From the Heart of a Fae

Chapter 16

Widows Peak, Deirdre 1014 AOE, 12th day of Aster. Summer.

Malik and Ben rode ahead of the group, looking down at the valley below. Ben’s castle sat against the sunset, and Ben sighed. Despite the poor mood everyone had been in since leaving the southern sea, it was still nice to see his childhood home. He was hoping a few weeks here would allow him to turn Kora’s mood around. While Ben calmed her on the beach, there was no doubt she had withdrawn. She spoke and ate less, always looking around for something that was not there. Shadow loped ahead of them, down the hill to roll in the grass. He knew he would be allowed in this castle and was extremely excited to sleep indoors. The village surrounding Bens’s castle was huge, and the people lined the main street to cheer for their king and lord. The large drawbridge is down, and as they crossed it, flower petals rained down from the battlements, the maidservants were waving and cheering. Kora smiled, and with a small wave, the flower petals were swept up in a gentle breeze, to swirl around the maidservants on the battlement. They called out in wonder. A line of servants waited at the entrance, and Bens loyal steward tottered down the stairs. He was elderly and walked with a cane but still bowed at their feet.

“Lord Althan, My King and Princesses, Master Ludis, and Sir Royce! It is so good to have you all here, and home! You honor us with all these prestigious guests!” Ben stepped forward to hug the older man tightly, and it caught him by surprise, hie eyes misted briefly as Ben greeted him,

“It really is so good to see you Barthalamew. Please let us go sit, I do hope you will be eating with us.” The old man beamed, and Kora was intrigued. The man clearly adored Ben, and vice versa. Ben turned to Kora and took her hand.

“Bart, before we go further, please. Let me introduce you to the future Lady of Althan. Koraline Eden, Princess of Deidre.” Bart did shed a few tears as he hobbled to bow low to her. She stepped forward concerned. Grabbing him by the for arms she came eye level to him smiling.

“Please, sir - do not trouble your body to bow. I am honored to meet you. Ben speaks so highly of you, and I have been anxious to make your acquaintance.” It was obvious from the blush that stole across the older man’s cheeks that he was indeed flattered. He took both her hands in his weathered ones and patted them heartily.

“You have no Idea, Princess how happy it makes me to see Ben has found such a beautiful bride. And so kind. Alas, Lady Beatrice fell short when she hinted you were not good enough. Indeed, you are now our star of Althan.” Kora blushed too at such high praise, and he began to tug her into the castle.

“Come, please my lady. You look worn to the bone; the road is no place for a lady! I will have baths drawn for you all immediately, and dinner will be served at sundown. Please come in and make yourself at home, in your soon to be home!” Bart was enthusiastic, his other guests almost forgotten as he hauled Kora inside, Ben following behind. No one could make someone relax like Bart. He had a kind heart and was hard as nails when it came to running things. Not a single candle was out of place, the entire castle scrubbed to perfection. He proceeded to lead She and Ben to the masters’ chambers, telling her stories of the paintings they passed and the history of the castle. The others were escorted in much the same manor. Two maidservants waited to open the doors for them and when they came in, they saw that the washroom had a large steaming bath waiting; noise at the door announced the arrival of trunks Ben had sent ahead from the capital. There was a small tray of snack sandwiches and fresh fruit, pitchers of water and juice. The steward beamed at them.

“Please my lord, my lady take all the time you need. We will send word when dinner is ready to be served. It is so good to have you home Ben.” He gripped Ben’s forearm, and then tottered out. Kora looked around the lavish rooms. Ben shrugged.

“My mother had ... extravagant taste.” He motioned to the red velvet curtains and smiled. Kora smiled back, and picked up a strawberry from the tray, biting into it. Fresh picked and so sweet. Ben took her hand and led her to the washroom, where he undressed her slowly, all the while Kora still snacked on the strawberry. Ben came up, took the stem, and kissed her soundly.

“Mm, delicious.” He grinned slyly and helped her into the water. Sitting slowly, she saw Bens eyes move over her, and he turned to hide his anxious face. She knew she was worrying him. She had lost quite a bit of weight. She sighed, sinking into the water, and when Ben joined her, she surprised him by straddling his lap, and laying her head on his chest. He held her close, and they enjoyed the silence for a while. Ben reached over for a rag and began to soap her back, pulling her hair forward over her shoulder. He continued to bathe her, and as he began to soap her breasts, she could feel his length pushing against her softest spot. But he made no move to enter her. He just continued to wash her, being gentle and precise. He took a pitcher and began to pour water over her hair and soon he was lathering it up, running his fingers through each section to untangle the masses. Drew had never done this for her. Tears formed in her eyes, and she closed them, refusing to let them fall. Magic could not create this feeling, could it? Not stolen magic, no matter how ancient. No, she knew what she felt - though guided by a spell, this part was true. He rinsed her hair, and moved her gently to the side, where he began to soap himself. She watched, and when he turned, she came forward to help him wash his back. She ran slippery hands over hir shoulders and wrapped her arms around him to rub his strong chest, and flat stomach. She could feel every ab under her fingers the trail of hair that led to his member. She reached below the water and began to stroke him. He groaned and grabbed her hand. They stayed still for a moment, and she began to move again. Gliding up and down his length, it was steel covered in velvet. They had not made love since the situation on the beach, and Ben was close already, panting. She kissed his back, and pressed herself tighter to him as she stroked him faster, the water splashing a little as she did. She felt him go rigid, and he came. Still breathing hard, he turned in her arms to kiss her fully. Picking her up so she was straddling him again, he walked to the edge of the tub and set her down. His face was level with her navel and began to trail kisses along her stomach.

“Turnabout is fair play, my loving wife to be.” He began to kiss lower, and she tangled her hands in his wet hair, opening herself to him. Bens’s tongue was hot and soft, licking and probing her sensitive folds. He licked every corner, and she felt his tongue slide in and out of her, before licking and suckling her nub. Moaning, she tugged his hair, wanting him inside of her. He resisted though, wanting her to explode as he had. Her breathing was ragged. She was moaning his name, begging for her release. She felt it rise like a wave within her, and when it crashed, she convulsed, toes curling. She threw her head back and cried out, before slouching over Bens’s head cradling him to her. He came up, and his mouth was slick with the taste of her. He ran his thumb over his lips as he looked her in the eyes.

“Just like those strawberries, but sweeter.” She smiled and he kissed her. Coming up so his member was level with her entrance, he pushed in slowly, leaning her back onto the tile floor. She was spread out beneath him, and she was beautiful. He pumped harder, using his thumb to rub her clit. She was moaning - deep in her throat, and it was driving him wild. Not able to help himself any more he flipped her, so she was bent over the tub, and he entered her again. Picking up the speed. She spread her hands out before her, and his hands tangled in the hair at the nape of her neck. It was rougher than Ben had been with her before, but Kora responded like an animal in turn. She met him thrust for thrust, and the water sloshed over the tub’s edges. His other hand came down in a soft smack, before rubbing the spot with his palm. She gasped, moaning at the feeling. He released her hair so he could take her bottom in both hands, rubbing her as he fucked her harder. She was calling out his name now, begging for more. She felt the wave coming and she tightened around him. Ben grabbed her by the shoulder with one hand, his other on her hip as he drove harder into her, and she came so hard her legs gave out. Ben followed, exploding within her. Her body spasming, she leaned back against his chest, and he held her, both sinking into the warm water. It took a while for them to catch their breath, Bens hands still roaming her body.

“I think this just became my new favorite room.” He murmured in her ear, and she laughed.

“Wait until you show me how big the library is.” Ben laughed at that, and they both slowly made their way out of the tub. Ben had to support Kora, as her legs where still shaking.

“Should we get ready for dinner?” Kora asked Ben pushing her towards the bed. “I’m hungry now.” His look was ravenous, and they made love again.

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