
Chapter From 22

Chapter 22

Natalie was p

puzzled by Josh. However, she could feel her heart racing. After some time, she nervously avoided his gaze.

Josh watched her with a complex expression, then stood up, patted her head softly, and finally said, “Get some rest. I have work to do. I’ll for dinner.

I’ll call you


After everything had calmed down, Sienna was still seething when she got home. She also found herself thinking about the man she had seen that evening. Recalling his good looks made her heart skip a beat.

Sienna had to admit that Josh was very charismatic. He seemed like the kind of man who could charm any woman in the world. ‘Is he Natalie’s husband she wondered. How could Natalie, whom she thought of as a simpleton, be worthy of such an outstanding man? Sienna thought to herself, ‘He should be with me. I’m the only one who deserves such a man.

Suddenly, Sienna heard footsteps outside her door. Confused, she opened the door to find a stumbling figure.

It was Brian. He leaned against the wall, reeking of alcohol. Sienna rushed to help Brian and asked, “Brian, why have you drunk so much?” Brian seemed out of it, mumbling incoherently. Sienna put her ear close to his mouth to hear him better. “Nat… Nat, don’t marry him. murmured vaguely.

No… Brian

Sienna’s frown deepened at his words. “What’s so great about her? Does she deserve you getting drunk over her late into the night? You promised you’d treat her well even if you married Jennifer, and still, she’s not satisfied! And then, just like that, she marries someone else. What a two–faced woman!” Sienna spat out her words angrily.

Helping Brian back to his room and onto the bed with growing irritation, Sienna was about to leave when Brian suddenly clutched her hand to his lips, whispering, “Nat.”

Feeling a shiver of revulsion, Sienna wrenched her hand away and slapped Brian across the face. “Tm not Nat!” she yelled.

She then stormed out and went back to her own rooms, seething. How could Natalie have such a hold on Brian! And how did she manage to marry such a good–looking man so effortlessly?

Suddenly, an idea sparked in Sienna’s mind,

She wanted that man. If Natalie had married someone else to get back at the Sherman family, Sienna could steal him away and humiliate Natalie all over again. She believed that in looks she was just as attractive as Natalie, and when it came to talent and status, she was far superior.

Anyone would be a fool to choose Natalie over her.

Then, Sienna dialed Jennifer’s number and overplayed the events of the night,

After listening to the tale, Jennifer slyly passed on the information to Cordon and Evelyn over dinner. As predicted, Gordon was livid.

“Dad, we can’t let her get away with this! If she jeopardizes our ties with the Sherman family, it’ll spell trouble for Jennifer and Brian, Charles chimed in. Hearing this, Evelyn pursed her lips and remained silent.

After ending their dinner, Gordon picked up the phone to call Natalie. At that time, Natalie was exhausted and lying in bed, trying to rest

As soon as Natalie answered, Gordon launched into his tirade, “You ingrate! How could you cross the Sherman family? If you’ve ruined the bond between our families, Jennifer’s marriage to Brian might never happen. Tomorrow afternoon, you and your husband better come to the Shermans‘ house to apologize to Ms. Sherman personally and earn her forgiveness!”

“And what if I don’t? Natalie asked, her brow furrowed.

“You don’t have a choice! Cordon said, his tone sharp and cold.

Natalie laughed dismissively and answered, “Dad, I’m curious to see what you could possibly do to me now. With those final words, Natalie ended the call abruptly,

Still, anxiety gnawed at her. Sienna was proud and headstrong. Even though Sienna wasn’t as manipulative and vile as Jennifer, she was petty and vindictive. During their school days, Natalie often became the target of Sienna’s ire because of her low grades.

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Chapter 29

Sienna poured ink over Natalie’s head, led the charge in excluding her, and even purposely kicked a soccer ball at Natalie during gym class. The list of such incidents was long.

Jennifer had even deceitfully blamed Natalie for bullying Sienna, which led to harsh punishment from Gordon. It was only by chance that Evelyn had visited the school and moved Natalie to another class that she escaped Sienna’s torment.

Just then, Natalie heard footsteps. Josh must have finished his work, as he entered the room. He instantly detected Natalie’s concern. “What’s wrong” Josh inquired.

Natalie pondered for a moment, then decided to share her worries with him. “I’m scared they will trap you.”

Josh’s response was a

alm smile Are you worried about me?

Natalie bit her lip, feeling uneasy.

Josh lightly caressed her nose with his finger and said reassuringly. “Don’t worry. Have you forgotten who I am?” Natalie looked at him, confusion in her eyes. Josh let out a gentle laugh and added. I work for the president. You think my connections are so weak that I can be easily bullied?”

That seemned to make sense to Natalie, and she felt a surge of relief.

After dinner had ended and the night fell, Josh and Natalie lay in bed, curled up together. He cradled her in his arms, allowing her cheek to rest softly against his chest. Slowly, Natalie drifted off to sleep

Behind Natalie’s back, Josh’s hand discreetly moved to his phone. He tapped out a message and sent it to Martin.

Josh Look into Sienna’s past and teach her a lesson.]

Martin [Understood, sirl

If Sienna upset Natalie, Josh would not let her off easily.


next morning. Natalie awoke late, squinting at the bright sunlight that made it hard to open her eyes. She reached clumsily for her phone and was greeted by headlines and hashtags across major media outlets: “Sienna Spends Night with Three Men,” “Sienna’s Wild Night at the Bar and “Sienna’s Exes Tell All

The online community was in an uproar. These news items were drawing even more attention than Natalie’s own wedding had

Comments filled the screens: I thought she was a decent woman, how shameful.]

[No way! My favorite actor used to date her?]

[Isn’t this high–society drama? They’re all the same.]

[Isn’t she the sister of the guy who bolted from his wedding!]

[LOL The brother ditches his own wedding for true love, and the sister has a string of affairs. What a family!]

Without dwelling on it, Natalie set her phone aside and went downstairs for breakfast Downstairs, the television was broadcasting the same news


She took a seat at the table. As both of them watched the TV, Josh’s smile emerged. “What a strange twist, right?”

“Definitely.” Natalie concurred. Sienna had given Natalie a difficult time just the day before, but now she was the one being shamed by everyone. Clearly, Sienna would be too busy handling her own crisis to bother Natalie again.

Josh looked at Natalie, his eyes full of playfulness. “Who do you think was behind it?” he asked, the grin still on his face.

Most knew better than to upset a wealthy and powerful family. Plus, the media often steered clear of airing the dirty laundry of such influential families without a very compelling reason. Therefore, the person who had the guts to spill the Shermans‘ secrets was certainly exceptional

Natalie locked eyes with Josh and hesitated for a moment. Then, she looked away and responded, “Definitely not you. You’re not that influential Josh was taken aback, while Spencer, who was present, tried to stifle a laugh.

Josh picked up a piece of fruit from the table and held it out to her. “You’re correct,” he admitted with a gentle laugh. “I’ll aim to gain more clout. Maybe then I’ll be able to protect you from those who wish you harm,” he vowed,

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