Freeing Starr

Chapter 19 ~ Cleaning

"I'm sorry I took your mate from you... Believe it or not I didn't have much of a choice in the matter either." I murmured against her hair.

A weak snort made it pass her lips as she chuckled, sobbed a reply, "you didn't take Zion away from me. He chose to leave me for you. I've already accepted that."

Now it was my turn to snort, "he didn't leave either of us. He chose to have us BOTH."

We fell silent at that. Taking comfort in each other's arms.

I lifted my head and looked over at the tray I brought, "you should eat something. If not for you then for your baby."

Nadia sniffed and wiped at her eyes before leaning over to take hold of the tray and resting it in her lap, "Thank you."

I nodded and got up, stretching my hands above my head to rid myself of the tension.

She placed a fruit in her mouth and chewed slowly, watching me.

"So what happens now?"

I pursed my lips as I thought of how I should handle this situation and sighed, "honestly... I'm afraid to confront Zion about this but I have to. Even if I can't get him to let you go, I should at least make sure you're living comfortably."

"You're a nice person, y'know that? Anyone else in this situation would've killed me out of jealousy." Nadia chuckled weakly.

I shook my head with a frown, "I can't do that. You did nothing wrong. You're just another victim... like me."

Her laugh fell and she lowered her head sadly, her voice quivering, "I don't want to stay here. I want to leave. I really want to leave. I'd rather die than live through the pain of him being with another," she glanced up at me, "no offense."

I cracked a pained smile, "none taken. I also don't want to share him with you. Call it an Alpha's pride or whatever this feeling that I'm experiencing right now is... I hate it."

We fell silent again.

I sighed, "you should rest up. Get some more sleep and make sure you eat that. Zion is going to be gone for two days so we have the house for ourselves. You have nothing to fear."

She nodded as she chewed silently on a piece of sandwich.

I glanced at her one more time then left the room, closing the door gently behind me.

I opened the cabinet that was in the hallway and took out a bunch of cleaning supplies then headed towards the room I previously thought lead to a basement.

I placed a mask over my head then stepped into the room again, sighing in relief when the scent didn't hit me as strong as before.

I got to work and immediately began cleaning. I dusted the walls, sweeped and mopped the floors, cleaned the toilet and restocked the almost empty fridge.

I took the mattress that was thrown on the floor and dragged it out of the room. As I got it through the threshold of the door, I paused and wiped at the sweat that coated my brows, blowing out a puff of air in exhaustion.

My entire body felt sore. I've been at this for the entire day now.

Nadia was cooped up in the bedroom. The last I checked on her and delivered another sandwich, she was sleeping soundly.

I leaned against the wall and laid my head back, inhaling sharply as tears once again pricked my eyes.

I thought I was done with crying.

Apparently my tears didn't like to listen when it involved Zion.

I shook my head and got back to work, dragging the mattress across the floor and towards the front door of our house.

Just at that moment, a knock sounded on the door and a muffled voice sounded, "Luna? This is Michael. Niah sent me to repair your door?"

I sighed in relief, "the door's open!"

Michael came in and peered around the dirty mattress that blocked his path with a wrinkled nose, "this is...?"

I smiled tightly at him, "Can you help me get this outside? I'll show you the door once we're done."

Michael nodded and helped me with the mattress, easily slipping it through the front door and out on the lawn.

"I know this isn't what you came for but can you help me move another one?" I laughed sheepishly.

Michael waved a dismissive hand, "it's alright. You shouldn't be doing all of this yourself anyway. Should I call for help?"

I shook my head, "No, that's fine. It's only just one more anyway."

I led him back inside and carried him towards one of the guest rooms. Then I pointed at the bed, "Can you help me move this bed to the room at the end of the hallway? Also that room is the door you're supposed to fix. How long will that take?"

Michael went and took a peek at the door then came back, "I can get it fixed before the day ends. I only need to replace the doorknob."

I smiled gratefully, "thanks! Let me know when you're finished."

"Will do."

I left him to do his job and entered the kitchen, taking off my gloves and dumping them in the garbage before sliding onto the stool and resting my head on the counter.

I needed a break.

My eyes fluttered close tiredly and before I even realized it I fell asleep.



Someone tapped my shoulder.


My eyes fluttered open wearily and I squinted at the face peering down at me.

Michael smiled gently and whispered, "I've finished fixing the door and the bed has been moved as well."

I blinked my eyes in confusion then finally caught myself and hurriedly sat up, rubbing the drool at the corner of my mouth as embarrassment coursed through me.

"Ah... thank you. Let me take a look," I muttered, coming down from the seat to head towards the room.

I glanced at the window and saw that it was dark out.

I took a good look at the door and after confirming that it was as good as new, I sent Michael away then entered it and gazed at the now sparkly clean room.

It was the least I could do for her considering how guilty I felt for being the only one living comfortably.

I sprayed the room with some air freshener and then dusted my hands off in my t-shirt.

A gasp sounded behind me.

I turned around to find Nadia peering into the room with tear filled eyes.

" cleaned the room?" She asked shakily.

I smiled tiredly at her, "it was the least I could do."

Nadia shook her head as tears fell and approached me, "No, you've done enough. I'm so sorry for burdening you. I would've helped earlier if I knew but I noticed there was someone else here and didn't dare to come out of the room."

I waved a hand dismissively, "It's fine. Now that I know you're here, I obviously won't leave you to sleep in such a dump."

She smiled through her tears and opened her arms to embrace me, causing me to freeze in surprise before I softened and wrapped my arms around her.

My wolf brooded in the back of my mind, urging me to do something. To get rid of the threat that might steal our mate from us but I completely ignored her.

"Why are you so nice?" She cried in my embrace, "you've suffered so much and I know you're hurting but you're still helping me. I feel like a burden."

I patted her head lightly as my heart clenched, "as the Luna of this pack, it is my responsibility to take care of my own."

She cried harder.

My tears were all dried up. My heart was already in pieces. There was nothing left for me anymore. I had no hope for a good life, I had no expectations for a good mate and I had no one to hold on to.

My lips tilted up bitterly as I pulled away from Nadia and led her back to the bedroom.

"I'm gonna go take a shower then cook us something to eat. You can have the bed for the night."

Nadia frowned at me, "Are you sure? This bed is yours. I can sleep in the one inside that room."

I shook my head, "no it's fine. There's a guest room down the hall I can use. You just sit back and relax as much as you can before Zion gets back... I can't guarantee you that you'll be able to leave that room again."

She hesitated slightly before nodding.

I took a long shower then wore a long nightgown, throwing another pair of my pajamas to Nadia as I urged her to take a bath as well.

Then I made us a light dinner and gave her some orange juice.

As the night grew stronger, I made sure she was comfortably tucked in bed then turned off the lights and closed the door.

I padded lightly down the hallway and entered the guest room.

The bed that was once in it now placed in that dreadful room down the hall.

I sighed and ran a tired hand down my face, closing the door behind me.

Then I sat down on the floor and leaned my head back against the wall.

I was so exhausted. Mentally exhausted.

I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to wander back to an old childhood memory of mine.

It was a time before all the abuse, when everything was peaceful, where I got to play to my little heart's content.

I was in the middle of the forest in my wolf form, my grandmother who took care of me sitting off on the side as she watched me chase around a butterfly, yapping and jumping up in the air in all my youthful vigor. I was five back then and I always loved going for a run in the forest after meal time. It drove nanna crazy.

A smile tilted my lips as I thought of the exasperated expression Nanna would wear whenever I dragged her into the forest, then my smile tilted down as I thought of how nanna died a few years later, leaving nothing behind besides a cold empty home.

After all these years, I still think of her from time to time. The only person who ever showed me the warmth of a family.

I thought back to the child that was currently growing in Nadia's stomach and my heart trembled.

I pushed the dangerous thoughts that filtered my mind aside and leaned my head back against the wall, allowing sleep to wash over me.

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