From the Depths

Chapter Late Night Metting

Finally, the evening sun was beginning to lower in the sky. It was time to make her move. Stretching after her nap, she headed for her window. She couldn’t leave out her door, not with Mr serious on the prowl around the castle.

She’d rather not attempt to climb down the cliffside steps when the sun wasn’t in the sky. So she had made it a point to try to rest early and head down to the cave before the sun set completely. Though she hadn’t thought about the trek back up. Maybe she would wait till sunrise and sneak back into her quarters? However, that would come later, for now only one thing mattered. She needed to see him.

It had been a task and a half avoiding patrols inside the castle grounds. But luckily outside the grey stone walls of the castle complex, it was a lot easier than she had first thought, no one really paid her any mind. Having been there for some time now, most of the maids just ignored her. It was the Knights that were the problem. Having to weave down the garden paths behind the armoured men certainly made her heart race. They all knew her face, knew she was Henry’s pet plaything, the thought sent a shiver down her spine.

She let out a heavy sigh once she was out of the castle grounds, all that stood between her and Ren was the deadly winding staircase. It was not easy getting down those by herself, normally Henry caught her when she slipped or shielded her from the winds. This time she was alone, it showed her how much the Knight actually looked out for her. At first, she had thought it was only because of orders, but now... it was hard to tell, the man was confusing. Finally reaching the bottom of the cliff side she let out the breath she had been holding for some time now.

“There has to be an easier way.” She muttered.

There was, but it was through the town and around the cliff, it took far longer to get down to this part of the beach. Hastily entering the cavern she walked to the water’s edge. She couldn’t see him, her heart dropped as panic set in. The water was too dark to see very far, the setting sun was making it darker and darker by the minute.

She quickly rushed around lighting some lanterns that had been set up over the last couple of days in the hopes that it would help. It didn’t. The water looked like an endless abyss, falling away to nothing but darkness beneath the glistening surface. The lanterns only added an ominous glow to the rocks that could be seen from the pool’s surface

A slash sounded from her right, the sound startled her but her panic subsided, knowing it was him.

Turning she knelt to the ground, a relieved look on her features as he swam towards her. This side of the pool was a sheer drop, the shallows were only near the entrance to the cavern. He placed his hands on the edge of the rocks, his body making the water slash up and over the ledge, wetting her own hands and feet. She shivered slightly, not ready for the cold liquid to touch her skin.

“You came!” He exclaimed excitedly.

“I said I would.” She smiled.

“You are a little early, but that’s okay.” He hoisted himself up, pushing himself out of the water to sit on the ledge beside her.

Her mouth dropped open slightly, shocked at the display sudden of strength.

He shook out his hair, much like a dog would after getting wet. She laughed as she was showered with droplets of water. Hiking the skirts of her dress up, she sat down and removed her slip-on shoes before dipping her legs into the water.

He watched her move with curious eyes. Her legs and feet caught his action more than anything. His head tilted forward as she gently moved her legs in a kicking motion under the surface of the water.

“You have no tail, is it difficult to swim?” He asked looking back up at her.

She shook her head. “Not at all. I learnt to swim at a young age, I love the water.”

“It has only ever been a prison for me.” He stated.

“You want to go on land?” She asked curious.

He shook his head, his eyes drifting away looking at nothing in particular. “I have no need to.”

He was starting to confuse her. “Has this got something to do with you not wanting to be set free?”

His eyes lifted to hers, those beautiful emeralds appeared pained. He had given her the answer with only that one look. She wanted to know more but didn’t want to force him to explain.

“You ask no questions?” His mouth slowly gaped open as he tried to understand her.

She smiled. “It appears to be a painful topic, I don’t want you to tell me if you don’t want to talk about it.”

“I-I am free in here.” He added slowly.

What kind of hell had he been living in up till now if he saw this as freedom? “As long as you’re happy and healthy. I need not ask for anything more.” She smiled at him again.

What little light the sky had, faded as the sun outside disappeared below the horizon, flooding the cavern with absolute darkness. Her lighting attempt with the lanterns did nothing, but thankfully her eyes had adjusted.

He reached out a hand. She noticed it then, his spines and spikes were gone. His skin was smooth, his tail only covered with glistening scales. His palm found the side of her cheek, she tilted her head into his hold.

“Your spines are gone...” She wondered aloud.

He smirked as though finding it amusing that she had taken so long to notice. “This way you have no reason to fear me.” As he spoke she also found that his teeth were no longer razor-sharp fangs, he looked more human than a siren.

“That’s incredible! That you could do such a thing, Ren you’re amazing.” She beamed.

“Only for you.” His voice purred as he spoke.

She felt butterflies in her stomach, she couldn’t explain the feeling that spread through her as she couldn’t seem to contain her excitement. What other things was he capable of, this type of transformation wasn’t unheard of, perhaps a defence mechanism that he could retract at will.

He chuckled, his voice sounding slightly deeper than normal. His hand traced a line from her jaw, down her neck to the material resting on her collarbone.

She could feel her heart racing as his fingers trailed over her skin leaving behind a tingling sensation. The feeling of his hand on her skin felt amazing, surreal. Gods, what was she thinking? But she couldn’t help it. His eyes were slightly hooded as his gaze followed his hand, his jawline was refined and chiselled, his hair a mysterious shade of green. She found him extremely handsome, though she felt she shouldn’t.

“This fabric, why do you wear it?” He asked gently tugging on it.

It slipped down her shoulder, thankfully she was wearing her bathing suit underneath or things would have turned awkward in that moment.

“Generally speaking, clothing is used by humans as a means to cover their skin. Be it for protection from the sun, warmth from the cold or modestly.” She explained.

“Modestly?” He asked the rest he seemed to understand.

His hand were running along the hem of her wetsuit now. And her body was coming alive adversely, why did she love his touch so much? Was it the thrill of a magical being having an interest in her? Or something else entirely?

“Humans generally don’t walk around naked, with their bare skin exposed.”

“Why?” He looked down at himself, retrieving his hand to touch his own chest. “I’m naked.”

She took a sharp intake of breath through her teeth. By the gods, yes you are. She thought as she tried to come up with an answer. Her eyes lingered on his finely chiselled abdomen. Focus!

“How do I explain... Humans are normally only naked when they procreate with one another.” She tried.

“How do you breed?”

She felt the blood rising to her face at that question. “Oh,”

“Is that an uncomfortable question?”

She giggled out of embarrassment. “Yeah, a little.”

His eyes opened wide. “Oh, forgive me.”

“It’s okay, I never thought I would need to explain that to someone.” She laughed nervously again.

“I was curious, since for us sirens it’s not a pleasant experience.” He shivered.

“It’s not? Well for humans it can be, a lot even do it for fun and pleasure, not just to procreate.” Kirea’s ears were turning red now. How had the conversation turned to this?

He shook his head with a frown. “The men a dragged to the surface world and basically torn apart during... the act.” He cringed, that pained expression appearing again.

Her heart fell, all embarrassment lost. She reached for his hands taking hold of them, lacing his fingers with her own. “That’s how you were found wasn’t it?”

He nodded looking down at the water, avoiding eye contact. He was ashamed, she could tell. He shouldn’t feel that way, it wasn’t his fault. It all fell into place and she knew at once what had happened to him. She felt tears welling up, he’d been raped and left to die... having been used and thrown away by his own kind, no wonder he didn’t want to be free.

Without thinking she pulled him into a gentle embrace, wrapping her arms around his solid build and gently pulling him closer.

He gasped surprised by the sudden action, but relaxed into her hold, resting his head on her shoulder.

“You’re safe here.” She told him in a hushed whisper. “I won’t let that happen to you, you won’t be hurt in here.”

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