Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Eleven

“About what?” I asked him completely and utterly confused. “There is nothing to talk about Lucian. And as I recall you told me that you didn’t want my help.”

“I don’t.” Lucian insisted stiffly, crossing his arms over his chest as the overhead light flickered on. “But someone else does.”

That piqued my curiosity. Someone needed my help? I was under no illusions – this could quite possibly be a trap – but if Lucian was telling the truth, then I would do whatever I could to help.

“Who?” I asked him, looking at him suspiciously.

“I can’t tell you.” Lucian said evasively. “I don’t know when I’m being watched and when I’m not being watched.”

“Then why are you telling me that someone needs help if you are being watched?” I demanded.

He turned to me his eyes tortured. “Because they told me to.”

Then before I could react – although I’m not sure what I would have done – four or five Demons appeared on either side of me seizing my arms. They yanked my arms behind my back and cackled at me, peering closely at my face and speaking in a strange tongue. Lucian watched with tortured eyes and then looked away just as a tall woman with onyx hair appeared next to him.

She looked at me closely, pursing her blood red lips together into a tight line. She looked to Lucian saying something to him in the language that the other Demons had been speaking. Lucian nodded his head keeping his face turned away from me. A smile curled the woman’s lips and she embraced Lucian, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead.

“You did well child,” she pleased him her voice nearly a purr. “Now, what to do with you. We can’t kill you yet, but we can torture and ooh does that sound fun. What do you think Cian?”

“Whatever you think is best Alani.” Lucian answered.

“Hm…” The woman – Alani – said, cocking her head to the side. “Let’s go.”

Then she disappeared. Lucian stared at me for a few moments before he disappeared, and then the janitor’s closet was gone and I was surrounded by blackness. I felt weightless. Until my feet touched the ground and the world spun on its axis disorienting me.

I staggered, squeezing my eyes shut until I could regain my bearings. The Demons shoved me forward and my eyes popped open. I gazed around the building we were in. I think it was a warehouse. The walls were made of metal and so was the roof. We were in just one big, tall spacious room with various shipping containers scattered around it. It seemed almost like a maze.

We headed between two shipping containers coming into what was the center of the building. Alani and Lucian were already waiting there. A gleeful smile adorned Alani’s face contrasting with the malicious gleam in her eyes. Lucian, on the other hand looked remorseful as he clutched a sword in his hand.

“We’re going to torture you!” Alani announced gleefully, clapping her hands together.

I was shoved forward by some invisible force – probably magic – and forced to sit in the chair. Ropes were wound around my body and I ducked my head, as they were pulled too tight. But I couldn’t disguise my wince.

“Idiots!” Alani reprimanded the Demons who had been binding me. “We aren’t to harm her too much, and the masters will not be pleased if they see marks on her body.”

“And yet you’re going to torture me,” I couldn’t help but quip.

I looked up to see Alani glaring at me fiercely. “Who ever said it would be physical torture, whelp?” She snapped. “Lucian is an expert at manipulating your mind – a rare talent for Demons to have. Extremely rare, actually. The last known Demon to have it was Kasper himself.”

My eyes darted to Lucian fear evident in the depths. He looked apologetic as he stared at me, and I shivered. I watched fearfully as he cut open his palm, drawing a sigil on the ground in his blood. After he was finished drawing the symbol he stared at it for a few moments before pressing his hand down onto it.

Then the warehouse was gone. I looked around wildly confused until I realized that I was trapped within my own mind. There was a flash of light and Lucian appeared before me, but at the same time it wasn’t Lucian. This man was handsome with pale skin, nearly white hair and the same golden eyes as Lucian. Lucian appeared beside the man, watching him.

“This is Kasper,” Lucian said his voice echoing within the black emptiness surrounding us. “My great-great-great-grandfather. He was alive long before Henry was and long before Ilya was, but despite the massive age difference between them he became friends with them. Then he killed them.”

My mouth dropped open. “What?” I gasped staring at Kasper.

He had killed Ilya?

The space around us spun, colors swirling in the air until we were on the center of a battlefield. Chaos was abundant and in front of us I could see Kasper and Ilya in the center of the carnage fighting each other. Ilya’s eyes were filled with tears as she fought Kasper and then he gained the upper hand and with no emotion in his eyes he killed her.

“Why are you showing me this?” I demanded staring at Lucian and determinedly keeping my eyes off of the man near him.

“I’m showing you why we can’t be friends.” Lucian murmured. “They were friends and it ended badly. I don’t want to kill you.”

I was speechless. I didn’t know quite what to say to Lucian or if I did how to say it. It was nice of him to be looking out for me but I could take care of myself, and I had Grayson. Usually.

The background swirled and disappeared and then my vision was filled with sights of blood, gore, and horror. My mouth opened in a silent scream.

* * * * *

I stared sightlessly at the ground in front of me, tears building in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks. Alani, Lucian and the other Demons had long since disappeared taking with them an assortment of weapons and an old tome. I didn’t know how long I was left alone bound to the chair. The door to the warehouse burst open and I lifted my head.

It looked dark outside so I assumed that the moon was out and the sun had long since set. Blood pounded in my ears as footsteps came towards me and frantic voices echoed shrilly. I barely reacted when Grayson and Elysia came into view. Grayson’s eyes lit up upon seeing me and he rushed forward, hurrying to untie the ropes. But before he had even touched them they were dropping to the floor.

Maybe this was another illusion created by Lucian.

“Calla are you okay?” Elysia asked, stepping closer to me and smoothing out her black skirt. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, staring at me worriedly.

I gave a noncommittal shrug, returning my eyes to the ground. Grayson rested a hand comfortingly on my shoulder and I recoiled into the back of the chair nearly causing it to topple over.

“What happened Calla?” Grayson asked after yanking his hand away from me. “Talk to us, we want to help you.”

“Lucian.” Was all I managed to choke out.

“What did he do?” Grayson pressed but I didn’t answer him.

I just started to sob. Elysia stepped towards me, her hands outstretched. She pressed her forefinger and middle finger to the center of my forehead and I dropped into unconsciousness.

When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room. I immediately panicked throwing the blankets off of my body and striding towards where I could hear laughter. I stopped short in the hallway, seeing Grayson, Elysia, and Anais laughing and joking together. A funny feeling settled within my gut and I took a step forward. The boards creaked beneath my feet and Anais’s head whipped towards me, the smile falling off of her face.

Elysia looked towards me a brilliant smile appearing on her face. “You’re awake!” She got up, and I stared at her outfit.

It was a white and blue ensemble – a white shirt that covered her upper body and was split at her stomach, a light aqua skirt and boots of the same color. The material of the top of the shirt was thick and as it near the stomach it became more gauzy.

She noticed me staring and waved her hands airily. “It just comes with being the Witch Exalt. How are you feeling?”

“What did you do to me?” I asked her wrapping my arms around my middle.

Her eyes softened. “I just put you to sleep Calla. I didn’t go poking through your mind I promise.”

I nodded swallowing slowly. Elysia sighed; looking away from me and slowly took a seat next to Grayson once more. He glanced towards me, his eyes guarded.

“Are you okay Calla?” Grayson asked.

“No.” I choked out, fighting back tears.

Then he was getting up and striding towards me. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. Hesitantly I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest.

“I’m sorry I failed you, as your protector.” Grayson muttered his voice bitter. “I’ll do better, though Calla. I promise.”

I didn’t reply, just tightened my arms around his waist. I was enjoying the comfort that he provided me with, and I didn’t want to let this moment go.

I needed this reprieve however short it might be before everything went to hell.

“Calla we have to talk.”

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