Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance

Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 40

My soon to be mother-in-law left for Asheville this morning, with a promise that she’ll be back within the month. My handsome soon to be husband is dropping her at the airport, before heading to Memorial to round on his patients.

I know it’s the holiday season, but I don’t think the hospital units are full because of an overconsumption of food and drink. I swear it’s to catch a glimpse of Man Candy Stevens. Yes, that is an actual nickname, one I personally approved.

Hey, they can look. They just can’t touch.

We had a beautiful Christmas, surprising considering the loss of my father earlier in the year. But Owen and his mother went above and beyond to make the holiday special for me. It didn’t hurt that we had an engagement and baby to celebrate.

The best part? I was right—Nugget is a little boy.

Owen is beyond excited at the prospect of having a son. He’s bought all manner of baby sporting attire, so the kid will have his choice of jerseys. Yep, that man’s smile at our most recent sonogram was the best one yet, and I know they’ll keep getting brighter.

But now, it’s back to reality, aka Memorial Hospital.

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, clad in only my panties, and realize I’m going to have to buy bigger bras soon. This will make the second time in four months. At the rate I’m going, Dolly Parton and I will have more than a nickname in common.

“Just look at these things,” I mutter, hefting a breast in each hand.

“I plan to do more than that.”

I spin around, catching sight of my man lounging against the doorframe. Looks like his should be illegal. “Did you forget something?”

“Yes.” Owen takes advantage of my half naked state as he rips the underwear from my body, dropping to his knees in front of me. Without ceremony, he hoists one of my legs over his shoulder, as he buries his face between my thighs. His tongue circles my clit, drawing the bud into his mouth, and I buck my hips against him.

I forget about my ever-changing pregnant curves. Not that it’s ever been a turnoff for Owen. Quite the opposite.

All I feel is Owen’s raw and untethered desire, aimed at me. If the man was sexually ravenous before, he’s downright insatiable now.

My hands grip his scalp, pushing his face against me. His low groan of approval serves as an extra layer of friction against my overly sensitized skin. “I love when you forget things.”

“I love how wet you are,” he murmurs as his tongue lashes my clit. It’s the most exquisite agony.

“Totally your fault.”

 My hands skate along my breasts as my fingers twirl over my nipples. Who knew pregnancy would turn me into such a voracious nymphomaniac?

His fingers slide inside me, and now it’s my turn to moan. “I need you.”

Owen shucks his pants, flipping me back to face the sink as he buries himself in me. “Fuck me, Tally.”

“I think that’s my line.”

His hand winds in my hair, pulling me against his chest as he thrusts deep, filling me completely. “You want to play, little girl?”

“Always. Don’t stop, Owen. You feel incredible.”

His grunting response assures me that the feeling is mutual. “You want more? I want to hear you beg for it, Tally.”

God. This man. Sexiest human being on the face of the planet. I’ll beg all damn day. “Make me scream your name.”

His hands curl around my hips as he drives his cock into me, in a relentless pursuit of my passion. He’s so deep. I’m so full. With a cry, I grab the edge of the counter and push my ass back, changing the angle. That’s all it takes to turn my body into a quivering mess.

Owen’s face contorts before he nuzzles the base of my neck, emptying himself into me. “So damn beautiful.”

He palms the curve of my belly, meeting my gaze in the mirror. “This is mine. Every inch of you. Mine.”

As his lips glide along my skin, I make a final decision about my professional future. I know that putting my guys front and center is exactly what I want for my life. The coordinator position seems so unimportant. I’m seeking a new position. “Do you think he’ll be a doctor?”

“I know he will be loved. That’s all that matters.”

I smile, leaning back against his muscled chest, watching Owen tenderly caress my stomach only moments after screwing me senseless.

That’s how it is with us. Together, we’re fire. But underneath that fire is a whole lot of love.

“You’re late,” I remind him, running my hands along his thighs.

“You’re worth it.” He drops another kiss on my shoulder, our gazes meeting in the mirror. “I was thinking…I know you wanted to wait until the summer for the wedding.”

“Your mom wants a big wedding, remember? I don’t want to look like a beached orca for the occasion.”

“I meant what I said the other day. Let’s go to the courthouse—just you and me—and get married. Then, we can have the big wedding that Mom wants next summer.” Before I can respond, his pager sounds. The man is in demand. “You don’t have to answer now, but the sooner I make you Mrs. Stevens, the better. I’ll see you at the hospital?”

I nod, giggling when his pager sounds again. “Do they think if they keep paging you, you’ll get there faster?”

“Apparently.” His lips press to mine as his tongue dances along the seam of my mouth. “I love you.”

“Love you more.”

 “Aren’t you chipper this morning?” Stefani remarks, sending me a wink.

“Life is good,” I respond, grabbing the laptop from my office. “I’m headed to yet another fun-filled meeting.”

“How many of those do you have per day?”

“Seems like a million, but likely closer to a hundred. But this meeting has some sexy as hell eye candy for my viewing pleasure.”

“So unfair, keeping Dr. Stevens all to yourself.” I know the woman is joking. Stefani is thrilled that Owen and I finally worked things out.

“Says the woman who’s doing the horizontal mambo with Dan.”

“I am not.”

“Liar, liar.” Hey, she is lying. I have it on good authority—namely, Dan’s—that he and Stefani are exclusive. Judging by the looks they shoot each other, they’re also in love.

“Hey, Lu, before you go, there was a call for you.”

“Who was it?” I inquire, sucking down the last of my water.

“I don’t know. Some guy. He wanted to speak with you and when I asked who was calling, he hung up. He sounded a bit creepy.”

“Everyone sounds creepy to you. He probably got disconnected. No big deal. He’ll call back. I’ll see you later today.”

I’m so glad that the training center is opening next week. That means I won’t have to see Charlotte’s perfectly sculpted face again. Oh, she’s been pleasant since the celebration dinner, but I can see it in her face that she would like nothing better than to claw my eyes out.

Some people are such sore losers.

Thankfully, Daddy has her on a short leash. Turns out, blood isn’t always thicker than water. Dollar signs trump either, and Mr. Auerback knows that Owen is a top-notch investment.

Even though Charlotte handed the coordinator position to someone else, Owen and Ken have asked me to sit in on some meetings, as a consultant of sorts. I know they feel guilty about the situation, but the meetings aren’t all bad. I have a hell of a good time torturing Charlotte.

Hey, the woman earned it in spades.

I glance at my buzzing phone. Another text from my man.

Owen: Well? Can we get our marriage certificate this week?

I shake my head, chuckling at his persistence. He may have said that I didn’t have to answer him right away, but it’s obvious he’d like one. In the affirmative, preferably.

Me: I love it when you beg.

Owen: That is not an answer, Tally.

Me: Close enough.

I turn the corner; the blood freezing in my veins. There, directly in my path, is Earl.

Now I realize who placed the earlier phone call to my unit, and I’m fairly certain the man doesn’t want to wish me a belated Merry Christmas.

With trembling fingers, I reach into my scrub pocket for my phone, praying that I’ll get a call off to security before he sees me.

Too late.

His head swings in my direction, his eyes narrowing when they catch sight of me. “There you are. I thought you’d be harder to track down, but it turns out your coworkers are more than willing to give you up.”

I step back, my fingers fumbling as my nerves shoot into overdrive “Earl, you’re not supposed to be here. You know the rules.”

“I’m not in the mood to follow rules today. You took my wife and boy from me.”

“No, I didn’t. They left because you mistreated them.”

“Ain’t how I see it. How I see it,” he sneers, moving closer, “is that you took something from me, and now, I’m going to take something from you.”

Screw being nondescript. This man is out of his mind. “I need help here. Code gray, code gray!”

The words have no sooner left my mouth than his hand slides into his coat pocket, and I catch sight of the shiny muzzle of a gun. Time grinds to a halt as I stand, rooted to the spot, my flight mechanism disabled by the incomprehensible truth that this crazy son of a bitch is going to shoot me.

“Tally!” I hear Owen’s voice to my right, but I’m unable to move or even turn my head.

I’m shoved to the ground as the loudest crack I’ve ever heard whips through the air.

For a moment, I’m not sure if I’m dead or alive. My head is ringing, my vision blurred.

With a groan, I push myself to a sitting position and catch sight of the security team tackling Earl. Then my gaze—and heart—drops to Owen on the ground, blood oozing from his chest.

“Oh my God, I need help here!” I scream, pressing my hands against the wound as I try to staunch the flow of blood. “Owen, hang on, baby. Just hang on.”

His breathing turns ragged as the color drains from his face, while I frantically try to control the red life leeching from his body. “Tally…” he mumbles, his face contorted in pain.

“I’m here, Owen. I’m here. You’re going to be okay.”

No sooner have the words left my mouth than I’m surrounded by a team of medical staff, pulling me away from the man I love.

No chance in hell of that happening. As soon as they load Owen onto the stretcher, I push to his side, clutching his hand in mine. He’s so pale, his breathing so shallow.

And the blood. There’s so much blood.

I have to dig deep. “I never answered you. I want to get married, Owen, as soon as we can. I want to be Mrs. Stevens. I don’t want to wait another day. I love you.” I press kisses to his hand and arm, feeling the slightest squeeze in response before I’m pulled back by a nurse.

“Sweetie, they have to get him into surgery. Let’s get you looked at.”

“I’m fine,” I wail, watching the stretcher disappear into the operating suite, while I’m stuck on the other side of the glass. “I need to be with Owen.”

“They’re doing everything they can. You’re pregnant. We have to make certain the baby is okay.”

“But Owen—”

“Would want to know that you and the baby are safe.”

She’s right. As a nurse, I know she’s right. But I’m not a nurse in this moment. I’m a terrified spouse, uncertain of my fiancée’s outcome.

She leads me to a wheelchair, headed for the emergency department. I hate moving away from the operating suite door, but Owen would want me to ensure our baby is okay. I turn in the seat, grasping her hand. “I need to call his mother. Please.”

“Let’s get you to the ED and then I’ll call her.”

I’m not in the emergency bay for two minutes when Dr. Jessop bounds into the area, pulling me against him, seemingly indifferent about the blood now covering his designer shirt. “I just heard.”

“I have to call his mother,” I howl, as the nurse hands me a washbasin and a clean set of scrubs.

“She’s on her way. Mr. Auerback sent a car to fetch her from the airport. Thankfully, she had just boarded.”

“He’s going to be okay, right? He needs to be okay, Ken. I can’t survive without him.”

He grasps my shoulders, his dark eyes solemn. “If any man has a reason to live, it’s Owen. He’s lost a lot of blood, but he’s young and healthy. He’s in excellent hands, Lu. We need to stay positive.”

“I need to pray. I need to go pray.” I repeat my mantra over and over, as I clean Owen’s blood from my body. Part of me hesitates to remove it, as it’s another link to the man I love. The man I pushed away repeatedly. How many nights did I spend alone, instead of wrapped in his arms, because of my stupid rules?

Now, I can’t get that time back.

I’ll tell you one thing, once Owen is well, I’m never letting him out of my sight. 

When I arrive at the chapel, I sink to the floor in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary. I don’t remember the last time I was in a church, or the last time I prayed. But I’m willing to give it everything I’ve got, if God grants Owen another chance.

“I know I haven’t been here in a long time, but I’m not asking for me,” I sob, my body heaving from the strength of my cries. “Owen is such a good man. He saves so many lives. He’s going to be a dad. He deserves to see that; he deserves to meet our son. To hold him and watch him grow. Please don’t take him away.”

“Come on, dear, that’s enough.” Strong arms lift me from the marble floor, and I collapse against the man’s chest as his hands stroke my hair. “Owen’s mother just arrived. She wants to see you. Let’s walk back to the waiting room.”

I pull my head from my rescuer’s chest and gaze into Mr. Auerback’s face, lined with concern. “What are you doing here? How did you know where I was?”

“Charlotte and I were here for the meeting this morning. As for locating you, I know where I went when my wife fell ill.” He regards the statue. “He hears you, even if you don’t sit through mass. I believe God judges our works, and if that’s the case, Owen Stevens is as good a man as they come.”

“I love him so much,” I bawl, wiping the ceaseless stream of tears from my face.

“He loves you. There’s no doubt about that, not after the way he defended you. I know it might not be the right time, but I want to apologize. You became a pawn in my daughter’s game, and I hate that you got hurt.”

Those issues, once insurmountable, now seem so minor. “I don’t care about the job or if I’ll only see him once a year. I just want Owen alive. I promised God that I would do anything to make him happy.”

“Then love him. Come on, let’s get you back.”

I lean against the billionaire as he leads me to the waiting room. My sobs start anew when I see Mrs. Stevens collapsed in a chair, Charlotte at her side. They both stand when I enter the room, and I run to them, gathering them in a hug.

There’s a lot of hurt in this room, but there’s also a lot of love. Maybe, just maybe, that love will be enough to get Owen through this obstacle.

I’m putting a ton of stock in faith because it’s all I have left to bargain.

Charlotte helps me to a chair, and I sit between the two women. Any other time, this would be laughable, wedged between Owen’s mother and his ex-fiancée. But now, it provides a measure of comfort, something in short supply these last hours.

Mr. Auerback hands me a steaming cup of tea. “Decaf, for the baby.”

I mumble my thanks, blowing on the liquid before managing a single sip down my throat. It’s as though I’ve lost every drop of water from my body, all of it cried out in the hopes that God might hear me.

I feel a squeeze, and I gaze down to find Charlotte’s hand wrapped around my fingers. Looking up, I force a smile, but only a cry emerges. “I know you love him, too. You loved him for a long time.”

“I never knew how to love him. But you do, you always have.” She blinks back tears, her gaze focused on the ceiling. “I thought I had dibs, you know? I knew him first. I loved him first. Who were you to come in and take what was mine? I was wrong. He was always yours.”

“He loved you, Charlotte, and part of him will always love you. I’m glad you’re here. We need all the positivity we can muster.”

The surgeon, Dr. Empeso, aka Dr. Sleaze, walks into the waiting area, his eyes scanning the room. When they lock on mine, I pull myself to a standing position, meeting him halfway across the floor. “Hey, Lu.” He nods at the rest of our sad group, before breaking into a smile. “He’s one lucky son-of-a-bitch. It missed his subclavian by half an inch.”

“He’s going to be okay?” The tears are back again as I clutch at Dr. Empreso’s forearms. “Please tell me he’s going to be okay.”

“He’s going to be fine, Lu. They’re moving him to recovery, and you can go in and see him soon.” He sends me a smirk, but this time, there’s only joy in his eyes. “I knew there was something between the two of you.”

I join in the laughter, pointing at my belly. “Little bit.”

He squeezes my hands, offering a chuckle. “Lucky bastard, all around.”

I’ll admit that before that moment, the idea of touching the surgeon repulsed me. But knowing that his technique and experience saved the love of my life, makes Dr. Empreso my new best friend. I throw my arms around him, pulling him into a fierce hug. “Thank you.”

“He’s one of us, Lu. We weren’t letting him get away. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be by later to check on him.”

The weight of the air in the room dissipates as the surgeon exits stage right, leaving our small band to hug and release the breaths we had been collectively holding.

“How long until we can see him?” Mrs. Stevens asks, clutching my hand.

“About thirty minutes. They have to get him settled in his room.”

“Is he on a ventilator?”

“He might be, but only for a short while.” I pull her close, offering her my highest level of nursing comfort. “Your son is going to be okay.”

“Well, since we know that Owen is going to make it, we better be on our way.” Mr. Auerback motions to his daughter, extending his hand toward me. “Welcome aboard, Tallulah. It’s a pleasure.”

I nod, not sure what in the world the man means. “Thank you for earlier.”

“Daddy, I’ll be down in a minute.” Charlotte turns, motioning for me to step away from the group. “Might I have a word?”

I join her in the far corner, my eyes glancing to the waiting room door every few seconds, hoping I’ll see the recovery room nurse appear, letting me know I can see my Owen. “You don’t have to leave. Stay, say hello.”

“I’ll call him in a few days. I wanted to discuss the meeting.”

“Meeting?” She can’t be serious right now.

“The meeting this morning. It was to offer you a new position.”

I wave my hand, my gaze intent on the door. “I don’t care about any position.”

“I know, but it means something to Owen. There’s a national position, overseeing all the accounts. It would allow you to travel and see the world. It also provides a handsome payday, more than triple the coordinator position.”

Say what now?

My gaze returns to Charlotte, my jaw slack with surprise. “Owen knew about this?”

“It was one of his stipulations. He set it up with my father that night.”

“That night?”

“The night Owen proposed, and I threw a tantrum. I apologize. It was such poor form, but I wanted to ruin your moment.”

“You succeeded.”

“I’m a class A bitch.”

“Agreed. But so am I. In another life, we might have been friends.”

She shrugs, a smile on her lips. “Who knows? There might still be hope for us. Take care of him, Tallulah.”

“What was that about?” Mrs. Stevens inquires when I return to her side, nodding at Charlotte’s retreating form.

“They offered me the nationwide coordinator position.” I narrow my eyes at Owen’s mother. “Did you know about this?”

“I might have heard something. Come on, dear, a mother knows. I knew you were pregnant at that dinner, too.”

“Smarty pants. Now I know where your son gets it from.”

“You’ll have quite the life, Tally. You’ll be living the jet set with that job.”

I nod, but the glitter of hobnobbing around the world doesn’t hold any appeal. Not anymore.

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