Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six

I twisted around to get a look at my back. I only succeeded in catching a glimpse of brilliant shining gold feathers. Intermingled within the gold feathers were a few feathers dark as night. I looked back to Liyana a little frightened by the sight of her ashen face and horrified eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, twisting to get another glimpse of the feathers. “Liyana, what’s wrong?”

She shook her head, “It’s just…I haven’t seen those feathers in centuries. Before Ilya, there was another great Valkyrie warrior. She was…different than all other Valkyrie before her and she eventually sided with the Afterdark. This was about a century or two before Ilya was born. Because of her allegiance to the Afterdark her feathers went from a brilliant gold to a horrifying shade of black.” Liyana swallowed. “She had once been revered and was the hope of New Haven against the Afterdark, but with her wings this horrifying color she became the bane of New Haven’s existence. She was a thing to be feared. Even the citizens of the Afterdark feared her.”

“And what happened to her?” I asked quelling my panic. I was hopeful that maybe she had gained the respect of New Haven again or her wings had turned back to gold.

“The Afterdark, tried to raise Darya. She put a stop to it but in doing so she died. At her death her wings returned to their brilliant gold color.” Liyana said her voice little more than a whisper.

“What was her name?” I asked hesitantly.

“Eluria, the mother of Ilya.” Liyana murmured. “The day that Darya was to be summoned was a week after the birth of Ilya. Eluria, hid Ilya away not wanting the Afterdark or New Haven to know about her daughter. Then she tried to make things right by stopping the Afterdark. She died, and Ilya grew up without a mother.” She took a deep breath. “I never thought that I would see those wings again.”

“So, my wings turning black is a bad thing?” I asked her my voice full of fear.

“When Eluria’s wings turned black it was a bad thing. It meant that she wasn’t with New Haven, she was against us.” Liyana swallowed. “But with the changing color of her wings, she became different. Stronger, almost. I do not know exactly what the change in color means but, I would advise you on keeping them hidden. New Haven hasn’t quite gotten over the betrayal of Eluria even with how much good her daughter did.”

I nodded, falling silent and contemplating everything that she had told me. Black wings were bad, golden wings were good. But, I wasn’t a bad person. I didn’t like what the Afterdark stood for so why were my wings turning black?

“I wouldn’t worry about it just yet, Calla.” Liyana told me giving me a comforting smile.

I didn’t reply, and after a few moments of silence Liyana left. The story about Eluria, had more or less shocked me. I had just assumed that Ilya’s mother had been a regular old Valkyrie, and that Ilya was just unusually spectacular and powerful. I could have never imagined that Ilya’s mother had also been unusually powerful and unmatched in battle.

But that did explain a lot, like why Ilya was so powerful and so respected. Even though her mother had turned against New Haven, Ilya had proven herself and had proven that she was a great warrior just like Eluria had been. After Liyana’s departure I headed upstairs determined to get as much sleep as I could. Because as Halloween grew closer I knew that moments of rest would be fleeting.

* * * * *

When morning came, I felt refreshed and energized. I was more than ready for training but reality quickly set in as I realized that I have school. Right now school wasn’t really my top priority, but after this all was done I needed to be able to go to college. Even with that knowledge I still found it hard to motivate myself to get up and go to school. Since Anais was still around, I knew that Grayson would be absent.

With his absence there was a higher chance that I would run in to Lucian which was one of the last things that I wanted. Things would be so awkward between the two of us now. I sighed. Whatever, I thought. It’s not like the two of you would have worked out anyways. He’s a Demon and he’s with the Afterdark. It wouldn’t work.

I got ready quickly, and fixed myself a small breakfast before I headed outside climbing into the car. I set my backpack down on the floor and looked outside. A light covering of snow decorated the sidewalks and the trees. It had snowed last night and as I looked up towards the sky I could see that it was starting to snow again.

The car pulled up to the school and I carefully climbed out. I made my way into the school, treading carefully as snow started to fall more heavily. I pushed open the doors, stepping quickly into the building. There were only a few students milling. Most of them were underclassmen.

I looked around but when I was unable to spot Cassie I headed to the second floor. I paused just as I reached the top of the stairs, a little stunned to see Lucian. That wasn’t what shocked me the most though. No, what shocked me the most was Cassie standing there and flirting.

I knew what Cassie looked like when she flirted. She’d giggle, and use every opportunity to touch the guy. That was what she was doing right now. I cleared my throat and Cassie sprung away from him, her cheeks burning and her eyes filled with guilt as she looked at me.

I stilled, quelling my anger. She may know that I liked Lucian, but she didn’t know that Lucian and I had been something more. I never told her, so I had no right to be angry with her. She didn’t know. But that didn’t make it easy.

“Calla,” Cassie breathed, playing with her hair.

“Hi.” I mustered a smile. “Was I interrupting something?”

“No!” Cassie nearly shouted. The blush on her cheeks darkened. In a quieter voice she said, “No. No you aren’t interrupting anything. We were just talking.”

“Okay.” I shrugged, opening my locker. I was trying to be nonchalant, but I don’t think I was doing a very good job of it. “Have you gotten all of the invitations for your Halloween party yet?”

“Yeah,” Cassie said relaxing a little bit. “I have them all designed and printed out. I just have to send them. Do you have your costume?”

“Nope.” I shut my locker turning to her. “Do you?”

“Duh, sexy vampire.” She rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Calla you really need to get a costume. Otherwise the sexy angel ones will be all sold out and you’ll have to go as a demon.”

When she said demon my eyes looked to Lucian who actually was a Demon. His eyes were dark and void of emotion as he stared at me. I turned my attention back to Cassie who had been chattering on about what the party was going to look like.

“Cassie,” I interrupted her, grabbing her shoulders, “I’m sure the party is going to be wonderful. But I won’t be able to stay the night like I normally do.”

“What?” She gasped, a pout forming on her lips.

“I have to leave early.” I murmured stepping away from her. “I’m sorry.”

Cassie sighed. “You know what? It’s fine. I shouldn’t have been counting on you.”

“Cassie.” I sighed.

She narrowed her eyes at me. “What it’s true? You’re never around anymore and whenever you are, you always end up bailing on the last minute. What happened to you being my best friend?”

“I am your best friend.” I told her.

“Well then maybe you should start acting like it.” Cassie hissed, wiping at her eyes. “Because you aren’t the Calla that I know. You’re different, and suddenly you aren’t treating me like your best friend. We’re more like acquaintances or strangers than best friends.”

“I’m sorry.” I apologized.

I didn’t know what else to say. I couldn’t deny that she was right. I hadn’t been acting like her best friend because the supernatural had suddenly become the most important thing in my life. The only thing I could really do right now was apologize. There was nothing else I could do. I couldn’t just suddenly abandon the world that I had been thrust into.

At least, not until I stopped the Afterdark.

Cassie sighed, shaking her head. “Whatever Calla. When you are ready to act like my best friend again, let me know. Until then stay the hell away from me.”

She turned to walk away.

“Wait, Cassie.” I said hurriedly, grabbing her arm. “How about we go shopping for my Halloween costume tomorrow or something?”

“You won’t bail?”

“I won’t, I promise.” I swore.

She nodded. “Then fine. It’s a plan.” She fixed me with a stern look. “Just don’t bail on me.”

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