Chapter ACHARIUS - A Dark Intervention to Save Her

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Fear of what Cimmerii would do to Chastain had kept Acharius away all this time. Nearly killing me.

Meandering the woods had quickly worn thin.

Chastain was doing her chores almost viciously.

He could hear dishes clattering. Hear the scraping of her scrubbing counters. Hear her familiar stomping up and down the stairs. She’s upset. She has a right to be.

I made love to her and then vanished.

Like the worst sort of cad. He swallowed. Guilt washing over him. What was I thinking? Why did I do it? It sickened him that he’d dismissed the honor he’d so cherished, so easily for pleasures of the flesh.

That’s not true. He admitted. She was much more than that.

Karina visited but Chastain spoke little. Letting her friend chat.

Acharius wandered close enough to hear her voice. But left ungratified.

Her bare responses were nearly inaudible even to his ears. Her usual cheerful voice sounding terribly downcast.

Enhancing his guilt.

I’m no good for her. He told himself.

Being around me could get her killed. He wandered back to stand over the lake yet again.

“Are you out there somewhere Calisto?” He called. Wishing he could talk to her. For many years she’d sufficed as all of their consult with any issue regarding her wisdom.

I’m in dire need of a woman’s wisdom just now.

“Don’t give up on us. We’re all looking for you.” He reassured. Feeling his chest tightening.

And for Raese.

Chastain made her way through the trees. Doggedly searching for Acharius. Nearly leaping from her skin when a man stepped into her path.

“Not tonight.” He stated harshly. “Go back. You aren’t safe.”

She lifted her candle high to view his face. Candlelight fell over the shining black hair pulled back from his face. Well-cut facial hair shadowed around his mouth and a knife edge jaw. His eyes were impossibly black under a thick gray hood. No matter how high she lifted her candle it wouldn’t illuminate under that hood to give her any clearer view.

Much the same way Acharius was able to remain in darkness no matter the light surrounded him.

“Who are you?” She asked fearfully. “Are-are you one of them?”

He stared at her impassively. “I used to be.”

“I don’t know you. But…You’re helping him, aren’t you?” She shifted to look around. “He’s there, isn’t he? I will speak to him.” She stormed, shoving past him.

“You did know me once…”

“I don’t.” Her words were nearly crushing.

“Please.” He shouted after her.

She hadn’t seen his shadowed eyes fill with concern as she walked on.

“Stay away.” He called after her. “He’s trying to protect you!”

But it was clear she wouldn’t be swayed.

Chastain found the cave barren. Closing her eyes, she sighed and hung her head. “Where else could you be?”

She’s thinking about Bast?

Why Bast? Acharius attuned his thoughts. She thinks he’d have no reason to deceive her.

She returned to Meredith House on dragging feet and striding up to her chamber forlornly. Swinging the door open, she met his blue gaze. Drawing a quick breath at the sight of him sitting in the chair near the fireplace.

“You’ve never been here. In my chamber.”

The chair creaked as he shifted his weight. No, I haven’t. But I’ve sat outside. So close, I could see the colors of the firelight dancing on the garden.

She composed herself while his eyes fell to his hands.

When they lifted back to her, they were set with determination. I’ve stayed away long enough.

She choked down the lump in her throat. “You knew I was looking for you.”

I could feel you out there.

“I knew you wouldn’t relent until you found me.”

“I won’t tell you how I knew.” She stated, determination jutting her chin.

Knowing I’d ask.


“You don’t have to.” There was amusement in his voice. He knew I’d know it was him.

She rushed to him.

He stood and opened his arms welcomingly to catch her warm weight against him. Holding her and dipping his face to kiss the top of her head. Minutes ticked by. When Acharius released his grip, she whimpered in complaint. As though a great warmth had been stolen from her.

“I don’t know what to say.” She whispered.

“I know.”

“Am I wrong to feel the things I do?” She peered from under lower lids.

“No.” His face was strained in pain.

“Is it wrong that I want to touch you, be near you, all the time?”

Acharius caught her by the elbows and pulled her close.

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