From the Depths

Chapter Dreams VS Reality

Kirea thought she was dreaming.

Nothing else could explain how Ren was here with her.

His hands were on her and oh, did she think they felt good.

It wasn't just a physical attraction she shared with him, there was something unnaturally magical about it. Her body simply wanted to be in his hold. When he touched her all her feelings of self-doubt faded, only to blossom into something profound.

To say she'd never felt this way about anyone was an understatement.

When his hand slipped down to the place that was aching to be touched, she knew she needed to be touched by him. Her body revelled in the feeling, singing his praises, craving more. Her form arched upward as her head tilted back. His short hair tickled at her neck as he explored her with both his mouth and fingers.

Please never let me wake up! She thought as she was slowly driven mad, only holding on to her sanity by a thread, about to lose herself entirely any second.

This was a dream.

So she told herself it was fine.

She’d let him do what he wanted, explore her at his pace, figure her out. She’d enjoy every second of it, no sense in denying what she truly wanted. She needed this after the night she’d just had. She needed this illusion of him, this escape from reality.

Would she hate herself in the morning? Probably.

But this was her fantasy, she’d enjoy it while it lasted, the morning would come and she would be back to the horrible existence that was to be her short miserable life.

“Why do you smell so good?” He asked, his voice lit a fire within her. She'd never heard him talk like this before, the deep husk filled with lust.

Gods that was so like him, she laughed softly as a blush crept onto her cheeks, it was embarrassing to admit, but if it would help him understand then she’d say it out loud, though only for him. “Ren, I’m aroused. It’s because I want you to take me.”

He pulled back looking down at her as though realizing something. His beautiful chiselled face was framed by his slightly curly green hair. From his body’s movement, her hands had been forced to change position. She couldn’t remember the number of times she’d examined him, she’d seen his body countless times, his lean slightly muscled torso and well-defined arms. And yet she just couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

Her eyes followed the lines of his abs, down to the defined v, down still... her breath caught. Yep, she had to be dreaming, she’d never seen that before. He had legs, his manhood standing at attention in all its glory, heavens he was a specimen.

“You wish to mate with me?” His excitement and smile sent her heart soaring. How could any man sound like that when asking for sex? It had to be illegal.

She chuckled. “Yes. If that’s okay...” Funny how this was her dream and yet she was still concerned with him and his wants, consent was important to her. Maybe it made her feel better about dreaming about him like this.

He dipped his head, capturing her lips with his own as he re-positioned his body between her legs, rolling her completely onto her back. They were both inexperienced and new to this, in theory, they knew how it worked, but in practice was it as easy?

She had to stop overthinking this, but her rational brain wouldn’t stop even now. But thankfully he appeared to know what he was doing. In a swift movement, he had positioned himself perfectly lifting her backside slightly off the mattress and pulling her toward him.

She let out a soft gasp as she was playfully pulled over the sheets. His head bent down, his back arching toward her as his mouth captured her breast. Her hands found his hair as his tongue tasted her. This felt so different, so genuine. His tongue flicked across her nipple and she gasped as he toyed with her. She felt his lips spread into a smile at her reaction, each movement of his tongue causing her to jerk in response.

She could feel him shift, his hard tip pressing gently against her soft core. She felt an ache that took her by surprise, she wanted him. She always had, she’d denied it for so long.

He pulled back from her breast to watch as he entered her. It was a surreal moment as she looked up in pure bliss and it felt like time had stopped. Her back arched as she let out a soft groan, he wasn’t in too deep yet and he was judging her reactions, studying them.

She reached up pulling his head closer to her so she could capture his lips with hers once again, needing the contact. He gasped as her tongue invaded his mouth, pleading for more. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued to move, taking her. The world fell away as she melted into his embrace, his warmth consumed her, his rhythm driving her past pain to pleasure.

She lost herself in him that night. The bed creaked, their heavy breathing along with serval sharp gasps, needy hands and lips devouring each other until neither one of them could stand it any longer. Bodies melted together as they lost track of limbs and all sense of time. Wave after wave of pleasure drove them to new heights.

She had been showered with kisses, nibbles and tender love for hours. Until her body was too sore to move. She felt him place a small kiss on her forehead and whisper a sweet goodnight to her before she drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

The smile that spread across her features remained as she muttered his name in her state of absolute rest.

She woke before the sun rose the next morning, surprisingly to Henry tidying up her room in a hurry. Sitting up she blinked up at him. She hadn’t heard him come in, had she been asleep that soundly? And why was he here so early?

“You don’t need to do that.” She yawned as she spoke with a slurred tone.

“Best not leave any evidence lying around.” He gave her a stern look. “And you’re still weak.” He appeared to be rather upset, though for what reason she wasn’t sure.

“Put some bloody clothes on will you!” He commented with a huff.

She looked down at herself to see she was quite naked. Her eyes widened, she was sure Henry had put her to bed with a nightgown on, though it wasn’t unlike her to throw off clothing in the night when she got too hot. For that reason, she didn't see anything odd about it. Though it was still mildly embarrassing to be flashing the Knight.

“I’ll wash up and meet you for breakfast.” She said pulling the blanket back up over her bare chest. Not that it mattered to Henry but she figured it was more polite than anything. “Also... thank you for helping me last night.”

He paused for a moment with a sigh, glancing at her with a pile of clothing in his hands as he spoke. “Are you feeling any better?”

She did actually, better than she had felt in years, her body felt light and carefree, and though some spots were mildly sore she felt good. “I-I actually feel great, maybe that medicine is starting to work.”

She caught the half-smile he gave her before he headed for the door. “As long as you’re feeling better, that’s all that matters.”

“Wait-” She jumped out of bed to stop him from leaving. “You saw Ren last night, right? Is he okay, is he mad?” She asked.

He raised a brow at her. “I did see him, yes, and he is far from mad. Upset that I came to see him at first but he got over that rather quickly.” His eyes gave her a once-over.

“That’s a relief.” She visually relaxed as she clenched the sheet to her form.

“You... are a strange girl, just tell the damn siren you have a crush on him already.” He rolled his eyes.

“Did you just hear the words that came out of your mouth?” She gave him the side eye. “This is not some fairy tale.”

“Could have fooled me.” He stated shaking his head before leaving the room.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she wasn’t even sure how she was going to keep a straight face around Ren after last night’s dream. She remembered it so vividly, it was uncanny, and it felt real. Was Henry insane? Tell Ren that she was in love with him? That wouldn’t work, that could never happen. She had to try to convince him to leave the safety of the cave, not start a silly romance! More important things were at stake.

Besides, there was no point in confessing her feelings when she wouldn't be around for much longer. It would only cause more hurt.

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