Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

What the hell was he doing here? I stayed sitting there frozen on my bed. The contrite, apologetic look in his eyes made something stir inside me. But, I couldn’t forget that he had tortured me and had betrayed me. Lucian tapped on the window however I didn’t move.

Finally he sighed, and within a blink he was gone. Then seconds later he was standing in the middle of my room, crossing his arms over his chest. His golden eyes surveyed me, dark with some deep-rooted emotion that I couldn’t identify.

“What do you want Lucian?” I questioned trying to keep my voice from shaking.

“To apologize,” Lucian apologized his voice as soft as silk.

“For what?” I said with a raise of my eyebrows. “For betraying and torturing me? I’m sorry but an apology won’t fix that. Now get out.”

Lucian sighed. He looked away from me and towards the ground. I watched him carefully, my body tense.

“I know apologizing won’t fix that.” Lucian murmured. “But I figured that it would help to mend our relationship.”

“We don’t have a relationship. We never had a relationship and we never will.” I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him. “Now get out.”

Lucian sighed hurt deeply reflected in his eyes. I could only scoff at his attitude. He said he didn’t think that an apology would fix what had happened, but that’s exactly what he thought it would do. With another sigh and a sad look directed at me Lucian vanished.

The second he was gone I was able to relax. I sagged against my bed, my frayed nerves finally getting the better of me. Slowly I succumbed to sleep, dreading what Cassie was going to say when I returned to school tomorrow.

* * * * *

Surprisingly when I did arrive at school and saw Cassie, she didn’t yell at me. She wasn’t even mad. She just wrapped me in a hug, her body shaking as she fought off sobs. I returned the hug slowly, my heart giving a painful tug as I saw for myself how badly she had been affected by my absence.

I squeezed her tightly inhaling her familiar scent of lavender and lemon committing it to memory.

“Where were you?” Cassie gasped. She pulled away from me holding me at arm’s length. “I was freaking out here, Calla! You just disappeared!”

“I know, I’m so sorry.” I apologized, “But I’m back now.”

Cassie sighed. “That’s great and all, but where were you?”

I fell silent not knowing what to say. Should I tell her that I was with Grayson? That wasn’t exactly a lie because it was mostly the truth, but then Cassie would jump to conclusions that she shouldn’t. There was really no right or safe answer.

“Calla?” Cassie pressed.

“I was just really busy,” I answered vaguely.

“Doing what?” She challenged.

I didn’t answer her.

“Oh my God, Calla! I know that you’re hiding stuff from me, and I thought that we didn’t do that. I thought that we told each other everything, remember?” Cassie nearly shrieked in frustration. “But I guess that’s something that we’re starting do now isn’t it? Keeping secrets.”

“Cassie,” I sighed staring at her sadly.

“No it’s fine,” Cassie insisted with a wave of her hand her tone cold. “I’ll see you later Calla unless you plan on disappearing again.”

Then she walked away, her face bright red with anger. I watched her go my heart heavy. Cassie was right we had never lied to each other before. We were best friends and we told each other everything. That was until now.

Now, I was keeping secrets from her. Secrets that if she knew would put her in a lot of danger. But Cassie didn’t know that. No, she just knew that I was keeping secrets from her and that hurt her more than anything. I sighed, resting my forehead against the cool metal of the locker door. The coldness of the metal helped to clear my head a little.

“Everything alright?” A smooth voice asked and I jerked up, taking a few steps back staring with wide-eyes at Lucian. “I’m not going to hurt you Calla,” Lucian murmured.

“Funny I don’t believe you.” I quipped.

“Well you should.” Lucian murmured, getting his books out of his locker. “I never wanted to hurt you Calla, but I didn’t have a choice. I am a Demon, and I have to side with the Demons.”

“Not all Vampires and not all Witches have sided with New Haven,” I argued. “So why do all of the Demons have to side with the Afterdark?”

“You wouldn’t understand,” Lucian muttered. “But I have to. I never wanted to hurt you Calla.”

“But you did, and you apologizing won’t change the fact that you did hurt me,” I said to him.

Before he could say anything else I was walking away, my entire body shaking. Whether it was from anger or fear I couldn’t say. I walked into Mrs. Jordan’s class, my head ducked as fear rolled off of me in waves. The friendliness that she had shown Lucian and the animosity directed towards Grayson made me more wary of her.

I took my seat next to Cassie trepidation flowing through my veins. This class was sure to be an awkward one what with her being upset with me. Mrs. Jordan waltzed into the classroom followed by Grayson with a dark bruise blooming on his jaw, and a smug looking Lucian.

“Welcome to class everyone. We’re going to start a debate on Romeo and Juliet.” Mrs. Jordan said with a beaming smile. “This isn’t going to be a typical debate, it’s going to be a little different. It’s going to more like a class discussion. The question I would like to pose is: Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers. What do you think of the concept of star-crossed lovers? And how do you think the situation between the two families could have been handled better? Let’s start with Cassie.”

“I think the whole concept of star-crossed lovers is cute,” Cassie said with a dreamy smile. “I also think they should have just told their parents and been up-front and honest about it instead of keeping it a secret.”

I bit my lip, completely disagreeing with her. Telling the truth didn’t always make things better in some cases it could make things worse.

“What do you think Lucian?” Mrs. Jordan asked.

I was relieved that she hadn’t asked me but I knew that she would eventually.

“I think telling the truth could have potentially made things worse,” Lucian murmured, running a hand through his golden locks. “The star-crossed lovers concept is sweet but recently isn’t become overrated in pop culture.”

“Calla?” Mrs. Jordan prompted turning to me.

“I agree with Lucian. Telling the truth can sometimes only make things worse. In certain cases the only option you will have is to keep a secret.” I answered. “As for the star-crossed lovers thing, I don’t really have an opinion.”

Mrs. Jordan nodded before turning to a few other students and asking them what their opinions were. I looked around clicking my pen intermittently. My eyes met Lucian’s and I felt my cheeks flush before I looked away from him clenching my jaw.

Geez, Calla you aren’t supposed to be attracted to him anymore or wanting to help him like he’s some kicked puppy. Remember? He tortured you. He doesn’t deserve your help. Or your attention. Ignore him. I reprimanded myself. Besides, I had that amazing kiss with Grayson. After that Lucian should be nothing more than an annoyance. I shouldn’t still want him in my life for whatever bizarre reason.

I sighed, as Cassie broke into the discussion insisting that lying was wrong and that telling the truth was always better. She also added that liars were people who couldn’t be trusted. I knew that this was a dig at me because I was keeping secrets from her. But what other choice did I have?

“I think that star-crossed lovers is dumb, and keeping secrets is also wrong. Unless, you have no other choice but to keep a secret.” Grayson muttered.

That was the end of that discussion. When class ended Cassie shot out of the room, completely ignoring me. Sighing I got up, trudging slowly out of the classroom. Lucian brushed by me while Grayson came to my side, falling in sync with my steps.

“We’ll be training after school today.” Grayson told me in a low voice, “But you won’t be fighting me.”

I looked at him in surprise. “Then who will I be fighting?”

“You’ll see.” He answered mysteriously.

I scowled. I hated surprises.

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