Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Three

Somehow, someway I made it through the school day. There were a few times during the day where I had zoned out and had seen things that weren’t really there, but I had still managed to make it through the school day. The drive back to my house was short but as short as it was, it allowed me some time to think. Once school had started Cassie had become a social butterfly, by telling everyone about her upcoming party for Halloween, her plans for homecoming and prom – even though prom wasn’t until April – as well as her plans for a Valentine’s Day dance and various other events that she thought would be fun.

As usual, I hung out in the background content to let Cassie take the reins and have all the attention be on her. With that, it felt like the school day passed by in a blur of activity and thankfully, hardly any attention was on me. Because of that I worried less about my hallucinations when they did occur and focused more on trying to bring myself back to the present. When I arrived home, I headed into my room and laid my bag on my bed. Then I started pacing.

My thoughts were consumed with what I had seen at the school. The blood, fire, ashes and death. It was effectively driving me crazy. I couldn’t tell what was real anymore or what was fake. The lines between reality and fantasy had been blurred significantly and I didn’t know how to comprehend what was going on in my life. With a sigh, I plopped down to sit on my bed feeling tears building up in my eyes.

I just wanted everything to go back to normal! I didn’t want to be having these hallucinations – or visions, whatever you wanted to call them! – and I didn’t want to feel like I was crazy by seeing things that might not even exist. I didn’t want to have a protector – if Grayson was even real – and I just wanted my life to go back to normal! I wanted to stop feeling crazy!

The doorbell rang and I groaned. Inwardly I hoped that it was Cassie or someone from school. When I headed downstairs and opened the door, disappointment filled my being but I did my best to hide it. Standing in front of me was Grayson, his purple eyes filled with concern as his eyes roved the contours of my face.

In his arms he was holding a large leather bound book. The clasp that would hold the book closed was broken and the pages were yellowed with age from what I could see.

“I have proof.” Grayson announced stepping inside and nudging the door closed with his foot. “Is there somewhere else we can talk?”

“Here.” I said leading him into the kitchen. I wasn’t comfortable going up to my room with him whether he was real or not. “Speak.”

He gave me an irritated look. “I’m not a dog.” He grumbled.

Nonetheless he acquiesced, laying the book onto the table and opening it. The pages were crinkled and the ink on the pages was at times hard to see.

“Just…read it. Not all of it, but just the first couple pages. Then I’ll answer any questions that you may have.” Grayson said, crossing his arms and staring impassively at me as I pulled the book towards me.

The book felt real. But with everything that had happened to me recently I wasn’t 100 percent positive that I wasn’t hallucinating. But the book was tangible and real, so maybe this time I wasn’t hallucinating.

I turned my attention to the pages of the book. The writing was in cursive, and sloped gently. Each word was elegantly written and each sentence flowed, showing that whoever had written this book had put a great deal of care into it.

Ever since the 1500’s, New Haven has been at war with the Afterdark. A constant back and forth has emerged between the two factions of supernatural beings – with many supernaturals siding with New Haven.

On the side of New Haven there are the: Valkyrie, Werewolves, a select coven of Witches, Fairies (alternatively faeries or fae), and a few covens of Vampires. New Haven is akin to a democratic society with the Valkyrie being peacemakers and rulers. Disputes between Werewolves and Vampires are common but the Valkyries – and occasionally Witches – do their best to keep the peace.

On the side of the Afterdark: Demons, many Vampire covens, a few Witch covens, and horrible little creatures like goblins and trolls. The goblins and the trolls are mostly used as servants. Additionally gargoyles – they only come out at night – and Warlocks have also sided with the Afterdark.

The Afterdark courts chaos and does its best to usurp and get under New Haven’s skin. The feud started in the sixteenth century – early 1500’s – with the death of one of New Haven’s prominent Valkyries, Ilya. Ilya had been a fearsome warrior – alive for centuries – and was one of New Haven’s most protected individuals. With her death, the feud between the two factions became even more fervent. Before Ilya’s death, there had been little disputes over territory and places to hunt but now it was all out war. With her death, New Haven increased their security to protect Ilya’s descendants as of 1650.

A complete list of Ilya’s descendants:

Gianna (daughter): 1498 – 1567

Ruth (granddaughter): 1520 – 1580

Mariana (great-granddaughter): 1560-1600

Elise (great-great granddaughter): 1580-1650

Edith (daughter): 1496 – 1526

It is unknown if Edith had any descendants at all. After Elise, all records of Ilya’s descendants were hard to find or destroyed. There is belief that Edith had children of her own, and that Elise did as well.

I looked up from reading and stared at Grayson. This book seemed like something out of the beginning of a fantasy novel, not real life. What was the point in showing this to me? This just proved that what he was saying sounded too fantastical, not real.

As if he had read my mind Grayson said, “I showed this to you because you requested proof. This is it. This is the only record of Ilya’s descendants and of Valkyries that New Haven has.”

I turned the page and my eyes widened. Drawn on the page was a beautiful woman. Her face was heart-shaped, her eyes big and glimmering like emeralds. She had a cute button nose and high cheekbones and her golden hair gave her an ethereal feeling. Aside from the hair, she looked a lot like I did. There was an uncanny resemblance.

I glanced toward the bottom of the page.


“So what are you trying to say Grayson? That I’m a descendant of Ilya?” I questioned, flinging my hands into the hair. His silence confirmed that that was exactly what he was trying to say. “Oh my God! You cannot be serious! This is like something out of a fantasy novel! And last time I checked this was real life not fantasy!”

“Where do you think a lot of authors get their inspiration?” Grayson questioned. “The lines separating reality and fantasy are often blurred, because what you consider fantasy – like magic and supernatural creatures – actually exist. They’re just much better at hiding.”

“What?” I gasped.

“You’ve been seeing through the Void. That’s what New Haven calls it anyways; the Afterdark may call it something different. That’s why you’ve been seeing the school in ruins and that’s why you’ve been able to see Lucian.” Grayson told me.

I continued to stare at him in disbelief. There was no way that he was telling me the truth. I had to be getting pranked or something because there was no way that what he was saying was actually true. Grayson sighed, and shifted on his feet looking around.

“Then what is real? Is the school destroyed or still intact?” I questioned. I still couldn’t decide whether I should believe him or not but as long as I was considering believing what he was saying, I might as well try to better understand what was going on.

“Both.” Grayson answered as if it was that simple. “Think of it like you think of paintings. There are a lot of different ways that you can interpret paintings, so there are a lot of different ways that you can interpret reality. New Haven and regular humans exist on the same physical plane, but reality is interpreted differently.”

“How is that possible?” I questioned. “And how does that even make sense!?”

Tears sprung to my eyes before starting to roll down my cheeks as I burst into sobs. I was feeling so completely and utterly overwhelmed and confused. I didn’t know what the hell was going on and Grayson wasn’t really helping the matter. Everything that he was saying only succeeded in confusing me even more.

A frown appeared on Grayson’s face as he stared at me. “The Void is what hides our world from their world. Humans do not want to believe that other things can exist – or if they do believe that they can, they don’t want to accept it.”

“I’m not part of your world! I’m human!” I shouted. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks and I wiped at them in frustration.

“You are,” Grayson said quietly with a pained smile, “even if you don’t want to admit it.”

I scowled at him, thoroughly unhappy and on the verge of another breakdown. “Then what are you supposed to be?”

“Vampire.” He answered shortly.

I eyed him doubtfully. He was supposed to be a Vampire? A fearsome creature of the night? Not only was Grayson not deathly pale – like Vampires should be – but he also looked like he couldn’t harm a fly. Sure, Grayson had a fair amount of muscle but it was in his mannerisms that said he didn’t want to hurt anyone.

Yes,” Grayson muttered, “I’m a Vampire.” He looked a little irritated as he stared at me. “I know it might be a little hard to believe but I am a Vampire.”

I continued to eye him doubtfully. I couldn’t believe that I was actually buying into this whole supernatural creatures exist thing and ‘Hey you’re part of their world!’ but I was. Grayson narrowed his purple eyes at me and then opened his mouth, flashing his fangs at me. My eyes widened and my heart thumped erratically in my chest.

Okay…Grayson was a Vampire. Unless those were fake teeth. A growl rumbled in Grayson’s chest and I took a step away from him. Yeah, definitely a Vampire because no humans could do that.

“Believe me now?” Grayson questioned.

“Y-Yeah, I believe you.” I stammered. “How am I involved in all of this? And don’t give me the excuse from yesterday, that it was because I saw the assassins or whatever.”

“It was mentioned earlier.” Grayson said patiently. “But I can understand that you are overwhelmed. Part of it is because you saw the assassins Lucian and Alaric. It is also because you are a descendant of Ilya and you have a lot of potential.” Grayson’s eyes grew somber. “Three months ago, a town of supernaturals who belonged to my faction – New Haven in case you didn’t put that together – were murdered by the Afterdark. We’re at war and Ilya’s descendants are our only hope.”

“You think that I can save all of you?” I asked. “Are you crazy!?”

“Maybe.” Grayson admitted. “But what other choice do we have? Our people are being murdered and the Afterdark has plans to raise a demon on Samhain.”

“Sam-what?” I said.

“Samhain, October 31st, Halloween. Whatever you want to call it.” Grayson grumbled impatiently. “Point is, we need you to stop that from happening and to protect the people of New Haven.”

Geez. No pressure.

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