Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - What Happens When You Cross Me

Blue Lark Guild, Dread Hideout


Savage had predatorily been watching ColdKill all eve.

His black hair was peppered at his forehead and near his ears. Echoed in his bushy gray brows and the sparse patch of whiskers on his chin.

He looks like a weasel. But of course, Savage knew he was. Savage had long suspected ColdKill was disloyal to the Guild. Only faithful to himself.

And Savage had thrown down a gauntlet for the man when he’d boasted in the Rum Runnel about his intent to thieve Danbury’s coaches. Knowing ColdKill would skitter to Danbury.

And I knew Danbury would run straight to Radix to save him.

Savage still considered ColdKill running to report Savage’s movements as lack of loyalty. Which needs rewarded with killing. Despite his dark thoughts, as was characteristic for him, he was casually leaning on the corner of the counter. Nonchalantly assessing the room.

But Dimurah was onto him.

Circling like a vulture. Repeatedly filling his tankard. Trying to keep me busy while she maintains a careful eye on me.

She cast him deep blue-eyed looks. Wary.

In typical fashion he cut straight through the hints and warning looks, catching her arm as she rounded the counter. “You don’t want me to kill him?”

“I never want you to kill anyone!”

“I need to kill him. He’s a traitor who could’ve gotten many of my men killed.”

And me.

She licked her bottom lip and drew it in to bite it.

His eyes narrowed slightly on the movement. Momentarily distracted.

“Don’t kill him.”

“Persuade me not to.” Ice blue eyes levelled at her.

She huffed and stomped off.

What’s she mad about now? His blonde brows knitted slightly as he watched her back. Clearly even she has no idea why he shouldn’t be killed. No argument to provide.

He noted the faint sway of her hips beneath the oversized cloak. Which couldn’t possibly be less flattering.

When she returned he caught her again. Leaning off the counter to stand over her. Tilting to whisper near her ear. “How long do you plan to use my every crime as a wall betwixt us?”

“Eternally.” She hissed up at him.

His gaze roved her agitated face. Unable to resist he dropped a quick kiss to her cheek.

She twisted her head away and stalked back behind the bar.

Annoyance made his jaw twitch as he watched her. “That’s the way it is to be then?”

She tossed him a quick look. Jerking her head to one side in assent.

“Fine.” He stomped across Winter Haven to stand perilously close to where ColdKill leaned against the pillar laughing as he jested with one of the benched tables. Unmoving until the table quieted, and all eyes alighted on him.

At length, ColdKill slowly turned. Tankard in hand. “Ah, you’re still alive! I heard you were ambushed.”

“You heard wrong. An ambush implies you didn’t know it was coming.”

ColdKill flinched before regaining his composure. “It’s good you’d gotten word.”

“I didn’t get word.”

After a pregnant pause, ColdKill was forced to ask. “Then how’d you know?”

“I assumed you were a traitorous little prick that would run to Danbury the moment you overheard me announcing my plan.”

“But I-I-”

“You did exactly as I knew you would. Because you are, precisely, what I thought you were. Solid yellow down your back.”

“Now, see here, Savage Jack!” His affront overcoming his previous fear. “I’m no coward.”

“Aren’t you?” Savage tilted his head. Face expressionless. His cutting gaze unblinking as he looked down his nose. Jaw ticking. The quiet in the room grew deafening. And others around started to shift in discomfort.

“No!” ColdKill shook his head, taking a tentative step back.

“Ah. Then you’re merely perfidious. A disloyal Dread bait.”

“I’m not!” He grunted through gritted teeth. Flushing in rage. And when he yanked his sword breaker, a short spiked hammer, from the loop strung from his belt Savage was ready. He ripped it loose at the same time ColdKill lifted it. Using the man’s own momentum to wrench it from his fist.

In the same movement, Savage stuck it in the side of ColdKill’s cheek where he knew softer tissue was.

Sword breakers are meant to catch and twist. Not as much for piercing.

But with three dual blades it was easy to change its angle and sink it into tender skin above Cold Kill’s collar. Then while the wiry assassin was stunned from that, Savage stuck the tip into ColdKill’s gut. Forcing it in and up.

To ensure it’d hit something meaningful.

ColdKill mustered enough strength to punch him in the jaw.

Savage’s head whipped back and he grabbed the other man’s throat with his spare hand. Backing him against the pillar to hold him in place while Savage violently thrust the pointed tip into his abdomen at different angles.

The man grunted each time. Managing to draw a small dagger and thrust it into Savage’s bare shoulder. Burying it to the hilt. But lost his grip on it as Savage jerked his arm from ColdKill’s reach to keep him from using the blade again.

It didn’t slow Savage down despite ColdKill’s surprising strength in trying to fight him off. He knows it’s over now. I’ve done too much damage already.

“You can’t cross Savage Jack.” Savage growled as he inserted the tip a couple more times. Watching life seep from ColdKill’s eyes.

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