Chapter My Gift

“Don’t say that!” Dimurah cried. Cradling Thomas’ head as she laid him down on the floor. Trying to find a way to help. “Jax! Jax! Please help. Help me!” She shook with hysteria.

Wildling watched it all with excitement lighting his features.

Calm down Savage. He willed himself. Feeling rage vibrating through him. This man’s actions were not defiance. I know what he’s after.

Savage rounded Thomas’ head. Crouched and quickly jerked his head. Snapping the boy’s neck and killing him instantly.

Dimurah shrieked. Covering her mouth with a shaking hand. As she looked across the body at Savage. Betrayal written in her blue eyes. The luster in them dark with emotion.

Savage’s sent a sideways glance at Phalanx who stood in his usual place along the side wall. Near the pillar by the door.

Get her out of here.

Catching Savage’s look, Phalanx walked quickly over and caught Dimurah’s shoulders. Pulling her backward while she made hysterical noises. Pained blue eyes riveted on the body of the dead man.

“Why’d you kill the boy?” Savage stood. Crowding Wildling near the table.

But, to his credit, Wildling didn’t back up. Though everyone could feel the waves of raw rage rolling off Savage.

“He was in my way.”

“Let’s not pretend I possess an inferior intellect, shall we?” Savage tilted his head at the muscled brown-haired man. “The only thing he’d be in the way of, is getting to her.” Savage pointed to where Dimurah was squeaking across the room. Covering her face as she sobbed. “And no one is getting to her.”

Wildling met Savage’s look. Taking a challenging stance with his legs apart. Crossing thick arms over his chest.

He thinks otherwise.

He thinks wrong. Savage took another step closer. Pushing his chest against Wildling’s.

Though the other man was far thicker. Savage was taller and wound with wiry muscle. Flexible, quick and utterly without hesitation or fear.

“So, let’s just shorten up this little visit of yours. You’re here for me.” Savage hissed. “Your mission is to get her or hurt her to disturb me. Then while I’m distraught to end me. Is it not?”

The sudden startled expression on Wildling’s face revealed the truth of Savage’s words.

“Either run home and tell King Ocnomad he can come kill his son himself. Or let’s get to it.”

“Your shoulder.” An assassin pointed as Savage’s skin seamed together over the wound. Overlapping the blood inside and then sealing over it. “How-Savage-You just-”

“How did you do that?” Wildling was unsettled.

“I can do a lot more.” Savage confided. Cracking his neck ominously.

Wildling glared at him a moment, face jerking, before striding from Winter Haven on thudding boots.

“You’re just going to let him go?” Dimurah cried. Lunging against Phalanx’s strong arms as she shouted at Savage.

Savage skid a blue-eyed gaze at her over his shoulder. There’ll be no consoling her. He knew. Patience woman.

Have a mite bit of faith in me. But he knew that’d be damn near impossible for her.

The next afternoon, Dimurah entered Winter Haven slowly. Walking in the back door, she strode to the front to open it for Markus. Her face still puffy from crying all night. Her hands shook. And just before she flipped the lock on the door she sniffled and rubbed them across her face to hide that she’d been crying.

As the door swung open and Markus stepped in the foyer, his brows shot up and jaw gaped. He stood frozen.

“What?” She rounded to follow their gaze to the high wooden chandelier. Shocked to see the severed head of Wildling perched where one of the candles should be. Facing the doorway.

“Savage Jack.” Dimurah said.

“Yea?” He queried from where he sat in the dark of the back booth. Feet propped on a chair he’d drug next to the table. He was leaned back in the booth with his fingers interlinked over his flat middle.

“How’d you get in here?” Markus asked quickly.

In the roof flap I built and down through the rafters. He shrugged.

“You did this?” Dimurah asked.

Giving her a blank stare, he nodded slowly.

Markus shifted behind her.

My stillness alarming him. As it does most people.

“Why?” She whispered.

Because it’s the vengeance you needed.

“Because he disrespected me in my Guild. It’s a warning to others.”

Her eyes narrowed and he knew she was aware it wasn’t the real reason.

You know me too well. His gaze fell to his thumbs twiddling on his stomach.

“What are you doing here?” It was a soft question.

“Waiting for some Dream Duster.”

You’re damn atrocious tea.

The hint of a smile eased the corner of her lips. She gave a slight nod and headed for the counter.

Dear God, now I’m going to have to actually drink it. He groaned inwardly. Twisting to sit up to the table.

Markus hesitantly stepped to the other side of the alehouse to watch him warily.

Watch away. Savage couldn’t have cared less. Dimurah was going to join him for some much-needed conversation and some ease to the tension between them.

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