Chapter ALAZAR - Radix in Nightway

Nightway Castle, Nightway


Riaura was unsettled by the sound of the horrible voice in the Dining Hall as she entered Nightway. Hearing the rasping notes, she stopped dead in the foyer. Stiffening and moving further into the shadows along the stairs.

“I need it.” The queen announced.

“For how long?”

“Long enough to find him!”

“Follow her.” Radix cackled. “Charles says she always knows where he is.”

Riaura peered around the doorframe and saw the man in the gray robes catching Marod’s hand. Stroking eerily long, dirtied, fingers over the queen’s palm.

Her head fell back, and she moaned in pleasure.

Riaura pulled back from the sight and retreated to her room. Once there she commenced pacing. Wrapping her arms about her torso.

Marod stalked up the stairs and tossed Riaura’s chamber door open. “You little wretch!” She raged. Heading for a stunned Riaura. Before the princess could react.

Marod slapped her soundly. Following with a strike from her other hand. She continued the assault. Alternating slapping hands as she released years of suppressed rage. Years she’d feared the wolf…

The onslaught lasted only minutes, ending with Marod clenching Riaura’s throat while the smaller girl gasped for air. Marod was animalistic in her attack. Shrieking like a banshee.

When Riaura was finally able to throw her off, she fled out of the house at a run. Heading straight for Alazareth.

Not seeing Marod walking purposefully out the doors behind her. Eyes vivid orange. Only their black outline containing them. Focused on Riaura’s back as she paid close attention to where the girl aimed.

Riaura was a tirade of emotion. Flying into Alazareth’s arms.

He heard her whimpering and stepped into her path. Stunned when she hit him like a sack of rocks. Arms wrapping his lower back as she clung to him. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked, alarmed. Pushing her back by her arms, to get look at her as tears streamed down her face.

Rouge from her lips was smeared partway up one cheek.

Alazar reached out tenderly and smudged it off with his thumb. “What happened?” He asked slowly.

“I don’t know!” She cried. “I didn’t do anything. I swear I didn’t! We didn’t even speak this morning. She attacked me. She was so angry! I-I…” She trailed off. Curling against his chest and sniffling into his tunic.


“Yes.” She cried soulfully against his chest.

He stroked her hair and held her. Letting her cry. His teeth were gritted and a muscle in his jaw ticked methodically. Poisoning her wasn’t enough. I should’ve slaughtered her.

“Calm down, Sweetheart. You’re safe now.”

“I don’t-why? Why’d she do it?”

“Because sometimes people are filled with hate, Riaura. There’s nothing you’ve done and nothing you could’ve done better. ’Tis not your fault. You may turn it about in your mind all you wish but it won’t make any more sense for all your hours of pondering it.”

She looked at him so devastated his only thought was to ease her pain. To banish that look from her beautiful face.

“I’ve a gift for you.”

One a longtime coming. He’d considered giving it to her many times over the years but had wanted to ensure she’d be mature enough to know when to use it.

She gave him a questioning look.

“Stay right here. I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t leave me!”

For the merest second, Ri.

“Only a moment.” He swore. “And straight back to you.”

“To me?”

Of course.

“I vow it.”

She watched him leave.

He glanced back at her and met her bright green eyes. Giving her a long look. Right back.

He ducked behind the big tree and pulled the heavy sack from under it. Drawing out a bit of gleaming metal and seeing the morning light catching the green stones on the hilt. He returned to stand before her.

Riaura had taken to a pile of leaves. Strewing them beneath her like a nest. Her face propped on a soft, mossy log as she waited for his return. Her gaze locked on where he’d left. When she saw him returning with the blade she lurched to a sitting position. Wide eyes moving from the sword to his face and back. Blatant distrust was written over her. And it cut him to the core.

“Why would you look at me like that?” He asked, frowning. “I’d never hurt you.”

“I-I” She averted her eyes. “I’m unsure anymore who will or won’t hurt me.”

Well, I wouldn’t.

“I never have and never will. Come.” He sat down near the log and patted it.

She tentatively laid back down.

“This is Paladinian steel. The strongest there is. Its enchantment allows it to be light so even those exceptionally small can learn to wield it expertly.” From the hilt he tugged off two pieces of leather. Reaching out he caught one of her hands and slid it over it. Pulling the lacings until it fit her. “These will help prevent you being cut as you learn to use it.”

She lay there limply as he did the same with the other one.

He realized he wasn’t even certain she’d blinked. She looked hollow. Staring at him as though afraid to look away. “What is it?”

“Sometimes I think you’re the only thing that keeps me together. Like without you here to run to, I’d just float away and never come back.”

“You think I ground you?”

It’d be one of the few things I’ve done right in my life, if so.

She nodded sadly.

“Well, if so, I’m honored.” He gave her a sensitive smile. “That’d likely be the key most important thing I’ve ever done in my life...Afterall, ’tis no easy feat to hold a future queen together.”

“And pray tell, how long has that life been?” She asked dully.

Never one to miss an opportunity to probe. It made him smile faintly. Knowing she was distracted from her misery by her curiosity.

Always curious.

“A long time, Ri.” He cinched the laces a bit roughly to indicate he was displeased with the subject.

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