt where she had slipped it when everything started exploding. The small device was intact.

Just what exactly have gotten wrapped up in?

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