Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - Nauvree Dares Confront Me

Blue Lark Guild, Dread Hideout


Savage was sitting in Winter Haven. Watching Adrea scramble behind the counter. Floundering to keep up with the demands for drinks. There was a new blonde working aside her, he noted. Neither is as prompt or levelheaded as Dimurah.

And the Assassins in the alehouse were getting loud.

Outside there was an argument escalating from Undermarket. But Savage was mesmerized at the counter, leaning on his usual spot and sliding a tankard back and forth between his two palms.

Adrea shot him a pleading look. Probably hoping I don’t leave.

I’m not much in the mood for conversation. So he wasn’t certain of any other reason why she’d want him to stay just now.

“What is wrong with you?” A man took the high seat next to him. Turning intent green-blue eyes on him.

Savage shot the Nauvree an impassive glance.

“Redbayne told me he took her out of here. I didn’t expect to see you in such bad state over it.” Nauvree confessed. Brows lifting.

Savage gave him a derisive look. You’ve no idea what you’re talking about.

“Perhaps not a topic you wish to discuss.”

The tankard scraped as Savage resumed sliding it.

“I know you hate when we ask about your business.”

“Then don’t do it.” Savage cautioned tonelessly.

“My curiosity insists I do.”

I haven’t the patience for this tonight.

“A curious assassin is usually soon a dead one.”

“True.” Nauvree frowned. “Still…”

Clearly he’s not going to go away.

“What do you wish to know, Friend?”

Let’s speed this up so I can go back to being alone.

And missing Dimurah…

“The Nightway goods.”

“Yea. I’ve been taking them. I never agreed to give you a stake in them.”

I hadn’t thought you greedy.

“I never asked.” Nauvree countered. “I just pondered what you’re doing with them?”

“No business of yours.”

“No, it’s not. But, as I said, I’m curious. Are you giving it to the peasants?”

Not your affair. Savage tossed him a quick look. Blue eyes vicious and upper lip twisted in a silent snarl.

He shifted against the counter to face Nauvree. “What precisely is this about?”

“Are you giving them away?”

“What of it?” Savage tipped his head up to stare down his nose threateningly.

Don’t push me. I’m looking for a fight.

“Why do you do it?”

Why so many bloody questions!

“Your brother does.” Seeing Nauvree wasn’t challenging him, he twisted back to the bar. “And you go with him.”

“How do you know that!” He was startled.

Savage was quiet. Lifting the tankard for the drink.

“Because you seem to know every bloody thing in these lands.” Nauvree answered his own question. “But why do you do it?”

Because I wish to.

“You’re asking a lot of questions.” His tone turned dark as he hissed through clenched teeth.

“You’re in a poor mood.” Nauvree stated. “Because the Barter Queen has been missing since she escaped Sanctuary Island?”


I haven’t seen her since the day we dropped her off. And I lost track of her after I was told there was a sighting of her in Sourthern Vale. She’d made it across the landbridge.

A bit of ground impossible to find because of the heavy fog.

“Mardichi mentioned he hadn’t had a chance to get word to you he found her. So, I came. If you indulge my curiosity, I’ll tell you where to find her.”

Savage unfolded and faced Nauvree. Eyes flashing in annoyance. You know where she is? And you’ve been sitting her wasting my time?

It was clear Nauvree sensed his mistake. He leaned back. Look turning wary. “I’ll tell you. Just tell me why.”

Pushing your luck.

“I have too many goods here. No need for more.”

Partially true.

“Pure practicality then?”

Savage’s jaw ticked as he waited. Tell me quickly or I’ll cut your eyes out for your games.

“She’s with a friend of mine. She’s been staying in his house.”

Whose house? A man?

“In a man’s house?” Savage’s tone turned brutal.

“He won’t touch her!” Nauvree put up his hands in surrender. “I know him well.”

“Take me to her.”

Nauvree gave a single nod. “I figured you’d want to see her. I know she’s been wanting to see you.”

For a mere micro-second, Savage felt his mask slip. Revealing deep vulnerability.

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