Freeing Starr

Chapter 5 ~ Caught

Once at the bottom of the hill, I sat up and clutched my hand to my chest, whimpering in pain. I stumbled to my feet desperately as a malicious feeling ran through me.

I knew it wasn’t my emotion. Zion was enjoying the hunt and he was close. Way too close for my liking. My falling may have alerted many of my presence.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder and growled, jumping away from it and looking back at the culprit.

It was one of the females from my pack, I couldn’t remember her name but I was sure that the pack doctor was her father. The female was out of breath as she panted loudly, her blue eyes round and glossy in fear.

“Come on! We have to go!” She urged, grabbing a hold of my non injured arm and pulling me behind as we began running again.

My chest began to ache as I continued running, the female in front of me not looking any better than me right now. I heard the sound of footsteps running behind us and glanced back at the light brown wolf. It was a male and definitely not from my pack. He was gaining up on us.

My face paled as my eyes burned with unshed tears. I quickly picked up my pace and outran the female.

“Hurry up! He’s gaining on us!” As soon as the words escaped my lips I heard the scream of the female and immediately skidded to a stop.

I looked behind me and saw the female lying on the ground with the male on top of her.

Without hesitation, the male quickly clamped his sharp canines down on the female’s neck, causing her to scream even louder than before.

The female’s face was scrunched up in pain as she writhed on the ground, sobs tearing their way out of her mouth desperately.

Her eyes connected with my wide frightened ones and begged me to do something, to stop the male from taking her against her will but what could I do? The male was stronger than me, he could easily over power both of us.

“Please!” The female begged, causing me to wince at the brokenness in her voice.

Tears ran one by one down my cheeks as I contemplated helping the female out but let’s face it, both of us knew there was no way out. With that thought, I shook my head sadly and turned my back on the scene.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered before taking off again. Leaping over stumps and ducking under branches.

I soon found a well hidden cave and ran into it, thanking the goddess that it was empty. I leant up against the wall of the cave and sighed, glancing down at my hand to see that it was starting to heal. I took in a deep breath and slid down the wall tiredly to sit.

My heart pounded too loudly for my liking and I tried to get my wolf to calm down. I adjusted my eyes to the darkness of the cave and looked around warily. It looked like any typical cave, governed in dirt, slime and creepy, crawly insects. I shivered in disgust and pulled my legs up, wrapping my arms around my knees tightly.

It took me a few minutes to finally get my wolf to calm down. When I was sure that my heart rate was normal I got up and flexed my arm, thanking the goddess that the pain was gone and the swelling was going down.

I cautiously walked in deeper, looking to see if the cave had another entrance. It was a dead end. There was no where else to go. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge as a dark feeling washed over me.

My wolf pushed forward instantly, using our senses to try and spot what was causing our distress.

Then a loud growl sounded.

I immediately froze, my heart rate spiking up again. I slowly turned around and watched through widened, fearful eyes as Zion strolled into the cave, stalking his way towards me. His wolf was way bigger than mine, with black fur littered across his body. At the side of the wolf’s body I could make out a line of hairless pink skin. A scar. It ran itself down his side and left that part hairless. Zion looked deadly terrifying as he eyed me.

I inwardly cursed myself for deciding to stay inside the cave.

I knew that running was worthless and by the triumphant look in Zion’s eyes, he knew the exact same thing.

He shifted back into his human form in front of me. I looked down as soon as I saw the shift begin, not wanting to see just how aroused he was. Yep, I could smell him. The sweet scent of his arousal as it penetrated the dense air inside the cave. I was pretty sure the only thing he smelt coming off of me was fear but he didn’t seem to mind. It was like my fear heightened his arousal.

It scared me.

My wolf was very much affected by our new mate’s dominance but she was also trying to fight it, not ready to give up on the idea of having her real mate. She urged me to do something about it like I was the one with the fucking claws to defend myself. Even if I did have them, both of us knew that it was a lost cause.

“Look at me,” his deep voice vibrated throughout my whole body causing my hands to tremble anxiously.

Not wanting to make him angry, I slowly lifted my gaze from his feet up to his manhood, where I paused for a long minute, drinking it all in with terror. It stood at attention and hardened as I continued looking at it. I gulped nervously and quickly brought my eyes back up to his face.

Zion watched me intensely, not moving, just scanning his eyes across my body. It made my heart tremble at the pressure.

“Take off your clothes,” he finally spoke.

My eyes widened at his words and I immediately shook my head, slowly backing up from him. I could feel a panic attack cascading over me. This couldn’t be happening. Why me? What have I ever done to deserve this? All I wanted was to get released from my father’s hold and find my soulmate. I could feel the tears building up at the corners of my eyes.

Zion’s eyes narrowed in dangerously at my face and he flashed his fangs at me in warning, “take off your clothes.”

I flinched at the coldness in his voice and whimpered once my back touched the cave’s mossy walls. Again, I shook my head in denial.

“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”

I yelped as soon as Zion suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed hold of my dress, tearing it off.

I quickly tried covering myself as the tears spilled from my eyes and dripped down my face.

“I’m not ready for this. Please...” I pleaded helplessly.

Zion completely ignored my plea, too caught up in his lust filled bubble to focus on anything else but my body. He gripped my arm tightly and tore off the rest of my dress along with my panties.

I cried out in fear when he roughly pushed me up against the cave wall face first. He forcefully moved my hands and grabbed a tight hold of my breasts, growling his approval.

I could feel my anxious wolf just under the surface, trying to crawl herself out but couldn’t find the courage to do so. Zion’s dominance over us was just too great.

I was too clouded in despair to notice when Zion removed his clothing. I felt myself stiffen as I felt him against me.

“No! Wait! Please Zion!” I cried out desperately, trying to plead my way out of mating.

It was no use.

Zion forcefully pushed himself onto me, causing a loud wail to escape my lips as the intense pain flooded my system. I couldn’t bear it, the pain was too much, my legs trembled, wanting to collapse under me but Zion’s hand held me up against the wall firmly.

Zion groaned in pleasure, seeming unaware of my pain. I sobbed loudly, the pleas dying on my tongue as my wolf surged forward and submitted, finally admitting defeat.

Zion growled his approval, extracted his fangs and quickly clamped them down between my neck and shoulder. My scream intensified as I felt the tear of my skin and flesh.

My sobbing became even more violent as I realized that I was now completely Zion’s. I would never get to be with my true mate. If I were to ever find him now, he’d be disgusted at me for not waiting. I was dirty. Right there against the cave walls, I admitted defeat, and submitted.

I spent the rest of the night writhing in pain and crying as Zion had his way with me.

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