Freeing Starr

Chapter 9 ~ Ambush

I spent the rest of the day nursing my wounds and drowning myself in tears at my failure and misery. T'niah tried to cheer me up by keeping me company but it was useless. In the end, I just wanted to be alone.

Zion had been scarce for the rest of the day and I tried really hard not to be relieved at that.

That same night, I wrote once again in my diary.

~Dear Diary

Today was my first day in training. It sucked. I not only disappointed my mate but I found out I wasn't an Alpha. How can this happen? Wasn't I destined to be an Alpha Female? I promised Zion that I would do better but it's hard and I'm scared. My wolf is so conflicted right now. She feels the lustful pull of the bond towards Zion but she can also feel the hatred we have for him. We don't know what to do. Can my life be any harsher?


Zion came in late that night and I was already cuddled up in bed, about to dose off but Zion had other plans.

The events I well wanted to forget happened all over again. I didn't fight it because at this point I already accepted my role as his mate.

I clenched my eyes shut and embraced the pain until Zion was satisfied.

After he fell asleep, I laid wide awake in bed, tears streaming down my face and a whimpering wolf in mind. We wallowed together.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of the shower running. I slid off the bed, wincing at the familiar pain between my legs.

I checked the time and saw that it was only a little after seven. I decided then that I should start doing what any mate would do. I was going to try and get on Zion's good side.

I glanced down at my naked body with a frown. I could see fresh bruises from the night before littered on my hips where Zion's grip was.

I threw on Zion's shirt, his scent surprisingly calming me and nulling my pain before padding bare feet down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I prepared a nice breakfast of omelets and toast with orange juice. I hummed to myself while I flipped the egg, not noticing when Zion entered the kitchen.

A gasp escaped my lips as I felt his lips against the side of my neck. I closed my eyes and gulped down my fear as my heart began to race and butterflies flew around in my tummy. The mate bond was beginning to rear its ugly head.

Zion peppered gentle kisses across my neck, his grip falling against my waist as he pulled me against his chest.

I turned around in his hold and forced a smile as I mumbled, "Breakfast is almost ready, I already placed yours on the table."

Zion grunted in response and pecked my lips before going to sit and eat his breakfast.

I soon joined him after finishing up the omelet. We ate in silence, my thoughts wandering on the things he might have planned for me today.

When he was finished, I quickly scrambled up and went to clean up his dishes. After that, I dried my hands and turned to Zion who was leaned up against the wall, watching me through blank eyes.

My heart sped up slightly as I stared into his unwavering gaze.

"Go change into something to run in," he ordered, nodding his head in the direction of the stairs. I scampered upstairs and into our bedroom, searching through my closet and taking out some black shorts and a training bra.

I tied the laces to my sneakers before heading downstairs.

Zion waited for me outside.

I walked up beside him and stood patiently, waiting for further instructions.

"Today, we're going to simplify things a bit. Five laps around the pack grounds," Zion began, pulling his shirt up and over his head.

I turned my gaze and blushed, "Isn't the pack large? Won't that take all morning or afternoon?"

"Then I guess we better get started," then he took off, sprinting away from me.

I chased after him but wasn't able to keep up so I eventually dropped behind and jogged slowly, enjoying the feeling of the wind whipping through my short curls.

Soon enough, I felt the strain in my legs as my breathing began to get heavy. My legs started to ache as I pushed forward, my chest constricting, making it hard for me to breath.

A few hours later I was barely jogging, my breathing was even heavier than before as sweat drenched my entire body. Zion had disappeared long ago and I didn't bother to try and catch up, I knew I couldn't anyway.

I stopped by a tree and leaned against it, clutching at my side as it pulsed in pain.

"I think I need a break," I panted slightly, closing my eyes tightly as I tried to forget the pain.

"Awww look at that," a voice cooed from behind me.

I yelped and turned around, watching through cautious eyes as a few guys came from behind a cluster of trees. They looked to be around my age but they were taller and bigger in stature, with muscles filled out throughout their upper bodies.

"Our Luna ran herself out," one of them chuckled, flashing an amused grin at me.

I gulped down the rising fear within me and straightened up. I glanced at the part I knew Zion took desperately, hoping for him to just turn around and come back looking for me. But that was just wishful thinking.

I stumbled forward as I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder. It wasn't even a nudge since I stumbled that hard. I met a pair of hazel eyes with my fearful ones.

The guy smirked, "Oops, you want help?" he asked.

I took a step back as he advanced, my heart galloping faster than a cheetah ever could. I glanced at the other one that came up from behind me and shifted slightly to my left to avoid running into him again.

"No thanks, I can manage on my own." I mustered up my courage to stutter, turning my back to go and follow the path Zion took.

That was a wrong move.

Before I knew what was happening, my back was pushed up against a tree with five men holding me down.

I completely lost it.

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