
Chapter From 25

Chapter 25

Josh and Natalie left the range, ignoring the buzz they’d stirred up among the crowd.

In the car on the way home, Josh’s face was unreadable as he drove. Natalie, clutching her stomach, was battling waves of discomfort. She kept her eyes shut and bore the pain in silence, not wanting to make a peep.

When they pulled up to Galaxy Manor, Natalie rushed upstairs, one hand on her stomach. Josh followed, a mix of concern and confusion on his


Once in their room, Natalie grabbed fresh clothes and dashed for the bathroom. The truth was, her period had caught her off guard.

She quickly changed and started rinsing her soiled clothes in the sink.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, Josh’s voice came through, low and worried. “Everything okay? You seemed out of sorts.”

Natalie was mortified. Just washing up. I’ll be out soon.

“You know the maids can handle that.” Josh didn’t think his wife should be doing laundry, let alone cooking

“I’ve got it,” Natalie insisted. There was no way she was going to have the maids deal with her stained clothes.

Josh tried the handle. The door wasn’t locked, so he pushed it open. He took in the scene–Natalie and the bloodied water in the basin–and his brow creased. “Where are you hurt? Why’s there blood?”

“No, I’m not hurt, Natalie mumbled, her face hot with embarrassment.

Josh was stunned for a second and then realized


The room fell silent. Natalie was mortified, wishing she could vanish,

“Step out for a sec,” she said.

A few seconds later, Josh’s tone lightened. “Hop into bed il sort out your clothes.”

Natalie, cheeks burning, protested, “I can handle it, Really, you don’t have to…

But Josh was already by her side, gently drying her hands with a towel. That water’s freezing Let me do this for you

Her heart was racing. Without a word, she let him scoop her up and tuck her into the big bed, drawing a lightweight blanket over her. “I’ll have Spencer bring you some hot soup, Josh said, his voice deep and soothing, and then he headed back to the bathroom.

Natalie watched him go, her mind spinning. Josh was totally unfazed by the mess.

In fact, she didn’t know he’d quietly cleaned up their sheets the morning after their first night together. He never mentioned a thing.

As the bathroom noises trickled into the room, Natalie’s heart swelled with a mix of affection and unrest.

She marveled inwardly, ‘How could Josh even think to wash those clothes? It’s just… bizarre. He’s a real gentleman, yet so strange. Who is Josh really?

Then, another troubling thought hit her. She hadn’t been using birth control lately.

Natalie was lost in her worries, thinking. I can’t get pregnant. With the way our marriage is, it’s bound to end sooner or later, I’ve got to remind him about using protection.

Spencer appeared with a warm bowl of soup, Natalie downed it quickly, comforted by the heat

Meanwhile, Josla finished up with the Laundry. When he walked back into the bedroom, Natalie noticed the black rosary bracelet on his wrist–it looked good on his slender hand. She couldn’t quite picture those hands scrubbing away at the bloody clothes.

Looking at Natalie’s vacant look, Josh asked sofily, “What’s on your mind?”

“Why are you so good to me?” Ni

Natalie blurted out in confusion.

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Chapter 25

*You mean, because I did the laundry?” Josh said with a grin. He playfully tapped her nose. “You’re an easy target, Natalie. Brian really took advantage, huh?”

She b

blushed, feeling exposed. “Actually… I bumped into Brian today,” she confessed, hesitating

Josh’s eyes darkened with unspoken emotions. “Oh? And what did he have to say?

Natalie avoided the question, her gaze fixed on Josh as she asked plainly, “Do you ever regret marrying me?”

She felt like she was nothing but trouble, aware of the expectations from her own family, Brian’s family, and practically everyone in Gobis–waiting for her to mess up.

“Regret? Not for a second.” Josh seemed caught off guard by the question. He tenderly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and touched his forehead to hers, kissing the tip of her nose. “You’re wonderful, Natalie. How could I regret that?”

She was unaccustomed to such praise. “But they all dislike me…


Natalie said. “My parents, my grandpa, Brian’s parents, and a whole bunch of others.”

Josh held her chin gently, looking into her eyes. “They’re blind. They’re foolish. You’re the best there is. I want every day to show you how much you’re loved” His voice was a light laugh in the darkness, husky and alluring

Natalie looked up into his eyes–so deep and mesmerizing–and felt her heart gallop. She was enveloped in a blissful haze, her heart soaring with Joy

After a brief silence, the whispered, “So, tell me, what’s so good about me?”

Josh paused and furrowed his brow in thought. “Well… you’re soft and delicate. Does that work for y



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