Chapter SEBASTIAN - Guilt Can Be a Demon

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier country


Mardichi and Sebastian were both pleasantly intoxicated.

They’d turned into animals and stumbled the distance back to WaterRose. Travelling the miles until they’d grown too weary to retain animal form. Having to stop by a tavern in Grier for Mardichi to get another cask of ale to tide him over the rest of their journey.

They now broke the clearing. Arms draping each other as they staggered from one side to the next.

When close enough, Bast’s gaze focused on the meadow. “Don’t look up.”

“Tha’ her magic me feel?”


“Powerful li’l lass. I hadn’t realized she was so strong.”

“Don’t underestimate her.” Bast warned.

“Is she watchin’ us then?”


“Okay. Keep walking steadily then. I’ve found women don’t generally welcome drunkard men home.”

“I am walking steadily!”

“I know.” Mardichi belched. “Just keep it up, so ’tis not apparent I’m not.”

From the view of the tower window slit, it was debatable whether the two men were even heading for the castle. Their path veered from one side then the other.

Twice Bast stumbled and the barbarian had to lift him off his feet to right him.

Groaning she shook her head and turned from the window. Climbing back into bed.

“Is she still there?” Mardichi whispered.

“I don’t think so. I no longer feel her eyes.”

“I think we pulled it off, My Friend.” Mardichi announced. Pausing their trek to take a dram from the cask before plugging the lid back into place.

“I think you’re over-confident.” Bast looked up at the window. Sensing her disappointment as if it were tangible.

Only then did he recall her abhorrence for the smell of drink on a man. Afterall that was how her husband returned to their house before he hurt her.

Her disappointment was almost more painful.

It means she’d come to trust me to some small measure.

I’ve come home drunk before. The little voice in him defended.

But never this bad. He admitted. A rumbling belch working from his belly.

“Drink this. It’ll settle ye gut.” Mardichi offered the cask.

Despite his certainty that wasn’t going to be the effect it had, Bast snatched the drink and attempted to drown his guilt. But he spit the ale as fast as it hit his tongue. “It tastes like horse piss.”

Mardichi laughed, pointing out, “I’m saddened ye’d know tha’.”

“I am presuming.” Bast said dryly.

“I enjoy it.” Mardichi shrugged before taking another long drink. “The Vikin’ alway’ says the same.”

“And they call me the crazed one.”

“Ye, me jus’ the barbarian.” Laughing together they crossed the groaning drawbridge. Loitering in the bailey to sit against the inner wall. Concealed in the shadows between the lit torches to finish the cask together. Passing it back and forth and talking of lighter things until Mardichi mentioned it was time he return to the inn.

“If me no’ there when Norris rouses ta wake me in the morn, ’e’ll fret like an Old Crone then nag like ‘un.” Mardichi groaned shaking his head. “Me’ve no desire ta be subjected ta tha’ misery.”

Bast slapped his shoulder. “You’re lucky to have such a friend.”

“He’s compensated well.” Mardichi grumbled.

Referring to Deragan’s coin in return for Norris acting as Mardichi’s conscience.

“He’s been your friend many years and you now know as well as I that it’s just a formality for him to take the Captain’s coin. He’d be at your side either way.”

Mardichi grunted. “Ye dunno how the man eats…” Chuckling softly, he toyed with the empty cask.

“Will you ever surrender the drink?” Bast pointed.

“Will ye release yer valkyrie?”

Bast sighed and his head fell back against the hard stone wall. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Because of whom she may kill.” Mardichi nodded understanding.

“Nay. Because it might kill me.”

Mardichi drew a long breath and gave Bast a sideways look. “So, despite tha’ she’s saved yer sorry arse, ye inten’ ta keep ’er chained then?”

Bast tilted his head grudgingly.

“I’m uncertain if ye’re a coward or the bravest man me know.” Mardichi gave a mocking laugh.

At Bast’s extended silence, Mardichi said, “Then come. Let’s face yer demon.” Rising he offered Bast a hand.

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