Chapter My Character is Skewed?

“What’s that mean?” Anna frowned at her.

That I’m a villain.

“From what I’ve seen the last fortnight his character is as skewed as they say. Likely as lacking in morals as the pirate he portrays.”

Portrays? You have no idea. A slow dark smirk turned his lips.

“Apparently you’re not the only one who’s recognized him.” Ann tapped her shoulder in rapid concession. “Oh, no. She will not!”

Who won’t? His gaze went to where they were looking. Brandie Worthington approached him quickly, dividing the crowd. Her stride that of a feline beneath her clinging dress.

Oh, dreadful. His shoulders slumped and he couldn’t keep his head from falling backward in dismay.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Mera edging close enough to hear what Brandie would say.

But before she could utter a word, Anna Valentine materialized between Brandie and Lucien.

He jerked in shock as the little redhead suddenly stood before him.

“My Lord.”

“Widow Valentine.” He returned with a respectful nod.

“As hostess of this masque, I demand your first dance.” Anna’s tone brooked no argument.

Thank God.

“It’d be my pleasure.” He gave a conceding tilt of his head but he was meeting the long brown stare of Miss Carter as he uttered the words. Gaze averting to Widow Valentine as she scooped his elbow to lead him from the hornet’s nest. Much to his amusement.

Lucien watched as Valentine plastered on her most sultry look. All shining eyes, downcast lashes, and pouting lips. He’d watched them long enough to know it was a sure sign Valentine would say something outrageously scandalous. Even now, she peered up at him from beneath demurely lowered lids.

What do you have to say?

“My Lord Lucien, if you think a dance would be pleasurable…” She ran a small pale hand down his vest. “There’d be no limit to the ecstasy I could…indulge you in.” She quirked an inviting brow. Gaze flicking back to the willowy brunette.

If only she’d offer so sweetly…I wouldn’t hesitate.

The ladies surrounding gave hushed gasps and appalled glowers.

Boldness to silence them. Well done. He gave Valentine on admiring look. Despite himself, his lips quirked.

No wonder Meralee favors her.

An outraged murmur arose when he reached the dance floor with Valentine, despite the fury of the women around them. Mainly that of Brandie Worthington.

Meralee eyed them.

Thinking it likely I’ll be “indulging” Valentine throughout the night.

How mistaken she is. Valentine isn’t the one I wish to indulge. He felt his eyes drawn back to Miss Carter, time and time again.

Meralee flipped open her fan to hide her smile at her friend’s shameless behavior.

She’s amused by her friend’s outlandish approach. Of course she would be…

“Don’t you dare laugh!” Brandie Worthington stepped next to Meralee.

I’m surprised anyone is brazen with the Viper.

“What is it you want Brandie?” She asked without sparing her a glance. Derision blatant in her voice.

Lucien caught the venom in her tone. Aware Brandie Worthington rarely spoke to Widow Valentine and had even less contact with Meralee.

“Keep her in check. If she keeps interfering in my affairs it could prove…painful. You know how protective my brother is…” Brandie gestured to Anna who offered them a secretive smile over Lucien’s bicep as he turned her in a waltz.

“Would he?” Mera drawled. “I thought you didn’t even live with them because Lord Worthington is skeptical, you’re a Worthington atall.”

Brandie gasped in appall. Pursuing the previous subject. “Her father would roll in his grave if he’d heard that performance…As would her late husband.”

“It’s been two years.” Meralee quirked a haughty brow. “And if I remember correct, you kept her former husband rolling plenty.”

Brandie scowled. Green eyes narrowing. “You’re positively vicious.”

She is at that. A smile was turning his lips despite his best efforts to keep his eyes from wandering back to Meralee again.

“Keep testing me Brandie. My fondness for you has not grown.” She said.

A fair warning.

“And why would you defend Valentine?” Brandie tossed a hand toward her. “You two never got on well in the past. You were usually impatient with her.”

“Yet more patient then with you.” Mera finally turned her head to give Brandie a disdainful look down her nose. “She diverts my attention from annoyances such as you and how your louse of a brother pursues my friend.”

“It sounds as though you two have grown quite close since Nora’s absence from the community.” Brandie said with a giggle.

Because she knows her brother drove the girl out.

“Due to your brother’s underhanded cowardice.” Mera lifted her gold skirt and turned to fully face the other woman.

Who reflexively took a tentative step back.

Retreating would be wise. Lucien noted with a quick flick of his eyes.

“My brother is quite charming.” She hissed. “Ask any of them.” She gestured to the crowd of ladies glaring down Anna as she danced with Lord Lucien.

“Why? They’re as clever as you…”

Not a compliment.

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