Chapter DERAGAN - Checking On Acharius & Artifacts

Merwood, Dread Hideout


After ensuring she was okay, Deragan made his way to the Dread Hideout to meet with Acharius and verify the artifacts were safe. As he entered the woods he was assailed by the smell of moist wood and moss. No stink of Cimmerii. Radix’s minions haven’t been here recently.

He entered the cave and as he neared Acharius’ chambers he heard the deep breaths of a sleeping couple. Not one man.

There’s a woman with him? Knowing the depths of Acharius’ loneliness in recent years, Deragan had no desire to ruin his moment. He eased back from the arching cave chamber. Veering further down the main passageway until finding the disguised little door. Peeling it open to examine the artifacts within reassured him. Blowing a relieved breath he turned and put his back against the stone wall.

Deragan took a moment to relax. Palming his forehead. Cursing his foolishness, he tipped his head back and could barely feel the chill of the stone. Thinking back to Nora’s carriage wreck. It was my fault. I scared her. He saw in his mind’s eye that carriage careening off the road because she’d glimpsed him. Felt the bile climbing his throat as it had then and the terrified pounding in his heart. The heat waves that threatened to force his transition before he could get from view of the road.

Deragan could admit that in truth he’d come here seeking some of Acharius’ calm wisdom. Hoping he’d have some consoling to offer.

Teeth gritted, Deragan shoved raven hair from his forehead. Knocking his head against the wall in frustration.She followed me. And a Targue almost got her.

Had it not been for Sebastian. Releasing a heavy breath, he forced himself to relax. A new sound made him launch to his feet and head for the cave entrance.

He could hear the quiet movements in the leaves. Faint enough mortal ears would’ve missed it. Stepping from the dark depths into the sunlight, he saw nothing at first. Small movement in-front of the bushes revealed a barely discernible outline. Elves.

Carefully dressed to camouflage into their background they were nearly invisible.

“Why are you here?” Deragan eyed the tallest.

“Marcus Teverius. Of your Forever Knight pack.” Feminine and broken the voice drifted from far away.

She’s used to a different plane. Most elves communicated in a higher pitch. Using more energy than true words.

“Who are you?”

“Bronwyn. And these are my daughters. My girls wished to come to man’s land. Teverius said you’d look after us.” Stepping from the overgrowth her voice cleared as she finished adjusting it.

I know he’s been looking over the Netherland Elves.

He thought I might wish their help looking over my Fallen. Ever-clever Teverius. Deragan noted. Realizing the wisdom in that.

“Let me look at you.”

And make sure you’re not Cimmerii tainted. Deragan knew it was rare Radix could get his claws into the fey. They were simpler creatures who generally did not crave more than they possessed. Making them hard for Radix to manipulate.

She stepped into view. Moving from the trees. Her features becoming more discernible. She was harsh-faced, slender but commanding.

“You’re Fey Force?” He asked. Noting the twining marks on her bow. “Yes, I guarded our liege the last few years but when I requested to go, he sent me to you.”

Did she just say Teverius is their Liege? It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Fey did not crown based on birth. They crowned based on strength. Teverius is a warrior.

Deragan was impressed and vaguely annoyed he didn’t know this.

Bronwyn waved her arm. Summoning two other figures from the trees. Their shapes shimmered until fully visible.

Two daughters.

Both beautiful. One dark as pitch and the other equally fair. All with telltale white complexions from living underground and inside trees.

“Teverius was right to send you. I could use the help and would appreciate some friendly faces.” Offering them a smile gave the young blonde enough courage to step shyly forward.

“I’m Lily.” She held out a fist. “When we were leaving, I found a stowaway in my things.” Fingers unfurling, she revealed a yellow orb. Inside the light a petite woman stared up at them with wide eyes. Little bigger than half a pencil she crouched in Lily’s palm.

“Netherland Fey?” He kept his hands back. Knowing how viciously they could bite.

She seemed unafraid.

Unwilling to fly away.

“Yes. But she doesn’t bite. She begged to come.”

The fairy’s dark ringlets bounced as she nodded a microscopic head vigorously.

“There’s always a place amongst Forever Knights for those that want it.” Deragan offered his hand to Bronwyn. “I’ll need you to protect her.”

“We will.” She hesitantly accepted his grip. Their hands touched, and vines streamed down her shoulders and over her arms to encircle his wrist.

Elven pact. He recognized.

“We serve you in exchange for sanctuary. As long as we have that we are bound.” Bronwyn lowered her head in respect.

Retreating from his forearm the vines returned up Bronwyn’s shoulder and vanished into her painstakingly constructed garb.

“Done.” Deragan held his hand out for the fairy.

As she moved trustingly into his hand, he closed his fingers. Shadowing her light from a world that would wish to harm her. Still watching his fingers with a tense look. But to his surprise, she didn’t bite.

As Lily had said.

As they backed into the shrubbery, the leaves and vines of their disguise made them translucent enough to disappear against the bark and brush.

Gone as quietly as they’d come.

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