From the Depths

Chapter The Little Prince

Nine Months Later

Kirea screamed, the sound surely ripped through the air alerting anyone that was close, but she couldn’t keep it in. The pain was utterly unbelievable, her insides were in sheer protest of keeping the child in any longer.

Not only that but she needed to rid herself of the tail to actually give birth. She had been treading lightly with the other sirens around the area, trying to learn as much as she could, but they hardly trusted her yet. She’d barely learned the language let alone have someone teach her to shed her tail for legs.

She also refused to give birth to the child in the water under siren supervision. When she had felt the contractions begin she raced for the shore of the one person she trusted with her life and her child.

If it were a boy... She didn’t want to think about it, she needed to deliver the child safely first.

“Hen- Henry.” She tried to speak but the pain was blinding, the words only coming out in a muffled whisper.

Hands wrapped around her upper body as she was heaved from the water and fully onto the shore. Her eyes only just managed to focus as tears streamed down her face, his face was all she needed in that moment and she clung to him, desperate for his aid.

Scopping her up he ran for an outlet to the south, he’d stashed supplies for this very day there. There was no way she could be taken to a regular doctor given she was now a siren with a half-siren child.

What came next was something that neither of them would forget. Her tail wouldn’t shed on its own, he had to use a knife to slice the tail open freeing her legs. Looking on in complete horror at the state of her legs it dawned on him why she couldn’t use them yet, why she couldn’t shed her tail for legs as Ren had done.

Her legs were a fraction of what they used to be, frail and skinny, they held no strength, it was like they hadn’t completely formed yet. Had she been regrowing her legs again since the day she had first changed into a siren? Now was not the time to ask, she needed all the support he could give.

After several long hours, they had achieved the unthinkable.

A crying babe emerged as joyous smiles spread over their exhausted faces.

Cleaning the child off Henry cut the cord and proceeded to hand the baby over to the already healing Kirea, her tail once again fusing and mending together tucking away her frail legs, cocooning them for when hopefully one day she might be able to use them again.

Kirea took the child, already the evidence of her flaming red hair could be seen in the few strands that were on the baby’s head.

He blinked up at his mother with wide beautiful green eyes, just like Ren’s. She cradled the babe looking down at the beautiful creation that they had made together.

Her bottom lip trembled as she knew what was to come next.

She handed the child back to Henry who looked at her perplexed and confused.

“I can’t take the child to the sea.” She quietly confessed though she wished it weren’t true.

“What are you talking about!?” Henry protested as he fumbled to hold the little thing.

“Henry... He’s a boy.” Tears streamed down her face as she reached a single finger to her son.

“What does that have to-” He cut himself off finally understanding. His eyes fell on the little boy in his arms and he saddened. “He can’t live like Ren did, but he can’t be without his mother.”

“I-I can’t be on land...” Every word she spoke slowly broke her heart. “If I take him... He’ll be taken from me the moment they know he’s alive. I need to tell them that the child died at birth, I can’t have any contact... not... not yet.” She smiled sadly down at the tiny curious eyes that looked around at the world.

“I can’t raise a baby! I wouldn’t know where to begin!” Henry protested.

“Take him to my mother, she’ll help you.”

Henry cringed. “That woman never wants to see me again, threatened to cut off my manhood if I ever graced her presence...”

“Tell her the truth about me and what happened, she’ll need to know the little one isn’t human.”

“It’s still over a day’s ride, even if I don’t stop to rest. The baby-”

“Talk to the head maid before you go, she’ll prepare you some bottles for him. I’ll follow along around the coast. If I’m close by I can help convince my mother... or try to.”

“You sure about this?” He asked.

“No, but it’s the only chance he has now.”

Henry wrapped the tiny body in his arms with fresh linen. Then fastened a strap of cloth around his shoulder and chest to help hold the baby close to his body. The child was not fussy or noisy, rather he was quiet and more intrigued with his surroundings.

Reluctantly Kirea had to say goodbye to her son after only just giving birth to him, it hurt but she knew it was the right choice. Her mind was already whirling with thoughts and ideas of how she could change the situation.

Henry did as he was instructed, he received help from the head maid though only after explaining that the baby was Kirea’s. The castle knew of her existence with the Knights having seen her. Though it had been kept fairly quiet at her request.

Next, in great haste, he headed off to the little village on the outskirts of the kingdom, Kirea’s and his hometown. He didn’t stop, keeping the pace high unless he needed to feed the little man. He knew very little of what he was doing and even panicked when the child’s feces turned out to be black after its first bowel movement.

Just as he was approaching the town on the second day of his journey the sky let loose on him. He was pelted with rain, he tried his best to keep the baby dry and warm, but soon even he was shivering from the endless battering of the icy cold wind and water, winter was only a few weeks away now.

He dismounted his horse only when he reached the little house that doubled as a clinic for farm animals. The rain was deafening as he hammered as loudly as he could on the door. His form was hunched over, trying to protect the child as best he could.

The door swung open and he came face to face with an angry woman, Kirea’s mother.

“You!” She snarled. “I told you-”

A loud crackle of thunder erupted in the distance cutting her off, the baby in his arms suddenly began crying the loud noise seeming to startle him.

“Please ma’am I need your help, we didn’t have anywhere else to turn to.” He pleaded trying to soothe the child as best as he could against his own body.

Her anger turned to shock as she realised he was holding a small child. Frowning she huffed and stepped aside allowing the Knight to enter her home. Once they were inside she retrieved the baby from his hold and proceeded to tend to the child without another word.

Henry slummed against the wall utterly exhausted, the child was in good hands now and he didn’t need to worry anymore. He was lucky her mother was like her, or was it the other way around? Both women couldn’t refuse someone when they were in need.

A towel was tossed at him, taking him by surprise.

“Don’t drip all over my wooden floors.” Her tone was low and a little on the harsher side.

Kirea’s mother’s name was Doris but he dared not refer to her as anything other than Mrs Riverton. He thanked her bowing his head slightly, he felt extremely uncomfortable but he would endure.

“Leave when the rain lets up, I will care for the child. I assume that’s why you brought him here.” Her words were blunt and uncaring.

She intended to just take the child and he has nothing to do with it? That wasn’t going to happen. He grew defensive. “I can’t just leave the child! and you think I would be that type of man!?"

"You have changed from the young boy I once knew Henry. I respect your family and what they stood for, but you took my daughter from me. I will never forgive you for that."

"Ma'am please, I made a promise! I need help with the infant, that is why you would be best suited to return to the castle with me.”

“You could have just handed the child to a maid at the castle. However, you have chosen to bring him here, so far away from any prying eyes-”

“That’s not-”

“It looks that way! I will do this only for your mother and sister, rest their souls.” Doris had her back turned to the Knight as she began feeding the child a fresh bottle.

“I came here because he should be raised by blood!” Henry spouted growing more angry than he had intended.

Doris turned slowly, there was no shock only a glare. “You told me she had died.”

“I never said such words, only that she still wanted the letter delivered.” Henry’s heart was pounding in his chest.

“You made me morn for my daughter!” She'd known something was off from the start. She'd seen the little red hair on the childs head and had been playing him for a foul.

“It had to remain a secret or-”

“Enough with your bullshit excuses!” Doris had raised her voice enough that the baby started crying again. Cradling him and smiling down at him she cooed him back to silence until she was able to address the Knight again, this time in a lower tone. “You better explain, and I mean everything.”

“She did technically die that day.” He began with a pained expression. Clenching the now wet towel to his chest, recalling that day still hurt. “The reason she was summoned to the castle was to care for a mythical creature that none of us knew to be real.”

“That would be true before the war, not now.” She commented as she took a seat with the baby in her arms.

“I can’t deny that, but it still stands to reason that we, as humans, have only just scratched the surface as to what actually exists alongside us, as a people.” He paused for a moment. “She was charged with nursing a sick Siren back to health, which she did.”

Doris remained silent allowing him to speak and explain everything that had befallen the three. He explained and confessed the ploy with the King and the elves’ involvement.

“But what does that have to do with Kirea and her death, why would she send me that letter!?” She protested as his story ended.

“A few days before our plan was to take place she fell extremely ill. She had fallen pregnant and it escalated the illness as her body couldn’t cope with a new life growing inside.”

“How did she survive? She must have to have had the baby, where is she now? Is she alright, did she pass bringing this little one into this world?” Doris had tears in her eyes.

Henry shook his head. “I truly believe her human self died that day. Watching her and trying to wake her I knew it was the end. I went to the siren for help, and he came through in the most unexpected way.” He cracked a half smile at the little boy who was attempting to grab at his grandmother’s long hair. He was only a few days old, he was sure babies weren’t meant to move like that yet. “He gave your daughter his heart, literally. He turned her into a Siren so that she could survive and bring the boy into the world.”

“So... the child is half human?”

He nodded. “Half siren.”

“Where is she, why can’t she look after the child?” It was the pained question she didn’t want to ask but forced it out regardless.

“It’s too dangerous in the water. From his father, we know that male sirens are kept like property and used like objects. She asked me to bring him to you since she is unable to leave the water.”


"She's changed. Receiving the heart, was not like anything I have ever witnessed. Though I believe she will one day be able to walk on land again, it will not be for some time."

"There's more." It was a statement in response to his pained expression.

"She can't have any contact with the child as it would put his scent on her." His gaze lifted to the window, the rain outside was still falling. "It's been hard on her."

She narrowed her eyes on the Knight. “You don’t intend to just leave the child with me... and expect me to come with you, why?”

“I-I have an idea. One that would benefit all involved.”

“What idea?” Her eyes narrowed as her hold tightened around the little boy.

“We claim the child is the offspring of the late King. The timeline fits and many people would attest to the fact that they know she visited the King’s chambers at night.”

“Raise him to be a Prince? The new ruler!? Are you mad? What if that’s not what he wants, does that matter to you at all!?”

“Just hear me out. I can be appointed his personal Knight, with Kirea having... let’s say died during childbirth the role of Queen Mother falls to you. You’re a woman whom many respect around the Kingdom and someone of which I could really use on the council. My goal is to keep the peace for as long as humanly possible until we can find a new ruler. If the boy becomes the heir to the throne and decides he doesn’t want it, then we still have 18 or so to find an alternative.”

She frowned still not entirely convinced with his story.

“Speak to Kirea about it.”

This piqued her interest. “Sh-She’s here?”

Henry nodded. “She followed along the coast, I would imagine she’s on the beach as we speak.”

“Dry yourself off i need you to watch the child for a moment.” She ordered as she stood and began preparing.

“Are you mad, it’s raining cats and dogs!”

“It’s been nearly a year since I’ve seen my child! I believed her dead, and visited her empty grave countless times! If what your saying is true, do you honestly think I would wait another minute to see my daughter!?”

“You believe me?”

“Would you believe you?”

Henry cringed, she was right it was a tall tale. The boy was handed off to the Knight as Doris meticulously told him how to care for the baby.

“I’ll be as quick as possible, stay awake and alert. Simply watch him for now.” She instructed before she rushed out the door.

On the Shore

Kirea could see the lights coming from the windows of the small dwelling she had once called home. The sky was dark even though the sun was up, the light well hidden behind angry-looking clouds.

Had Henry made it to her mother yet? Were they okay? The waiting was killing her.

Rain hammered down around her though she didn’t feel the chill, she was perched on the sand with the water coming up to her waist, she couldn’t venture any further.

That’s when she saw a figure running toward the sand. Unsure if it was Henry, she pushed herself deeper into the water ready to swim away, in case it was someone she didn’t know.


The woman’s voice screamed her name and her breath caught. The loud pounding of the rain would drown out anyone's voice but not for her.

“Mother! Mom! Here! MOM!” She attempted to wave one hand in the air to draw her attention.

It appeared to work as the figure changed direction and bounded into the water at an alarming pace.

The woman threw herself at Kirea, embracing her as tightly as she could. Her mother didn’t care about the seawater as she sank to her knees beside her daughter. Her clothing was already saturated from the rain. The light sobbing only made all that more emotion build up within Kirea. She could feel her own tears mix with the rain that was sliding down her face as an overwhelming sense of joy filled her.

“He made it.” She muttered. “Is the little one... is he?”

“He’s perfectly fine and safe.” Her mother pulled back from the embrace to hold Kirea’s face in her hands. “Are you okay!? I thought you... you were dead.”

Letting out a few little laughs as her mother studied her turning her face from side to side. “I’m fine, completely healed already. Just not quite myself anymore.” She admitted.

“So, it’s true. You’re... You’re a mermaid, a siren.” Her mother was utterly dumbfounded. “I didn’t believe him at first, what a ridiculous story... but here you are. Tail and all.”

“It’s been a bit of a shock for me as well. I’m sorry for not telling you... I-I thought it would be in your best interest if no one knew. Honestly, it still is.” She sighed in her mother’s hands, her touch felt comforting and familiar. She missed her greatly. “You should stay close to Henry, he will help.”

“You say that like you won’t be around?” Her mother looked at her with more questions than answers.

“I want to come on land mama, I want the little one to come in the sea. But none of that is possible, not with how the sea is currently. And the land is only just coming to terms with living with beings that aren’t human.”

“You have a plan, I know that determined look anywhere.” Her mother smiled sadly. “What’s on your mind?”

“We changed the land, who’s to say that I can’t find allies that want to change the sea? I don’t know how long it will take or how far away it will take me, but I know I want this for my son, for me.”

Doris placed her forehead against her daughters. “The Knight suggests we take the child and make him the Prince. I take that to mean he wants to bring me and the child to the capital, to raise him there, what do you want?”

“A Prince?” Kirea blinked a few times confused. She let out a single laugh. “Trust Henry to come up with such a thing.”

“You trust this Knight?”

“I do, I hated him at first I won’t lie, and the things I’ve seen him do.” She shook her head. “But time and time again he has proven that I can rely on him, I wouldn’t have survived the castle without him, I truly call him a friend. You should go.”

“Then I will agree and go with him. I will be with the child every step of the way, so you do what you have to do to come back to us.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Pulling back she was about to scoot back into deeper water when her mother stopped her.

“The Father’s name?” She quickly asked.

“Rendrick, why?” She questioned in return.

“Then we should name the boy Kiren.”

Kirea’s eyes opened wide, she hadn’t even thought about such a thing. She smiled and nodded. “It’s perfect.”

Letting go of her mother’s hand she returned to sea.

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