Forgive Me Father DAVID

Chapter Sex Starved

Sex starved

The following day David was sat in Bishop O’Malley’s office as the Bishop said ″Now then David, what did you want to see me about?″ ″I am leaving the priesthood, I can not remain a priest any longer″ he said hesitating. The Bishop looked confused and asked ″Now David, what is this all about? You are one of the best Priests I have and the church simply cannot afford to lose a priest as good as you. Your church is one of the few where the congregation is actually getting bigger. Now what’s this all about?″ ″I’m in love with Kathleen, my house keeper and we are sleeping together. So I can’t stay″ explained David. The door opened and a very attractive African woman came in with a tray.

She put down on the table and poured two cups of tea, handing one to each of them. She was about to go when the Bishop said ″Rose come here″, she walked over as he took her by the hand pulling her onto his lap. She sat there saying nothing. ″You have never had a black woman David?″ ″No″ he replied. ″My parents sent me to the seminary, the church sent me to Africa. In Africa it is different, the only white man in hundreds of miles. Every day you go out and see young African girls almost naked, as you walk around the villages they look at you like a God, most still practice voodoo and if they are sick they go to the witch Doctor rather than the hospital run by the Nuns. The women and girls line up to offer themselves to you. I lasted 18 months before I gave in and had sex with an 18 year old girl, she was my partner for 3 years until I got transferred 600 miles inland. There, it was even worse - I had one 35 year old sister of mercy to help me.

One day she came to confession and told me she had been gang raped by 5 black men, and ever since she had wanted intercourse with a man. She said she was getting desperate and was thinking of taking a black lover. What could I do? We were both lonely and sex starved, hundreds of miles from anywhere. She became my mistress for the next ten years. I had to go to Nairobi to see the Bishop and whilst I was away a revolt occurred and she was murdered, I was sent back here and promoted to this job. So David, you go back and stay a priest and love your Kathleen″.

David left the Bishop even more confused than when he went in, he expected hell fire and damnation only to find the Bishop was sleeping with his house keeper. When he got home he told Kathleen about his interview with the Bishop. Kathleen just smiled ″Come and have your dinner″ she said as she took him by the hand and led him into the kitchen.

They did not make love that night, she held him in her arms he could feel her firm breasts against his chest as she asked him ″Who was the best out of all of us?.. No don’t answer that″. David pulled her closer to him and kissed her on the forehead as he whispered ″With the others it is just sex for the sake of it, but with you it is an expression of my love for you″. ″Do you really love me?″ she asked ″Of course I fuckin love you. When I’m away from you I want to run back to you, you’re on my mind every waking minute. If I lost you I don’t know what I would do, I feel hungry all the time when you’re not with me, my heart beats faster when I’m coming home, the sheer anticipation of seeing you again. ″Oh Dave I began to love you when you said I could be your house keeper, I was dreading you saying no″. For the rest of the night they slept in each others arms.

Over breakfast they sat and talked about what had happened. Kathleen said as long as he loved her and only her, anyone else he slept with did not matter to her because he had a lot of catching up to do. ″Just please do not love anyone else″.

It was nearly 10:15am when he arrived to see Monica Hamilton, a 40 year old woman who’s child had died and her husband had left her when the child had been born. The husband blamed her for the fact that the child had Downs Syndrome. Monica had explained that Down syndrome (or Trisomy 21) is a naturally occurring chromosomal arrangement that has always been a part of the human condition, being universally present across racial, gender or socioeconomic lines in approximately 1 in 800 live births, although there is considerable variation worldwide. She said that Down syndrome usually causes varying degrees of intellectual and physical disability and associated medical issues.

Father David had conducted the funeral 6 weeks earlier and since then Monica had not been to church, She opened the door to him and walked away as he followed her into her house. She was still in her night dress and her hair looked as though it had not been touched for a week at least. She sat on the settee and he sat next to her. ″Hello Monica, I’ve been worried about you, you’ve not been to mass for weeks, and now I’m here I can see you’re not taking care of yourself″ he said gently. She looked at him her eyes looked dead and he could see she had done a lot of crying. He reached out and picked up her hand, she looked at him said ″Oh father″ and leaned into him as he put his other arm around her shoulder and held her tightly as she started to cry. After a while he sat her up ″Now Monica I’ll make us a hot drink and then you can get dressed. I’ll buy you dinner. You look as though you’ve not eaten in a month″. He found the kettle and put in on, made the tea and took it into the living room. Monica initiated the conversation about her baby son, ″I visit him every three days″ she said, a tear trickling down her face. ″Mick and I sometimes go to the cemetery together. I understand why he left, he couldn’t cope with losing our son and I forgive him″. They talked for over an hour and Monica seemed more settled, ″I have enjoyed your visit today Father, you are a good man and I need you″. She didn’t feel like going out for dinner, she would make a sandwich later on. David stood up, ″I have to get back to the church″ he said, so Monica walked him to the door where she put her arms around his neck and pulling herself up kissed him tenderly on the cheek. With that she opened the door and he was on his way back to the church.

Kathleen was at home doing the washing up in the kitchen when David got home later that evening. He walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist as she turned her head to kiss him. ″Where have you been today? I came to the church to see if you needed any help″ she asked. ″Oh I went to visit Monica, the lady who lost her baby″. ″Really why?″ she asked, a bit of jealousy in her voice. David explained how Monica had not been to church for 6 weeks which wasn’t like her″. ″No, well her husband walking out like that really hurt her then little Kyle dying... If ever a woman needed some love and sex it’s her. So did she get any love and sex″ Kathleen asked expecting him to say yes. ″She got no love, all my love is for you, and she got no sex either. I sat and chatted with her, made her a cup of tea and offered to buy her lunch. She looks really rough″ ″I love you Dave, you did her a kindness. She needs that to get back to normal. Now let go of me and start drying″.

Later that evening, David made some popcorn. Sometimes making dinner is too complicated or takes too long. He didn’t feel like cooking dinner he wanted to treat Kathleen to a romantic evening and decided to get a fire going and cuddle up together on a blanket by the fire, feeding each other popcorn and watch a romantic comedy movie and simply enjoy being in each other’s presence.

David had a 9am appointment the following morning with the bishop so had to rush his breakfast before kissing her goodbye. He had not been gone 10 minutes when the bell rang, Kathleen answered the door to find Monica standing there. Monica looked at Kathleen’s revealing nightdress and said ″Is Father in?″, Kathleen said no, and that he was at a meeting with the Bishop ″Won’t you come in?″ Kathleen asked, Monica walked in and Kathleen closed the door. ″What can I do for you?″. Monica looked at her ″That’s a very revealing nightdress, I think you’re more than a house keeper″. Kathleen looked at her ″Rubbish″ she said trying to deny the accusation. Monica pushed past her and ran upstairs to find only one bedroom was in use. Kathleen told Monica to get out of her house, Monica laughed and said ″Or what? You’ll call the police? Then your little secret will be out won’t it″. Kathleen reached out a hand and grabbed Monica’s blouse, hitting her in the face knocking her backwards. Her blouse ripped off her exposing a bright red bra, her tits and one nipple had popped out as the blouse tore off her. Monica grabbed her nightgown, ripping it right down the back. As it slipped off her arms it revealed her naked body, Kathleen threw herself at Monica, both pulling each others hair.

As Monica tried to get away Kathleen grabbed her and caught the bra snapping the hook freeing Monica’s breasts. Now they was on the floor, Kathleen on top of Monica, holding her arms above her head, Monica’s tits right in front of her eyes. She put her head down to bite them ″Oh yes I love it, bite it again″ demanded Monica. Kathleen realised Monica was sexually aroused by the fight and once she realised that she was also turned on. Instead of biting, she kissed and sucked her breast and nipples . Monica stopped struggling ″Oh keep going that’s so nice″ she whimpered. Kathleen let go of her arms and sat up on her, Monica reached out and played with hers. Kathleen slid up her body until she was sitting over her face, as Monica licked her clit and her cunt until she was coming over and over. Afterwards, Kathleen found Monica a jumper to wear, her blouse and bra had been too badly damaged.

They went to the kitchen and sat down with a glass of wine. Monica said ″The way I see this, we both want him, you live with him that’s fine but he comes and screws me when I want″. Kathleen agreed ″Within reason″ she said ″He does have to work″. ″OK, I enjoyed today it was different... If I feel like it again you can come to my place, no need to tell him″ hinted Monica. Kathleen doubted that that would happen. ″This was my first lesbian experience I enjoyed it″ disclosed Monica, ″Mine too but it’s going to be my last″. ″What even if your refusal results in my telling the world about our David?″ Monica said with a threatening tone. ″It’s time you left″ Kathleen said as she opened the door for Monica to leave.

David came home at 4pm, Kathleen told him what had happened and about the threat. ″Kathleen what would you like to do?″ ″I don’t know, I don’t want a repeat with her but if she tells, well, you will be out of a job″ she replied, ″On the other hand we could then get married but you might not want that. After all, you get all the sex I can give and you have 3 other ladies in tow. You might not want to lose that″ exclaimed Kathleen, not really sure how to answer. David pondered over her reply ″What would you rather I did?″ ″I really don’t know″, her tone of voice heightening. ″I only know I love you totally and will do whatever will keep you safe″. ″Even having sex with Monica at her demand?″ he said, ″I don’t want to do that but yes if there’s no other way″ Kathleen replied. Her head was starting to spin, a sense of panic rising throughout her body. ″I’m not like you darling I want you entirely to myself, you won’t have to do it ever again″ David tried to reassure her.

That Sunday, the church was full to overflowing as usual David entered the church in an ordinary suit and tie, with him came another Priest ready to conduct the Mass. David walked to the alter and picked up the microphone, blew into it to make sure it was working then taking a deep breath he said, ″I have a confession to make, I have fallen by the way of your priest. You all know Kathleen, my housekeeper, stand up Kathleen″. Kathleen stood up looking confused, she had no idea what he was going to do.

Ladies and Gentlemen, over the years I have been your priest. I have come to know and love you all and a lot of you have become personal friends, but a priest takes a vow of celibacy, a vow I can no longer hold. I have done some thing forbidden to a priest but which is welcomed by all of society. I have fallen totally and deeply in love with Kathleen, and almighty God has seen fit to let her fall in love with me. I can no longer remain your priest when all I want to do is to ask Kathleen if she will do me the great honour of becoming my wife as soon as I have resigned from the church. You deserve a better priest than I can ever be without Kathleen by my side. Kathleen will you marry me?″

Kathleen stood up straight, put her head in the air, walked to the alter and said ″I thought you would never ask, but yes, of course I will″ as she took his hand and they stood there together in a room full of people stunned into silence. Francis, the oldest member of the congregation at 89 stood up and in a very clear voice she said ″Father and Kathleen, my eyes are older than every one else’s here and your announcement has come as no surprise to me. You only have to see how you look at one another to know you’re in love, this stupid celibacy rule has nothing to do with God. So let me be the first to congratulate you and as far as I am concerned you are a priest and wife or not, you will always be a priest. Now go and be happy with my blessing″. As they walked out of the church together the congregation followed them out. In the church yard the women came and kissed them on the cheek and the men shook David’s hand and wished him well.

Once they were back home with the door shut, Kathleen looked at him and said ″You’re stark raving mad, what will you do now?″ ″Marry you of course but first I need to see the Bishop. Do you want to come with or wait here?″ he replied with a matter of urgency in his voice. ″I’ll come if only to see that Rose does not convince you she is a better bet″ she joked. An hour later Rose let them in and as the door closed behind them she said that the Bishop already knew about the relationship. ″OK, can you tell him I’m here?″ said David. ″Of course, come with me″ and she led him to a door which she opened and went to walk in. She took Kathleen by the arm and stopped her ″Let’s get a cup of tea, leave them alone″ and as the door closed she continued ″It’ll be alright, don’t worry″. Once in the kitchen they sat at the table and Rose reached over taking Kathleen’s hand ″I wish my man had the balls yours has″. ″Yes well, my man needs a job now″.

David walked in and the Bishop indicated a chair. ″Well David, what are we going to do with you? Maybe I should send you to Africa as a missionary″. ″I won’t go″ he answered. ″That’s what I thought so it’s plan B then″. The Bishop had already worked out a solution. ″What’s that?″ ″David I could accept your resignation but if I do the church loses a good man, I don’t want that″. ″You have no say in it I’m resigning″ David responded with a little bit of anger in his voice. ″David you know the church of England has had problems over the appointing of women priests and a few have come to us as priests, some of those are married. They are not allowed to hold a church but they are being used as priests working in the prisons and hospitals″ exclaimed the Bishop, tying to hint to David that he does not need to resign. ″What are you saying?″ ″I am saying if you marry I will recommend to the Archbishop that we appoint you to the prison or hospital service, how would you feel about that?″ he explained.

Finally, the penny dropped, ″I would remain a priest?″ he said. ″Yes″. ″So I would retain my living?″ David asked. ″Yes″. ″OK and in the mean time?″. ″You remain where you are it will take a few weeks to organise so if you want to take that job go back to your parish and carry on as before. Oh and organise your wedding I am happy to officiate if you would like me too″ the bishop offered with a wink. ″Thank you I need to talk to Kathleen so I will go now, good bye″. Out side he took her hand and they drove home to discuss the future.

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