Chapter The Black Queen

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Since Chavias had heard Radix leaving in Danbury’s coach he’d been fingering the iron key tucked under his cot. Wrapped in Calisto’s cloak.

Perhaps I’m wrong.

Perhaps she doesn’t deserve to die, as I’d thought.

Have I gotten so dark that I seek vengeance where it’s not needed? But then he remembered overhearing Radix telling Deiti to stay close to the caves. Because soon he’d be sending her after a Winter Dread.


Breathtaking Sabine who dances in snowflakes and invites danger into her bed. A wondrously gorgeous creature innocent of all evil in this world.

Deiti wanted to hunt her down and steal her powers until she was seared from the inside out.

A dead, hollow, shell.

I’m not letting that happen. Strangely that was when he heard her sing song voice humming as she came up from the dungeons.

Probably watching other creatures be tortured. He’d seen her go down there on occasion. Seeming amused by the torment of more vulnerable beings.

She’s never been down there when I was. But he didn’t deceive himself into pretending it was because she had feeling for him. She’s likely worried about being tainted by the amount of blood Okine expels.

Too much mess for her.

Deiti prided herself on being appealing. Immaculate.

She walked to the bars of Chavias’ cell. Pushing against the bars she stuck her face between two. “Perhaps if you were nicer, Chavias. I’d give you another taste of all this.” She gestured down her body at the peach colored dress which seemed a bit too small for her curves. Cinched around her waist but barely containing her hips and breasts. Red ringlets were piled atop her head with a few wisping strands dangling around her face. She clutched the top of her bodice and pulled it down to expose her flesh to his view.

But when Chavias looked at her now he felt nothing but contempt. Unable to resist envisioning the flawless beauty of his winter woman. He turned his head away, disgusted by her behavior. Filthy wench. He was ashamed to know he’d succumbed to being with her on many an occasion.

Uck. What was I thinking?

Deiti pulled her dress back into place with a harsh laugh. “Not today huh?” She taunted. “You’re a whipped dog. So afraid of looking without permission.” She cackled. “Well I don’t fear him.” She smiled as she sauntered away. Heading for Radix’s chambers.

To await his return.

How did I ever think her lovely?

She’d washed him away into some idiotic delusion, but Sabine’s mere presence had drawn him back.

Back toward things I believed in. Back to pieces of me. He thought sadly.

Sabine doesn’t deserve to be contaminated by any of our darkness. Chavias fisted the cold iron key. Feeling the grooves of it biting into his palm.

He strode to his cell and stuck an arm through, wrapping it around toward the lock, and inserting the key to give it a grating turn. It groaned open and he aimed straight for Radix’s chamber.

Feeling a swell of victory at taking her from Radix. The way he’s taken countless things from me.

He quietly lifted one of the hooks off the wall just inside the entry to the narrow room. He was almost to Deiti before she sensed him.

Glancing over her shoulder she saw him. Twirling to face him, her eyes flashed red. But as she opened her mouth to scream, Chavias swung the hook. Angling it so it pierced her veins on one side of her neck, punctured her windpipe. Stealing her words from her. He pushed it through and out the other side of her neck. Sending it through yet another set of veins. Splattering blood on the stone wall.

She patted her neck. One hand topping the other in a desperately repeated motion. Frantically trying to stop the blood draining from her.

Too late.

She slumped down the wall. Holding her neck with one hand and reaching for him with the other.

“You’re too late. I’ll not help you.” He whispered. “You’re less then nothing. Slime under his boot…And now mine. Goodbye Deiti.” He strode back to his cell. Ripping the hook through his abdomen and dragging it down his chest until it was littered with wounds.

He barely felt the pain. Numb in his current state. Once finished he wiped the hook with her dress so it wouldn’t smell of her blood. Then rehung it. Striding back to his cell just as he heard sounds of a heavy carriage rolling above.

He’s back.

Not soon enough. Chavias hid dark glee as he pulled the cell quietly closed and lay on his cot. Wrapping his arms around himself and drawing up his knees as he often did after Okine had long hours of torturing him.

But he listened.

Hearing Radix coming down into the caves. Entering his chamber and realizing what was on the floor. Bleeding all over his personal rooms.

“No!” Radix shrieked in a note that could’ve shattered Grier glass.

You’re welcome.

How does it feel to wonder if our boy can get to you…Even here? And for the first time Chavias felt a swell of something in these caves. He knew that sense…That smell. Though he’d never witnessed it coming from Radix before. He recognized it instantly for what it was.


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