Chapter How I Make My Coin

Aboard the FireStar, Landingtown Docks, Igonox

The following day dawned a mite too early for Sebastian. Though his head wasn’t pounding it certainly felt like a boulder on his shoulders. He was groggy. And in dire need of some water. A voice pulsed into his brain.

“Bast!” His brother, unfortunately was standing over him shouting his name.

Dreadful. Too damn early. He blinked blearily at the piece of parchment still rolled in his hand. Marked with the flowing ‘SJ’. As they all are…He groaned.

Instantly regretting the longing for water, when his brother sloshed a mug in his face. Making him lurch to a sitting position at the cool onslaught. Chilly enough even he felt it.

Blinking blearily, he realized he’d fallen asleep on the deck of the FireStar. Back resting along the starboard sidewall until a moment ago. When my kindly twin decided to douse me.

He tossed up a forearm to shield his eyes from the rising morning sun. Far too damn bright!

“You said to meet you here at dawn with enough carriages for the deliveries!” Alazareth stepped back with a scowl.

That was before I drank myself into oblivion.

“Good to see your smiling face in the morning. So happy to see you’ve healed well.”

“So here I am, and you’re snoozing away! No sense of responsibility!”

Bast heard steps and glanced over to see Boy diligently cinching ropes around the main mast. Snickering. Enjoy it, Boy.

“Is it necessary to be so surly, so early?” Bast scowled as he climbed to his feet dizzily.

“Is it necessary to consume so much drink?” Alazar countered meeting his brother’s filthy look.

“Well, yes.” He said dryly. “If I want to check on my investments.”

“If ye’d seen the maid servin’ ye’d understan’!” Boy called from atop the mast now. Checking those lines.

Don’t bother defending me, Boy.

“Is that why you were out so late?” Alazar’s voice rose. Accusation written over him.

“She wan’ed ‘im out much la’er! She wan’ed to see quite alo’ more of ’im!”

But she didn’t. Bast tossed Boy a silencing look. Not helping.

“Oh, did she!” Alazar’s voice was nearly shrill making Bast’s head feel even heavier. “Good that it’s duty before buxom women! What of your Sweet Valkyrie at home?”

No need for your chiding. I did no wrong. Bast groaned.

“All smiles in that corner, no doubt…” He said dryly.

“Cease your shrieking, Brother. I’m up. Ready to load crates and deliver!”

“About damn time!”

He makes me miss the raving of my valkyrie. Her shrieks are less shrill. He glared at his brother from under hooded eyes. Bast straightened and gave a prolonged whistle and two loud whoops. The sound that woke his men on every level of the FireStar.

They scrambled awake and spilled onto the deck in a line. Arms linked behind their backs as Bast barked his orders.

Alazar quiet behind him.

For once.

In no time, Sebastian had ensured the three carriages were laden with goods from the Isle. Tasty morsels, woven wool gowns for winter, simple leather shoes, and enough casks of wine to supply each family one.

Enough to prepare all commoners for the coming Winter.

As they were readied the horses, Boy strode up next to Bast. “Why do we do this every year? Shouldn’t their Kings and Queens be providing for them?”

“But they don’t.” Bast said simply. Staring forward and watching the youngest lad in their troupe tossing reins and hooking the lacings. “Would that there was a great King or Queen good enough to ensure the poor were fed as well as the fine lords. When that day comes I’ll no longer do what I do…”

“That day will never come.”

“Then we shall continue to be busy.”

“Where do you get the coin for all this, Bast?” Boy asked under his breath.

“I have more coin then I know what to do with. I have many endeavors throughout Ardae.”

“How’d you manage that?”

“Time and devotion.”

“What endeavors?”

Bast cast Boy a long glance. “Where is the one place all men go?”


“Aye. And why do you suppose it is we supply all these alehouses with no competition for our wares?”

Boy’s eyes widened. “Cause ye own ’em?” He gasped. “All of ’em?”

“Think on it.” Bast shrugged. Looking forward dully again. “I give you much coin. I give many men much coin. But where does it all end up?”

“Back in the alehouses…soon as we dock.”

“My coin is returned…Over and over again.”

“Ye clever bastar’!” Boy shook his head bemusedly.

“Why you think I’m always drinking in them?” Bast chuckled. “See how they’re ran, what employees are doing, how my tavern keepers are faring, if their prices are reasonable…How clean are the facilities…”

Boy stared at him wide-eyed shaking his head. “Clever bastar’…

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