
Chapter From 29

Chapter 29

Jennifer’s expression suddenly changed. Before she came back to herself, Natalie had already turned around and left.

Out of Sherman Group’s office building, she could feel the warm sunshine and the breeze kissing her cheeks. She took a sigh of relief and decided not to have any connection with those people anymore.

Natalie fished out her phone to get a taxi, but she surprisingly found two Galaxy Manors on the map. Unsure of which one to do, she was rooted to the spot

Just then, her phone buzzed as a messaged popped up. When are you getting off work? How about I pick you up tonight?] It was from Josh.

Natalie was delighted and sent a reply very quickly. That sounds great. Could you come and pick me up now?]

Josh replied quickly: [Now!]

Natalie: [Yeah, I’ve quit ]

Josh, sitting behind the big desk in his office, felt his morning gloom lift as if a blast of spring warmth had just thawed out a winter chill But with a meeting coming up, he couldn’t duck out. So, he texted: [I’ll send Martin for you.]

Natalie replied: [okay]

Josh called Martin over and gave Martin some instructions.

About half an hour later, Martin pulled up to a cafe near the Sherman Group office to collect Natalie. Expecting to be taken to Galaxy Manor, she was puzzled when Martin took a different route.

Don’t worry, Mrs. Franco, Martin said with a smile, “Mr. Franco is tied up at work. He’s asked me to bring you to the Presidential Palace. You can wait for him there”

T–The Presidential Palace?” she echoed.


Natalie hesitated, “But the Presidential Palace won’t allow outsiders to get in, right?”

Martin reassured her with a smile, “Mr. President is a welcoming man. He wouldn’t fuss about staff bringing family for a visit.”

He knew that wasn’t generally true; it was a place off–limits to most, for only big shots. But Natalie was an exception.

Pulling up to the Presidential Palace’s grand gate, they stepped out. The national flag waved over Feather Square as uniformed guards patrolled. The golden inscription on the gate shone impressively. The looming castle before them was none other than the storied Presidential Palace. “No need to be nervous. Just come with me, Martin said.

Natalie nodded and followed him up the stairs.

As the Secretary of S

State stepped out of the palace, he gave Natalie a once–over, puzzled about why the Secretary- inside. ‘Is she some foreign royalty or maybe Mr. President’s secret daughter?‘ he wondered.

y–General was escorting a woman

But Manin merely gave a courteous nod and moved on.

The mansion’s interior was a labyrinth of history and grandeur, their footsteps echoing through a gallery adorned with portraits of Solterra’s luminaries, past a historic decision–making hall, and up to the president’s private lounge on the third floor,

Martin punched in a code to unlock the door. “This is Mr. Franco’s personal space. Make yourself comfortable. He’ll be back soon.

“Thanks,” Natalie said, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as Martin left the room.

The Presidential Mansion was all business, just like Josh–imposing and intimidating, the kind of place that put one on their best behavior,

Once inside the lounge, Natalie closed the door behind her, wandered through the living room, and plopped down on the bed. She killed time scrolling on her phone, but eventually, the waiting game got to her, and she dozed off.




10.35 AM

Chapter 29

After an unknown stretch, the door creaked open. A guy with a sharp gaze that borrowed about a third of its looks from Josh strolled in, muttering, “Finally caught you, Josh.”

But, confronted with an empty room, he frowned, “No way, you’re not here?”

Curiosity pulled him deeper into the room, then into the bedroom.

Natalie, just startled awake, rubbed her eyes and sat up, locking eyes with the newcomer, Jensen Franco.

They froze, each as shocked as the other, before Jensen erupted. “You’ve got to be kidding me! What the heck are you up to, sneaking around here?”

Natalie frowned, “Who are you?”

“The question is, how did you sneak in?” Jensen strode onward and grabbed her wrist with a steely glare. You some kind of mercenary? A spy here to assassinate my brother?”

“What are you

are you talking about?” N

Natalie winced, her wrist hurting.

“Don’t play dumb!” Jensen snarled and yanked her toward the door. “Breaking into the mansion, plotting against my in jail for good!”

Jensen’s grip was fierce, leaving its mark on Natalie.

“Let… Let go of met Natalie protested. Tm waiting for my husband. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Her husband” The idea derailed Jensen’s thoughts for a second


gonna land you

That pause was enough, Josh strode in, just back from his meeting, and the scene before him had his eyebrows knitting in no time. “What’s going on?” His voice boomed.

Jensen, thrown off, stuttered. Josh

d free like a deer escaping a trap, dashed to Josh, and tucked

Ready to brag about catching a “spy,” Jensen’s triumph faltered as the girl wriggled f herself behind him.

Jensen was utterly baffled.

Tears welled in Natalie’s eyes. She clung to Josh’s sleeve, pointing at Jensen with hurt and accusation

That left Jensen even more puzzled. She didn’t say anything, but her movement seemed to have explained what happened.

Josh smoothed down her hair, gave her a reassuring look, and then turned a glare to Jensen. JENSON FRANCO.

What happened next? Chaos.

Josh flung his tie aside, snagged a broom, and took after jensen. The room filled with thuds and yelps.

Twenty minutes later, battered, Jensen pled at Natalie’s feet, “My dear sister–in–law, I’m such a moron. Thought you were a spy. Please, I’m so sorry, If you’re mad, take a swing at me.”

Natalie blinked away the remnants of fright. “It’s okay. Just a mess of confusion. No harm done

She eyed the marks on Jensen and winced. “You should probably get those checked.”

Jensen risked a look at Josh and waved off the concern. “Nah, brotherly love since I was a kid. But your wrist…

“I’m alright, Natalie insisted. No sooner had she brushed it off, Josh was already kneeling beside her with ointment handy.




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