From the Depths

Chapter Death is Only the Begining

Henry and Yosof stayed the night in the cavern. Kirea was thankful she didn't have to spend any more time alone. However, not one of them could actually sleep, a few seconds of shut-eye amounting to mild naps here and there, maybe.

Worst of all it was the oddest feeling nodding off underwater. Kirea would jolt herself awake thinking she was about to drown, forgetting for a second what she had become.

The night turned to day. Ideal chit-chat filled the afternoon until it was getting close to time.

“Do you think you can have legs again like how Ren changed?” Henry yawned and stretched his limbs.

They had filled Yosof in on everything that had happened. As their witness, he needed to understand the situation, and it helped explain Kirea’s odd behaviour as she was still a Siren in training, so to speak.

“Maybe... I never saw him do it though, so it’s likely to take me a while to figure it out. Not that I want to try with the hour of the blood moon close approaching.” She rolled over in the water, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked over at the boys.

They were dressed and ready. Henry was armoured in leather with his sword at his waist, while Yosof had a chief uniform on with an apron and hat. The young boy was taking full advantage of the Knight’s offer to help with the prep work for the evening’s meal. Though they hoped it wouldn't go that far.

“The elves will truly come tonight?” The boy asked. His mind was clearly on the evening’s events yet to unfold.

“I sent word in secret, but there’s no guarantee that it made it or that they will acknowledge a Siren in need. The treaty didn’t include them.” Henry stated as though it was nothing.

“But you said-”

“She’ll come.” Kirea cut the boy off. “Riku will come.” She just had this feeling that the elf she had met at the beginning of this journey was someone who wouldn’t turn her back on another in need.

The elves had the document that would stop everyone in their tracks. They would have the authority to rule that the death was in self-defence and that the Knights were to take control until a new ruler could be found or raised.

“It’s gonna be a shit show regardless,” Henry commented.

There was no denying that the throne was going to be fought over among the nobles. All those entitled people thinking they deserve to rule over others, to stomp on the weak, it just sickened them.

“Ah guys, he’s just hit the sand on the beach.” Kirea could hear the sounds of the struggling horses as the carriage collided with the sand miles away from the cavern. Her new hearing still completely astonishing to her. Though underwater it wasn’t quite as good as it was under, it was considerably better than when she was human.

Taking a deep breath Henry nodded to the both of them. “Show time.”

Before the Knight was able to leave the young boy grabbed his arm in a panic.

“Before you go... I, if we don’t make it through this night... I just wanted you to know that you are an amazing Knight, nothing like how others portray you. You are noble and Kind. It has been an honour to work alongside you, Sir Henry.”

Henry looked slightly taken aback, Kirea couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. He really wasn’t used to receiving compliments. He simply nodded looking rather awkward and exited as quickly as he possibly could.

“You as well lady Kirea.” The boy bowed low.

“Come now Yosof, it’s far from over. This is a new beginning.”

“Of course! Of course...”

But the tension that filled the carven as silence fell was undeniable. All they could do was wait for the King to finally reach the carven, not without Henry’s help as the carriage, as with last time, kept getting stuck in the sand.

The red hue of the moon filled the cave thanks to the fake ceiling that mimicked the sky outside. She felt the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and the colour filled the cavern. Ducking into the water she took up her position in the deeper end by the ledge closest to the dining setup they had created. It was dully lit so the King couldn’t see all the scales that had appeared on her skin.

Henry ordered the two accompanying Knights to remain outside as he led their Lord inside.

The King frowned on entry. “Quiet dark isn’t it?” The disdain in the bastard voice only made her fingers curl. Nothing was ever good enough for this pig.

“A candle-lit dinner under the moonlit for this special night.” Kirea’s sweet voice echoed from the other side of the cavern. “And the less light the less spooked the siren is.”

“Ah, yes child, you are quite right, it does seem rather fitting.” He walked closer to the set-up that had been prepared just for him. Acting much like a butler to the King, Henry seated him and asked if he would like any refreshments to start. He ordered a glass of wine before turning back to Kirea. “I see you are already in the water.”

“Forgive me, my Lord, it is better to not startle the Siren late at night, so I took precautions and administered a sleepy draft beforehand.” She explained though it was a flat-out lie.

“Ever efficient, well done my dear.” He praised her.

The smirk that spread across his lips sent chills up her spine. How she wanted to reach up and just yank him into the water now.

“Chief, how goes the preparation?”

Yosof stumbled forward with his head low and his hands clenched together in front of him. “Greetings Lord Haith, I need only have you order Lady Kirea to retrieve the... animal?”

The King laughed, a bellowing sound that filled the cave. “Very well.” He turned back to her. “You may proceed with the retrieval.”

Kirea didn’t even force a smile, there was no need to pretend to be happy about this. “As you command.” She answered bitterly with a slight snarl before disappearing under the surface of the water.

“Ho ho ho, She doesn’t like the fact that we are to kill it does she?”

Placing a glass of red wine before the King, Henry let out an exaggerated sigh. “She is fond of all animals, but I can assure you, she is loyal to the crown.”

“She reminds me of you in many ways Sir Henry. You have done many things that go against your morals.” Haith raised a brow at the Knight and made a discrete motion toward the chief.

“Indeed my Lord, but I believe that your will is what makes this kingdom great. I have never had more freedom than what I have now.” Henry was a sheer master at hiding his true emotions at this point, so it was no surprise that the statement sounded genuine.

The king’s attention turned back to the water. “What in the-”

The plants in the depths were glowing a brilliant blue-green colour, Kirea was of course touching them and eliminating them with her essence, exactly how Ren had once shown her.

“SHIT!” Henry swore with immediate concern.

“What is it!?” Haith demanded appearing slightly frazzled.

“He’s awake, this isn’t good, he won’t be happy that she tricked him.” Henry helped to spin the tale. “At night, whatever he touches lights up like his body does. While he was asleep he wasn’t glowing.” He ran to the edge as though in a panic snatching up the solitary candle that had been on the King’s dining table.

“Kirea, where are you!?” He muttered as he waved the light over the water’s surface.

Just as planned the King followed the light, joining the Knight at the edge. Just then what appeared to be a cloud of red floated to the surface mixing with the water.

“Blood!” Henry exclaimed.

“But who’s!” The King was eagerly watching with wide eyes. “I’ve seen her fight she is quite fierce.” He smiled enjoying the show a little too much.

Shoving the candle into the King’s hands, Henry went to drive into the water.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” The King yanked the Knight by his hair stopping him in his tracks.

“Saving my wife! I’ll kill that thing if I have to!” He shrugged the King off and drove into the water.

Below the surface Kirea had been waiting for Henry to join her as per their plan, grabbing hold of his arm to stop his body from floating back up the surface she held him just under the surface. The dark water encased their forms perfectly hiding them from sight.

The king couldn’t see them. However, Kirea could see him clearly, his thick neck and head pocking out over the surface of the water, eagerly searching for anything that might catch his eye. The candle was Henry’s guide and beacon, a brilliant idea on his part.

Henry was clinging to her waist as she positioned herself beneath the King’s searching form. Jumping from the water was easier since she and Henry had practised many times during the day. exploding through the surface of the water, both their arms outstretched and ready to grab hold of their target.

The King at barely enough time to react, the candle hit the water first, snuffing out with a hiss as they both heaved the heavy body into the waters with them.

Now they just had to keep him under long enough to drown.

As with any sane person fighting for their life, he struggled against their hold. His face turned from shock to a grotesque snarl.

Kirea had her body wrapped around his right arm, while Henry had grasped the left.

They drifted down slowly as she King thrashed under the water, trying to break loose of the hold. When that didn’t work he tried to pry the fingers clasped around his arms to no avail.

She caught Henry’s grimace, he was running out of air. His hold loosed just enough that the King was able to retrieve one arm from their death grip. He used his newfound freedom to try to take hold of Kirea’s face, his fingers digging into her cheeks trying to aggressively enter her eyes.

She refused to let go and instead attempted to shake her head out of his hold. His nails scratched and tore at her face, peeling skin from her cheek in a desperate attempt at freedom. But her grip only tightened around him as she continued to drag him down deeper.

Beside them, Henry made an attempt for the surface. But the King was cunning, with his life on the line he wasn’t about to drown alone. Giving up on Kirea’s face he grabbed hold of the Knights ankle with a death grip. He eyed Kirea sternly as though challenging her. If he was to die then so would the Knight.

Something deep within took control as anger boiled over filling her vision with nothing but red.

Spines abruptly shot from her skin, cascading from her shoulder blades down her back and tail. The scales on her arms detached slightly and angled themselves as though they were deadly weapons.

She felt a pulse eb through her as a rush of adrenaline shot through her. Her claws dug in and latched on to his flesh, the grip allowing her enough leeway to retrieve her other hand.

As he struggled against her hold she was sure he was trying to scream, but all that effort only made him lose more air that he was attempting to hold within his lungs.

Now with a free arm, she clenched her fingers into a fist eyeing the raver-sharp forearms that had formed. She swiftly brought the blade-like scales down on his outstretched arm colliding effortlessly with his bicep.

His eyes bulged as a plume of red burst through the water, the smell instantly hitting her making her nose tingle, she recoiled slightly in disgust.

Henry was freed as the King’s detached arm floated past them and deeper down. The knight swam for the surface as she repositioned herself to drive the King deeper, pushing him down at an alarming rate. He was turning a pale blue as she focused his body onto the rocky bottom of the pool with immense force.

She didn’t stop there, no, she wanted to feel the moment his heart stopped. He was winded, in shock and drowning, but it wasn’t enough.

Her talons ripped through the shoulder of his one remaining intact arm. The water around her turned crimson as her blood lust only rose, thanks to her enhanced vision she could still see his body perfectly well as the water clouded with his fluids.

Grabbing hold of his collar she jerked his body toward her and through the ever-increasing cloud, his face now mere inches from hers. Her lips snarled back as she studied his frightened face which was slowly turning blue from the lack of oxygen. Her mouth opened wider than naturally possible and she screamed at him with a mouth full of raver-sharp fangs. The scream was audible even underwater, sending shock waves through the water and killing several of the fish that were close by from sheer shock.

She felt the moment his heart stopped.

She smirked, her face returning to normal as she was satisfied with his death. She shoved the body away from her as though it were trash she didn’t want to touch anymore and made her way to the surface.

Stopping midway she looked down at the heavy heap as it touched the bottom of the pool, she needed evidence of his death. With a sigh, she headed back down to retrieve what she dreaded.

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