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Chapter Afterword

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading this book and for continuing to follow the series! I have loved creating this world and these characters, and I’m far from being done with them. The next book will be following Alora and Reed. I am currently in the process of writing the rough draft of their book. As of now, I am planning on posting the book on April 29th for free. Here’s a tiny unedited snippet from the beginning of book 5:

I closed the front door as fast as possible without making a sound, not that Harmony or Parker would notice with how… they’d been otherwise occupied. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I leaned back against the door. On the front steps, where anyone could walk past them?

I didn’t have long to think about this, not when Reed was coming down the stairs. “Lor?” A frown pulled at his features as his steps slowed when he saw me. “Is everything okay?” As he approached, his gaze searched my face, taking in my red cheeks. This was one of those times when having skin the color of snow was an annoyance and only made things more awkward.

He cocked his head to the side, no doubt hearing the new couple going at it on the front steps. His lips twitched as he fought to hide his smile, and all my focus shot to his lips, wondering how soft they’d feel if I pressed my own against his. My face burned hotter, and I ripped my focus away as he lost his battle with his smile. “Were you wanting to go outside? I can pull an Ari and interrupt them.”

Mortification had my mouth opening and closing as I imagined how embarrassing that whole situation would be. I quickly shook my head, not wanting him to go out there and tell the couple to hold off while the awkward necromancer wanted a few minutes of fresh air. Even if I had somewhere to be, I would still refuse Reed’s offer out of the sheer embarrassment it would bring.

“I think I’ll have something to drink,” I muttered, still able to hear Harmony’s breathy moans. If this had happened with anyone else, I still would’ve been embarrassed, but with Reed it was mortifying.

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