Forever With The CEO: Chapter 9
I was in a daze for the next few days. Even though Nick and I had agreed to move forward with our outlandish idea, I felt stuck. But on Tuesday morning, I found the courage and emailed Jim’s parents. It took me well over half an hour to draft it, and I ended up deleting half of it. In the end, my email was short and sweet.
Hi. I’ve been so busy, as you can imagine, so I didn’t have time to reply to your previous email. I think we should discuss it. By the way, I have news. I just got engaged.
That was it. I didn’t want to give them any details. They’d ask later for sure, but for now, this would do.
I pressed Send before I could waste even more time drafting the email. It was going to be a shit show anyway.
Afterward, I stared at the screen for a few seconds, then decided to inform Nick that I’d officially told someone.
Allison: I did it. I told Jim’s parents that I’m engaged.
Nick: That’s great. It’ll all work out. You’ll see.
His positivity was endearing. I didn’t share it yet, but I was grateful that at least one of us was taking this in stride.
I started to reply to him, but before I managed to type anything, my inbox pinged.
Holy shit. Jim’s parents had already responded.
What do you mean, engaged? We never even knew you had a boyfriend. We’re coming to Boston this weekend and want to meet him.
As the words sank in, breathing became a bit more difficult. I put a hand on my chest, trying to calm down. I was used to a high-pressure environment. In fact, I thrived on it. It was one of the reasons why I’d chosen finance. But this was something else entirely.
You’re a damn CFO, Allison. You’ve managed situations of crisis. You can deal with Jim’s parents coming for a weekend to meet your so-called fiancé.
What had I been thinking? This was a terrible idea. I didn’t even know if Nick had time on the weekend. Maybe he already had plans.
I was just about to tell them that they couldn’t expect everyone to change their schedule according to their whims but then paused, remembering what Hugo told us. It was better not to fight. I decided to double-check with Nick first.
Allison: They already replied that they want to come this weekend to meet you. Are you available? I’ll tell them to fuck off otherwise.
Typing that felt fantastic.
Nick: I’ll make time. Don’t worry.
Just like that? This man was something else.
Nick: Just let me know when and where and I’ll be there.
It was starting to sink in that this was real. I tried to figure how it would work out. Nick would be introducing himself as my fiancé, and then what? I’d probably have to explain how it happened in the first place.
I was already starting to get overwhelmed, but I was determined not to lose my nerve, so I emailed them back.
Sure. We’ll set something up. Maybe a lunch or dinner. Next time, I would appreciate a little bit of a heads-up if you plan a visit to Boston. It’s a stroke of luck that we’re available this weekend.
There. That didn’t sound too bad.
After sending it, I finally focused on work. I’d signed the NDA last week, and Derek had sent me all the prep files to look over. Usually, I wouldn’t even hesitate and would tell him I was ready to sink my teeth into this. But right now I had a lot to consider, such as how much extra time this would take and if the remuneration was fair. Derek still hadn’t said anything in regard to that.
At lunch, my mind slid right back to Bob and Sophie’s visit. Nick and I had to figure out some details, so I texted him again.
Allison: We need to talk before the weekend. They’ll want to know details.
Nick: We’ll find a plausible story. But I don’t have time to meet up this week in person, sorry. I’m traveling, visiting possible new locations.
I pouted. What? I’m not going to see him this week?
Jesus, Allison. Where’d that come from? Of course the man is busy.
Nick: But we can talk on the phone.
Allison: Deal. Let’s do that. I want us to be prepared by the weekend.
Nick: Then call me after the twins go to bed.
Allison: I’ll probably call this evening at 8:30.
Nick: It’s a date.
My pulse sped up, and my mouth was suddenly dry, as were my lips.
Allison, that’s just a figure of speech.
I had to get myself under control because things were only going to get more difficult from now on. I couldn’t heat up every time he touched me or looked at me in a way I assumed was flirty. Because until now, he hadn’t actually flirted with me. I was certain it was all in my head.
I breezed through the rest of my activities for the day, energized, knowing that I was going to talk to Nick tonight. Date or not, just knowing that I was going to hear his voice made me feel better.
Unfortunately, later that evening, it took longer than usual to get the twins to bed. I ended up not calling Nick until nine o’clock, settling into my favorite corner of the couch as my phone rang.
“Good evening,” Nick answered.
“Sorry I’m late.”
“Don’t worry.” I heard the clatter of cutlery in the background.
“Are you eating now?”
“Yes. I ordered room service.”
I frowned. “Nick, I feel guilty now. You didn’t go out to eat because we’d planned this call.”
“Nah. Whenever I’m traveling, I prefer room service in the evenings.”
“Are you sure you want to do this tonight?”
“Yes. I already have a few ideas.”
“Do tell, because I’m a numbers person. My imagination is limited.” We both laughed at that, but he’d soon find out how true that was.
“We’ll tell them that we met a few times over the years at Jim and Nora’s various events, like barbeques and such. We don’t need to go into too much detail. They just have to understand that we knew each other from before the funeral.”
“That sounds good.”
“And then… well, forgive me for being so crass, but I think this will shock them into not asking too many details. I can say that when we started to hang out more after that, I couldn’t resist making a move on you because you’re so damn hot.”
I laughed. “That isn’t crass.”
“That’s the toned-down version. The original one was ‘you’re so hot that I kept fantasizing about taking you to bed the first time I came to your house,’ but I think that’s too much information.”
My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. That sounded almost real. Like it hadn’t been made up. My entire body was burning. I swallowed hard, regaining my wits slowly.
“Too much for elderly ears for sure.”
He chuckled. “Thought so. We can say that we started spending more time together. I kept coming to the house, one thing led to another, and we now know that we can’t live without each other.”
“That sounds surprisingly simple. And you’ve known the kids for a while, so it’s not as though you’re some strange man coming into their home.”
“Exactly. I don’t think we need to complicate it more than that.”
“The simpler our story, the easier it is to remember. Should we decide on…?” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.
“What?” Nick inquired.
I hoped he would get the hint, but clearly he didn’t. “You know, D-day.”
“I didn’t think about that.”
“And about what kind of ceremony we want.”
“Fuck, I didn’t think about that at all.”
“I can work out some details. I’m guessing both of us would want to just get it over with at city hall, right?”
“What an enthusiastic way to put it,” Nick teased.
I sighed. “I’m sorry. I know that sounded very terse.”
“No, I’m joking. Yeah, city hall sounds good. Are you going to tell your parents?”
“Of course. I can’t keep something like this from them. Do you want to keep it from yours? I couldn’t imagine that working out.”
“Nah, there are no secrets in my family. And as I said, they’ll be supportive. Allison, don’t fret about city hall right now. It depends when they have free slots. For now, it’s all about meeting Bob and Sophie, right?”
“That’s right. I always like to think two steps ahead, but I should start to accept that that’s not really possible here.”
“That’s my girl.”
I liked the sound of that so much. My girl.
“I’m sure I’ll make a mistake or two, but this is not about having the perfect story,” he continued. “Even if it were real, enough people would question why we’re hurrying. Let’s roll with the punches.”
“I’m trying. God, I’m tense.”
“The same spot as last time?”
“Pity I’m not there to relieve the pressure.”
I swallowed hard.
“But soon I will be.” His tone was teasing but also sinful. I pressed my thighs together as heat flooded my body. I was a goner.
“I’m going to take a hot bath. That usually relaxes all of my tense points.”
“That’s right, you like hot baths.”
“Why do you say it like that?” I asked.
“I figure that knowing some things about you won’t hurt.”
“Oh, right. You think that’ll come up in conversation?”
“No, but see, for me to actually come up with stories, it helps if I have something to base them on.”
“Makes sense.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to enjoy your dinner. I’m going to relax.”
“When are you back?” I asked as I got up from the couch.
“Thursday night. We could meet up Friday if you want, so we can prepare a bit more.”
“Actually, I think they want to meet Friday evening.”
“It’s going to be all good,” he assured me.
“You’re awfully sure of yourself.”
“I told you, it’s the way I go through life.”
“Usually, I’m not this uncertain and nervous. Even though I’ve done deals with hundreds of millions of dollars involved.”
“This is different, Allison,” Nick said quietly. “It’s about the kids. Different stakes are at hand.”
“But don’t worry. We’ll be very convincing as a couple in front of Bob and Sophie.”
His tone had changed slightly, and goose bumps broke out on my skin.
What exactly did Nick have in mind?